#holding hands and hugging



As much as I love The Owl House for its lgbtq rep on the big screen coming from Disney, I feel like Ducktales 17 should really get the credit first for its rep! I mean literally they started it!

- Dt17 started in 2017, TOH started in 2020

- Violet canonically has two dads

- LP is canonically Bi

- Penumbra is canonically a Lesbian

- People who worked on the show drew art of Della and Penumbra together

- Gyro is labeled as a chicken but DOESNT have features that other roosters in the show has, and his outfit from the flashbacks from Astro BOYD can probably show he is transcoded!

-Similar stuff with Violet! In real life, Violet Saberwings are only Male but in the show, she is a Violet Saberwing, hence her name and a female! She is also transcoded according to me bc I make the rules!

- Boyd was given the opportunity to chose his identity and his own proper name at the end of his episode, and he took it! and that in itself is rep!

- Lena got to choose her own identity and was still discovering herself in season 2&3

- Thanks to @bardicinspiration-blog for mentioning this! Webby is Scrooge’s clone but they are different genders! However with May and June being Webby’s clones, they are both female! Which means that either Scrooge or Webby are trans!



Okay, so, I’m all for giving credit where credit is due, especially when it comes to LGBTQIA+ rep but DuckTales doesn’t actually have all this representation. At least canonically.

A majority of what you described here as “DT having queer rep” are headcanons and not intentional coding on par of the writers.

The only REAL rep DuckTales has are Violet’s dads (which I wanna remind ppl that Frank himself said don’t praise us for the bare minimum) and Penny being lesbian.

That’s it.

The show has no other canonical LGBTQIA+ rep in its cast.

Launchpad is a weird case bc as much as the show and the writers hint that he’s bi or pan, they never straight up confirm that in canon explicitly. So that one is mainly up for interpretation.

People on the staff drawing Dellumbra art doesn’t automatically equal Dellumbra being canon in the show because the show itself never showed that.

Gyro’s design wasn’t intentionally trans-coded, that’s just how Disney designs most of their chicken characters regardless of their gender. The flashback design of him is meant to reference his OG design from the 1987 series, so again not real trans-coding or representation.

Real Violet Sabrewings being male IRL while the character is female isn’t real coding either because the show never alludes or hints that Violet was AMAB at all. It’s moreso the crew didn’t think about the regular gender the bird has and just had fun with a female character bc of the name.

Boyd is one I can actually semi-agree with, as his story can be one that resonates with queer people but whether that was intentional or not I can’t say. If it was, then this counts as canon rep. If it wasn’t then it doesn’t.

Lena’s story is more about an abuse victim breaking away from their abuser and starting a new, happier, and healthier life with a better family. While her identity comes into play about whether she’s her own person or just Magica’s shadow, that’s not really LGBTQIA+ rep? It’s just a coming of age narrative that you see in most shows.

The Scrooge and Webby thing is a mess to analyze with what the show gives us and how the twist is presented. But just because Webby and Scrooge are different genders that doesn’t automatically mean one of them is trans. We’re shown how they both were as babies and as kids and we see Scrooge was shown to be AMAB and Webby was show to be AFAB (or creation I guess). So its hard to say if it’s actual trans-rep when everything else surrounding it contradicts that idea.

Now, I’m not saying all this to be a jerk or ruin any one’s fun, that’s so not what I’m getting at. I’m all for headcanoning characters however you please (as long as it’s safe and legal lol) but that’s the thing. As I stated earlier, a majority of this “representation” you claim the show has is NOT real representation.

They are YOUR interpretations of what the show presents.

And you know what? That’s amazing. If you can look at these characters and identify with them because something in their story reminds you of yourself, or someone you know, or anything like that, do it. Headcanon it as much as you want. Make the content you want to see of that character representing that part of you. Have fun. Enjoy yourself.

But the show did not truly give us this rep. The show was never this explicit or blatant about any of this “coding” or “representation” outside of two instances.

YOU did this. YOU came up with all these ideas that the show could of only hoped they used. YOU created this representation. IT WAS ALL YOU. Not the show.

Do not give the show credit for YOUR ideas.
