#honeywells sims 4 news

yandereplumsims:honeywell-mts:Sims 4 Pictures I’m just going to keep editing this post as more a



Sims 4 Pictures

I’m just going to keep editing this post as more are posted.

Okay, from here they look a lot like the sims 2, i’m liking them for now. 

LOL See, now I’m suspicious and I’m wondering what’s so wrong with them we can’t see the whole sim.  But yeah, from the teeny, tiny bit we can see I like it!

New Pic added to original post

I take it back – I don’t think I like them at all anymore.  Yikes.  I mean if these were Sims 3 sims I would have been thrilled but I was expecting more from the Sims 4 I guess without realizing it. 

Whew!  It was a comparison picture.

Post link
Sims 4 Pictures I’m just going to keep editing this post as more are posted.

Sims 4 Pictures

I’m just going to keep editing this post as more are posted.

Post link

Maxis Unveils The Sims 4

Today we are revealing to our top fans the fact that The Sims™ 4 is coming to PC and Mac in 2014.

The Sims franchise is fueled by the passion and creativity of its millions of fans around the world. Their continued devotion to the franchise ignites the fire of creativity of the team at The Sims Studio, driving them to continually improve and innovate on one of the world’s most successful simulation game that has sold more than 150 million copies worldwide.

More information will be revealed later today here on The Beat, so stay tuned.

Share your excitement for the game on Twitter with the hashtag #TheSims4.

I can’t wait to see how they’re going to spin the online components of the game, should be interesting to say the least!

Edited to add more links and information:

Update:iPodZeke1 retracts their multiplayer comment.   Thanks fansee.

It will acutally be a Single Player Offline game. My bad.” –iPodZeke1

And what looks like a slightly different version of the announcement post where they state it’s single player. (source: The Beat)

The Sims 4 celebrates the heart and soul of the Sims themselves, giving players a deeper connection with the most expressive, surprising and charming Sims ever in this single-player offline experience. The Sims 4 encourages players to personalize their world with new and intuitive tools while offering them the ability to effortlessly share their creativity with friends and fans.

Summary:  Basically no real information and a whole lot of sucking up and schmoozing the fans. 

Core of the experience are the sims themselves.
Sims 1 - Nothing like it
Sims 2 - Generation gameplay & 3D Sims
Sims 3 - Traits added more personality

Focusing on sim to sim interaction and the way your sims behave
Big improvements to CAS, build, buy
New update from EA:

Q:  Will there be an online component for The Sims 4?

A: There will be additional fun and social gameplay elements for players who choose to go online (more to come on that later on) but the core game is designed to be played offline. It’s up to the player to choose how they want to play.
