#holly mine doll


Valentine the doll part 2

When we left, Valentine’s person was choosing fabrics for her new clothes. She chose:

Surgery proceeded and soon, Valentine was feeling much better:

Note at this point, she had her shoes recovered, her ankles redone, black trim where the original pattern was black polka dot, and new eyelet. But her hair, face, and hands were original, with any wounds stitched.

Seeing her looking bright and happy in her new clothes and without wounds, her person decided to she really could do with some new, supplemental hair as well as bang restoration. So here’s Valentine, feeling decades younger and ready to fly home (she kept the original ribbons on her braids, which were the original black with white polka dots):

“I love it!! Thank you so much!!” wrote her person. And Valentine flew home to Chicago, ready for many more years of hugs and adventures!

Valentine a well loved doll Part 1

Once upon a time there was a doll named valentine. Valentine the cloth doll was very well loved. Over the years, she’d had many adventures, some surgeries, and fashion changes. Here she was a year ago when her person first wrote to me:

And this was a photo of what she looked like originally:

Valentine wasn’t going to have a spa – spas can be problematic with fabric like her original, and with yarn hair, but she was going to come in to the hospital, have the layers removed, and then get recovered in new fabric, get a new skirt and apron, and have her wounds repaired. It took a while for her to work up her courage to fly to the hospital (the world was in a bit of disarray), but she came late this spring. First step was choosing fabric. A perfect match was impossible, but there were several options along similar color lines that I offered:

Which would you choose? Her person thought about it a bit… stay tuned for her decision. :-)
