#holy shitttt



Five More Minutes

A Malec fic inspired by the song “The End of the World” by Billie Eilish because it’s all over TikTok and I can’t get it out of my head.

I hope you like it

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Tag list : @legendofconsullightwood@themostawesomehuman@littleturtle95@tobeornottobetequila@morgnstern@zfoxdraws@bookworm-jedi@magnus-the-maqnificent@banesbitch@fair-but-wilde-child@beclynn-herondale@khaleesiofalicante@my-archerboy@youngreckless@thomaslightwood@runecarstairs@high-warlock-of-brooklyn@itsdaughterofthemoon

Magnus wakes to a high-pitched beeping. He flicks his wrist to silence the sound, keeping his eyes closed. The room is dark, but he can feel the warmth of the sun on his back as the first rays peak through the curtains. For a second he thinks the sound was an accident, a hallucination even, but then he feels the bed shift beside him. Guilt pinches him as he realizes he unconsciously shut off Alec’s alarm, but he shakes it off. He’s exhausted. They both are. Life has never been easy for them, but this past month has felt like every obstacle got together and hit at once. It’s been nonstop. Quality time has become getting dressed together, a quick kiss goodbye at the door, dinner, when they can both manage it, and the few brief moments before sleep takes hold. Neither of them are ungrateful for the roles they’ve earned, Magnus couldn’t be prouder, but they have needs too. Alec isn’t the only one who gets grumpy without his morning cuddles. They’re in desperate need of a vacation, and the second Magnus finds a window amongst the chaos, he’s whisking them away. Far away. Someplace tropical, with no cell service.

He feels a gentle press of lips on his temple, he hums, and presses his face into the pillow, hoping the bed will swallow him. And then more beeping starts. This time, from his own cellphone.

Magnus groans as he reaches to shut the accursed noise off right as the water from the shower starts. He flops back down onto his stomach, muffling a whine. He’s not ready yet.

Five more minutes.

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this left me speechless but in the best way! This is one of the best fics I have ever read on here omg
