#homoromantic ace



Acepeople deserve so much more than to have their identity reduced down to a discourse topic, and they definitely deserve much better than to constantly be ridiculed and harassed for their asexuality.

Beingasexual isn’t bad or wrong. Being asexual doesn’t mean someone is broken. Being asexual doesn’t make someone inhuman. Being asexual doesn’t mean “doesn’t like sex,” “doesn’t fuck,” “being straight,” or whatever other rude things gatekeepers claim it is. Being asexual doesn’t mean anything other than “does not feel sexual attraction.”

Aces, I know it seems like there are so many people against you and against your identity, but please remember that gatekeepers are the minority and a small one at that!! There are far more people in the LGBTQ+ community who love you, accept you, and recognize you and your ace identity as valid and as part of this community. And as our history has shown us time and time again, asexuals have always been a vital part of the community and an important part of queer history.

You’re all such amazing, phenomenal people, and the LGBTQ+ community simply would not be the same without y'all blessing it with your existence in it!! So please, whenever you feel alone, whenever you feel bad for being ace, whenever you feel like you don’t belong, remember that so many of us in this community love you and want you here. And we always will

