#holmes and holmes story


Holmes & Holmes: 4

You know you’re being followed. You know who is following you. But as to not hurt his feelings you’ve decided to act like you don’t know quite yet. Enola has been looking into the disappearance of Sir James but hasn’t really turned anything up. At least nothing that she’s told you.

“Duke, disparaître.” He does as you ask and slips from your side as you walk down the sidewalk. Now, you could’ve rented a carriage but what would be the fun in that? He’d have a much harder time following you dressed and behaving the way he was. You round a corner and slip into the start of an alleyway, the alleyways in London are truly disgusting full of filth, trash, animal waste and whatever else the people of London have decided to throw there. He passes you, shoulders bowed as if that would hide their impressive size, a small limp, a fake grey beard and an old top hat low on his forehead.

You start to follow him then, when he stops suddenly you slip your arm into the crook of his elbow,

“Mr. Holmes, what a pleasant surprise.” You tell him coolly and those startlingly blue eyes of his flicker with surprise.

“Marm?” He says in a false accent, you know it’s him.

“Please Mr. Holmes, don’t insult my intelligence, as if you could hide those shoulders.”

“Ms. Adler!” He grumbles and you smile without looking at him, “You are quite an impertinent woman.”

“One would think that you’d be used to it considering your sister. Or is she held to a different standard because she’s your sister?”

“Enola is precisely why I’m here.”

“Following me.” He lets out a loud sigh, “Why don’t you just tell me what has you so concerned so I may ease your fears.”

“Why did Lady Cecily not come herself?”

“As if her mother would let her leave when her fiancé has gone missing.” You tell him, “besides, you saw the pink fan.” He glances sharply down at you. “Since both that and my card mysteriously vanished before Miss Holmes saw it.” He doesn’t say anything and you sigh softly, “I am just trying to help my friend.”

“Ms. Adler?” One of the patrons of the Opera house says looking at you in concern as he sees your companion as Mr. Holmes wants to be seen. “Are you alright?”

“Of course, this is an old friend of my father’s. Mr. Drake.” You lie with a smile, “I could not be safer if I was with my own father.”

“Will Mr. Drake be coming to your performance?” He asks looking up at Mr. Holmes.

“Deaf as can be I’m afraid.” You answer patting Mr. Holmes arm you can practically feel his glare. “I do have some guests coming though, Mr. Mycroft Holmes, Mr. Sherlock Holmes and Miss Enola Holmes. Have you met them?”

“The famous detective!” He says sounding thrilled, “I have not but would be most pleased to make Mr. Sherlock Holmes’ acquaintance.”

“I shall do my best to introduce you.” You tell him feeling Mr. Holmes going ridged next to you. This is too much fun. “We best be off. I’ve a busy day.”

“Of course, I look forward to your show tonight Ms. Adler.”

“Thank you.” You tell him moving away with Mr. Holmes.

“Deaf as can be?” He growls.

“How else would I explain someone as dear as a father not coming to my show?”

“You, are a menace.” His voice is low and growly still.

“But also so much fun.” You say with a laugh, you whistle softly and Duke joins you at your side again. “I am not the enemy here Mr. Holmes, I am just trying to help my friend.”

“We shall see.”

“Well, I shall bid you good bye, I’ll see you after the show tonight I hope.” He tips his hat at you, ever the gentleman, and you and Duke disappear back into the house you’re renting.

There’s a letter waiting for you.

Ms. Adler,

I do not want the minnow. I want the shark.


If only men could be patient you sigh. You will write back after the show tonight. Instead you start to pack up your little show bag and when that’s done you call for a carriage. You and Duke ride to the theatre, pay the driver then go inside.

The show is over quickly, you’d noticed the Holmes family in your box, Mycroft sitting perfectly still, Enola seemed most excited but Sherlock had flopped back in his seat looking most irritated. Much to your amusement.

