#hollow knight knight

A colored digital drawing of Ghost sitting on top of the Hollow Knight, both using Shape of Unn to be slugs. Transparent text reads "slug siblings" next to them.
3 drawings: First, Hornet clinging to the wall with silk. Up and to the right, a colored drawing of Hornet escaping the cast-off shell with Ghost under her arm. Below that, the Hollow Knight as a slug to get through a doorway. An arrow points to them with writing that says "can't fit without shape of unn".
The hollow knight sitting uncomfortably on a bench, with their knees near their chin. Next to them is written in a fancy font, "squimched."
The Hollow Knight holding Ghost up several feet in the air by their cloak. They look at each other blankly.

Hollow’s adventures in being big and other bug doodles

Slug siblings without the text under the cut

The colored slug drawing, without any text.