#holy priceless collection of etruscan snoods batman


One Dress a Week Challenge

May: Gold & Silver

Batman (Batman 66) / Eartha Kitt as Catwoman

This is a deep cut, and to be honest, the dress itself is nothing special … but it made me chuckle, so I wanted to include it! Catwoman steals the famed “golden fleece” dress from Queen Bess of Belgravia (pictured below) because she’s angry at being left off Gotham City’s “best dressed list” while Batgirl, of all people, made the cut.

Before rewatching this episode, I had not seen Batman 66 since I was approximately ten years old. While I knew it was lighthearted, I never fully appreciated exactly how silly it was before seeing it as an adult. Eartha Kitt was having positively indecent amounts of fun with all the dastardly plans and cat puns. And Batman proclaiming solemnly, “Catwoman is evil, but she is attractive” made my day.

Oh, and the dress: it’s made of some fairly stiff material in a “fairytale princess” sort of shape. It does fit pretty well, at least! There’s a bit of rickrack at the sleeves and hem. Catwoman accessorizes with her trademark black mask, plus a fan and a necklace of gold medallions.