You have one of the attendants go and get the Holmes family, as your personal guests they’re more than welcome to come to your dressing room. When there’s a sharp rap on the door you rise and welcome the family into your room.

“Thank you Martin, can you please send Victoria with some tea?”

“Of course Ms. Adler.” He says before giving a little bow and disappearing out of the room.

“Welcome.” You give the siblings a smile, you can see that they’re all related, similar blue eyes, similar dark hair and similar chins.

“Your show was fascinating! Thank you so much for the invitation.” Enola gushes, her eldest brother frowns slightly.

“I’m so glad you were all able to come.”

“Oh, forgive me,” Enola says with a small smile, “My eldest brother, Mr. Mycroft Holmes.” You give him your hand and he bows over it.

“A pleasure.” He says with a smile.

“The pleasure is all mine. Did you enjoy the show?”

“Very much so. The seats were fantastic, however I am unsure of why we were given such a place of honor.” I glance at Enola who has a pleased little smirk on her face. You raise an eyebrow at her and she nods,

“I hired Miss Enola to help find a friend’s fiancé.”

“You, hired?” He glances sharply at Sherlock, “Not Sherlock?”

“No, I felt this required a woman’s touch.” You tell him with as sweet of a smile as you can muster.

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Holmes & Holmes: 3


All is well.


You feel like you should send more but you don’t have much else to say. You blot the message then sigh and fold it. You take some red sealing wax drip it onto your message then press your seal into it. You place it on the small tray outside the drawing room of the house you’re renting then sigh softly and make your way into your bedroom. You don’t have to be at the theatre until tomorrow so you could get settled today, one of the good things about being the star of the show.

You’re reading when one of the servants comes into the room with a silver tray and a card on it. You take the card as she says,

“Miss Enola Holmes ma’am.” The left side of your mouth creeps up, you didn’t think it would be so soon.

“Thank you Maggie. Please bring her to the sitting room and get tea.” You tell her as you put your bookmark into the book you’d been reading before you stand

“Of course ma’am.” She says, her drawl so unlike Enola and her brother’s. He was rather handsome, a bit annoying in his desire for you to leave his sister alone but he’d played his part well. Should Mr. Holmes have been more agreeable to Enola taking your case she may not have been nearly as intrigued.

“Miss Holmes. I did not expect to see you again so soon.” You tell her, she looks similar to how she had earlier, the only difference is the hat on her head with her new pin.

“I want to know a few things if you don’t mind.” She says as you gesture for her to sit down.

“I am an open book Miss Holmes.”

“Enola, please.” She implores you and you nod,

“Then you must call me Irene.” You tell her with a kind smile as the maid enters the room with the tea, “Can I offer you some tea?”

“Thank you.” She nods and you pour her a cup and she takes it before dropping three sugar cubes into it. You take your own tea with cream and sugar, much preferring coffee to English tea but when in Rome you supposed.

“You said you had questions, please ask.”

“I must confess that they’re not about the case.” She warns and you tilt your head in acknowledgment that it is fine for her to continue. “My brother seemed rather insistent that I not take your case. I have a feeling there’s more to it than what you said, about being an independent woman.”

“As you know I’m a widow,” She nods but doesn’t interrupt, “My husband was a railroad baron in America named Godfrey Norton. He was a good man, kind and agreeable. He didn’t insist that I stop acting or singing, he didn’t insist that I give up my freedom. Nearly twenty years my senior but I didn’t mind.” When she looks at you in surprise you laugh softly, “I really didn’t. Not many men would have been as agreeable as he was. But he died quite suddenly nearly five years ago. That’s when the rumors started, that I’d killed him. His much younger wife got bored of an older man and had done what needed to be done.” Enola’s eyes widen,

“You didn’t though!”

“You say that as if you know.” You tell her with a small smile.

“I’m a very good judge of character.” She assures you before another sip of tea.

“I did not kill him. Like I told Mr. Holmes earlier, I was quite fond of Godfrey.”

