#hold the moon

 [NEWS] FTISLAND’s 8th original album, Planet Bonds to be released on April 11! Releasing the album  [NEWS] FTISLAND’s 8th original album, Planet Bonds to be released on April 11! Releasing the album  [NEWS] FTISLAND’s 8th original album, Planet Bonds to be released on April 11! Releasing the album  [NEWS] FTISLAND’s 8th original album, Planet Bonds to be released on April 11! Releasing the album

[NEWS] FTISLAND’s 8th original album, Planet Bonds to be released on April 11! Releasing the album jacket photos that express the members’ unwavering unity, friendship, and determination! Vocal Hongki’s pet dog, Monggeul is also making her first appearance!

FTISLAND who celebrated their 10th anniversary in Korea in 2007 are releasing their album jacket and latest pictures of their 8th original album, Planet Bonds, that will be released on April 11!!!

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