#honestly what is this lol sfdkjfsdh



convex isn’t a simple passing thought anymore, not to anyone. debut for the boys came and went, and now, what appears to have worked successfully, is the park-lee family’s rally of support around jinki. each of them still ride the wave of pride and bewilderment, and though she cautions and teases her (step)mother over texting him too much, it’s no match for how much rachel bugs him- in person, over facetime, through texts, all making sure that the most sensitive member of their little family was still managing to breathe through it all. 

and then he comes home for dinner, and it’s as if he had been off in a third world country with no contact for a year, and rachel can’t help but laugh. (it’s different when you see him in person at least a few times a week, she knows, but that doesn’t stop her amusement as mama lee teases him for not coming ‘round enough anymore.)

“you know, she starts, sidling over to her brother with a sly smile, “i almost swore you packed katsu’s sweater in your bag last time you came over. i couldn’t find it until yesterday.”