“How do you know Lady Cecily?”

“Her mother and my older sister went to school together.”

“Boarding school?” She asks with a frown and you nod. “Did you go?”

“I did not. We were born in New Jersey, my mother left with my sister when we were just children, I didn’t mind, my father and I got along far better than I ever had with my mother.”

“What brings you here? To London?”

“My sister.”

“You have a good relationship then?”

“Pleasant enough. Not like you and Mr. Holmes, living in the same house with my sister would likely drive me mad!” You say pleasantly while dropping back onto the couch in dramatic fashion.

“You don’t wear a corset!” Enola cries much to your amusement. She’s not wrong though, in order to be in fashion a corset is required. “I didn’t think you did when you visited the house but I couldn’t imagine- forgive me.”

“You are much like your brother.” You tell her with a laugh, “Both saying what you think, then asking for forgiveness.”

“That’s odd, neither of us are usually much like that. There’s just something about you that seems so comfortable, so familiar.”

“I feel much the same about you.” Which makes this all that much worse. Duke comes trotting into the room and plops down on your feet.

“Oh! What a handsome dog.”

“Thank you. He’s my constant companion.”

“I did not see him when you visited the other day.”

“He was waiting outside. If you don’t believe me you can ask your brother.” You tell her giving Duke a gentle pat.

“Speaking of Sherlock. What did you say to him? He seemed rather put out when he came back in.”

“Does he like dogs?” You ask, trying to get more information about the man.

“Yes?” Of course he does, handsome, smart and loves dogs. Does he have a flaw? Other than being incredibly suspicious of you.

“Maybe that explains it then,” You tell her with a smirk, “I told Duke to protect and Mr. Holmes not to touch him.” She hums softly with a little smile. “I hope I didn’t hurt his feelings.”

“Sherlock? Feelings. No, the only person that I think he cares about is himself.” She says with a fond eye roll.

“I highly disagree with you.” You tell her gently as you reach across the table and grasp her hand, “He cares very much for you.”

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Holmes & Holmes: 2

“Can you tell me more about him?” She asks, “Lady Cecily’s intended I mean.” So you do. You tell her about Sir James Conan, a fine young man to be sure. Cecily is able to be more herself than you’ve ever seen her. While she is quite a few years younger than you, and you grew up in America, you’d met Lady Cecily more than enough times to know that Sir James is a good match. He doesn’t mind that she has a giving heart, one that wishes to be of service to the poor. He was quite impressed with her charcoal drawings and had kept her secret when he’d found out about them. You were truly happy to see your sister’s god-daughter so happy.

Miss Enola too looks pleased when you tell her about Sir James. You’re so engrossed with your conversation, over a proper English tea provided by Mrs. Hudson of course, that you don’t notice the door opening, not until you hear him.

“Enola?” A deep rich voice says.

“Ah, Sherlock.” She sounds slightly disappointed, “my brother,” she tells you, as he enters the doorway, sweeping his hat off of his head when he sees you. It must not be an uncommon occurrence for him to find his sister in conversation with a stranger at any hour of the day because he hardly looks surprised. “Mr. Sherlock Holmes.” Miss Enola says introducing you to her brother, “Sherlock, my client,” she puts the emphasis on my, “A Ms. Irene Adler.”

“Ms. Adler.” He looks alarmed, but only for a split second then he schools his emotions again. “Enola, you cannot take this case.”


“She is, she might, you cannot.” He demands, his ears going slightly pink as he refuses to say what you know he’s implying.

“He means,” you say coolly, “I am a dangerous woman. Independent. I might put ideas into your head.” You tell her standing from the chair that you’ve been sitting in. “Mr. Holmes, I can assure you, any dangerous ideas in Miss Holmes’ head were there long before I arrived.” You tell him studying him with as impassive of an expression as possible.

“It’s getting late.” He says and you know he’s attempting to dismiss you, you arch an eyebrow at him.

