#homo improvement


I painted my bedroom! Went deep into the archives of ill advised 90s faux finish techniques and it might be a little cringe but I kinda dig it.

Hi Hungry, I’m Dad


I’m making a very simple tv stand! Gonna finish up tomorrow when it’s 50 degrees. It was 35 and snowing sporadically all weekend and it was so cold in the garage.

Ok I finished it but-

The dvds don’t fit vertically. I forgot that 1” is not really 1” when it comes to board thickness (it’s 3/4”) and that matters!

I’m making a very simple tv stand! Gonna finish up tomorrow when it’s 50 degrees. It was 35 and snowing sporadically all weekend and it was so cold in the garage.

Hey so I appreciate the notes and reblogs on my home murals, and I see a lot of notes about how folks would like to do the same to their own living spaces. I know that landlords can be really restrictive, but on the off chance that some of you might be allowed to paint your walls, would anyone be interested in tutorials? 

I may also be able to troubleshoot alternatives that technically fall under rental rules, like tapestry panels or canvases. I am usually pretty good at finding the cheapest option and making it look expensive! 

(As a side note, I think it’s dumb if a landlord prohibits painting, because it is literally so easy to paint over it. Painting causes no damage.)


Almost done painting my bisexual Barbie dream house/trans rights dining room. Next up is to add stars and spray paint some of the chairs fun colors.


Almost done painting my bisexual Barbie dream house/trans rights dining room. Next up is to add stars and spray paint some of the chairs fun colors.

Life updates: Living room got a new couch and rug; it snowed a lot, and I gutted a 1982 Sony TV.

I painted the rest of the living room walls green! Overall my goal of making my living room more hospitable is going more slowly than I had hoped. The rug’s not working out, so I’m selling it to a friend in favor of a more neutral one. I also would love to get a couch and a TV! I have looked at so many damn couches online that they all blur together. It’s overwhelming and expensive.


And I’m done!

Just going to add: I used paints and brushes I accumulated from Job Lot over the years (sometimes Blick but rarely bc who has that kind of money), so don’t let perceived cost of materials hold you back from doing your own mural.

If you’re going to pick a splurge, do a decent tube of burnt sienna and Payne’s grey (each $6-$17 dollars depending on brand and tube size. I used maybe half of a medium tube, so unless you’re doing something crazy big, don’t get the big tube). These colors are really great for the underpainting stage because if you’re working with translucent layers at all, they will help create depth.

Also, fuck good brushes. Use shitty brushes for this; it doesn’t matter. Neither does a palette. I used a $2 baking sheet from Dollar General.

This has been a PSA from Team Do Your Best with What You’ve Got!

Oof legit though I love my mural but it was zero percent how it looked in my head, and now i have to re-imagine what I want the rest of the living room to look like. Also murals are free… but furniture and stuff is not. Still haven’t found a couch that I like and can afford! Or a rug! Ack.

I just really liked the light in my room this morning.