“I am not afraid of the dark.” You tell him and he sighs, “besides I carry this.” You pull a six inch long hat pin from your hat. It’s thicker than a normal hat pin but when you also use it as a knife that is to be expected.

“Oh! May I?” Miss Enola asks and without looking away from her brother you pass over the weapon.

“Enola!” Mr. Holmes says sounding exasperated she ignores her older brother and the side of your mouth lifts slightly. “Ms. Adler,” he admonishes and you have to bite your cheek to keep from laughing.

“How did you get it so sturdy?” Miss Enola asks with wide eyes.

“Had it made specially, it’s not safe being a single woman in America either but this certainly helps.”

“I am insanely jealous.” The younger woman says turning the hat pin round.

“It’s yours. I have others.”

“No.” Mr. Holmes says through a clenched jaw.

“You’d rather she be defenseless?” You ask arching a brow at him, if looks could kill you’d be long dead by now.

“I rather, she be a respectable woman.”

“I certainly hope, Mr. Holmes, that you’re not implying that I’m not a respectable woman. I did, as a matter of fact, just sing for Her Majesty the Queen two nights ago.”

“You’re a singer?” Miss Enola asks sounding surprised.

“Operatic, I’ve also done some acting but singing is my real passion. Have you ever been to the opera?” When she shakes her head you give her a wide smile, “I shall send you tickets. How many? Just for the two of you?”

“We best invite our eldest brother Mycroft too.”

“I’ll have three tickets sent over.” You promise and Miss Enola beams while her brother glowers.

“Is Mr. Norton also in London?” She asks innocently.

“No, Mr. Norton is long dead.” You tell her and Mr. Holmes stalks across the room.

“I’m so sorry Ms. Adler but Enola and I have an appointment,” Mr. Holmes says plucking the hat pin from Miss Enola’s grasp and handing it back to you as he guides you with a gentle hand at the small of your back out of 221 Bakers Street. You drop the hat pin into the ground so that it sticks straight up out of the floor, then wink at Miss Enola over your shoulder as her brother guides you away. She grins cheekily back at you and you turn your attention to Mr. Holmes. You give him a soft, slow, smile.

“Careful now Mr. Holmes, or I’m going to get the impression you don’t like me.”

“That, is not the only impression I have to offer Ms. Adler.”

“Ah. You mean the rumors that I killed my husband.” You say. He doesn’t respond. “I can assure you Mr. Holmes. While I did not love the late Mr. Adler I was quite fond of him.”

“And his money.” Mr. Holmes mutters, “forgive me.” He says louder as you stand on the stoop of his home.

“You’re not incorrect, his money allowed me freedom after his death. Something not many women can do.”

“Can I hail you a cab?”

“No thank you. I’m only a few blocks away.”

“It’s not safe to travel this late, do you have no chaperone? A maid?”

“I have a chaperone.” You assure him before whistling softly through your teeth. As expected your sleek black German Shepard emerges from the bushes and sits waiting for you at the bottom of the stairs.

“This? A dog is your chaperone?” Mr. Holmes looks truly surprised, then he lets out a loud, “Ha!”

“You don’t believe that Duke can protect me?” You ask with an arched brow and he looks quite skeptically over at you. “Duke, protéger.” You tell your dog who darts up the stairs and between you and Mr. Holmes. He uses his butt to move you further from the man and when Mr. Holmes moves Duke growls. “I can assure you Mr. Holmes. I am perfectly safe.” You start down the stairs and when Duke gives another growl you roll your eyes, “Mr. Holmes do you desire to be bit?” You ask arching an eyebrow at him again.

“Of course not.” He says, his voice clipped and dare you say, irritated. You’d been warned that it might be difficult for you to read the gentleman but you’re finding it exceedingly easy.

“Then, I suggest you let me on my way and leave my dog alone.” You tell him starting down the stairs, with Duke on your heels.

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