

@honorhearted​ | X(w/Minnie)

“Uhm…I guess that kinda answers my question.” A thin brow raised, one hand rested on her hip as her free hand held onto her large white silk clutch purse. Minnie was expecting a more broad answer - especially learning about the American Revolution from the very few history classes she attended. Not expecting to hear a sweet, yet generic answer.


Two sections of her dyed-pink locks were twisted into small buns, leaving the remaining of her hair down. Both of her cheeks were covered in glitter and her eyelids were painted in bright neon pink eyeshadow, and large false eyelashes. Minnie wore a sequin crop top and black pants with sequin heels.

Yet, one could easily see the human-like bite marks that travelled from her arms, neck and parts of her chest. Minnie did not know how she got them, but she could imagine that this man probably thought she was attacked by an animal.

Dark brown eyes looked down at the bite markings on herself, a manicured finger traced along one mark on her wrist. “I…I don’t remember,” She responded softly, pressing her lips together almost as if she was ashamed for not knowing how she died - and she didn’t.

One minute she was dancing and getting drunk with her friends at some stranger’s house. Then she heard screaming and a dark figure ran straight towards her - feeling a sharp pain travel through her body, as everything turned black. And then Minnie woke up to find herself wandering freely around earth - stumbling across this Ben guy.

Minnie was about to continue answering his question until his abrupt question of her being possibly robbed by a highway man caught her off guard. She stayed quiet for less than a minute and burst into laughter. Once she calmed down from laughing, her smile turned into a grin and gently shook her head.

“I don’t know what that is - but no. I never been robbed and hope I never do. I made the mistake to go to a party at the wrong place and time - and well, now I am dead.”

Her attention shifted over her outfit and returned back to Benjamin, as her grin morphed into a smirk. “Let me take a wild guess - this is your first time seeing a woman wearing pants? Well, let me be the first to tell you that they are so comfy!” She started to turn around to let him have a better look at her attire - and was purposely trolling him.

“I stole these from my bestie’s closet and I am so glad I did. They are the best pants I ever wore. And yes, in the modern era - women have been seen wearing both dresses and pants. And the dresses are so short - you can see their knees!”

There was excitement and mischief filled in her eyes, quickly her smirk returned back to a grin. Although she should not be teasing him - it was an interesting thing to do to someone who was much older than her, and lived in a different time period.

@honorhearted​ |X(w/Petal)

Thick dirty blonde curls intertwined with the thin stems of the flower crown made out of daisies that Petal had plucked from a nearby patch. An index finger circled around her middle finger as her gaze shifted between the ground and the Benjamin.

Slowly the world was beginning to change; American colonists did not want to serve under the monarchy and wish to be an independent country. A silly idea to think and Petal thought it would be settled down. But as there were now talks of a potential war did terrify her, and worried about her safety as a loyalist.

Deep down, Petal did not care if one was a colonist or a loyalist. She just did not want there to be a war right now.

“Where flowers bloom - so does hope.” She said softly, until she could not help herself but laugh when she heard the man speak. “It is a gift for you, sir. Not for your partner.”

Her head gently shook as she moved the crown away from him. “You do not have to accept it if you do not wish to,” Petal made flower crowns partially out of boredom, and the other half was in hopes to give it to someone and brighten their day.

“I thought I could at least brighten your day a bit. My apologies for disturbing you.” Her smile became softer, hooking the crown around her wrist. She remained quiet and stared at the crown for a moment, before her light blue eyes returned back onto the man.

“My name is Petal - and what is your name? Isn’t it a lovely day today? I have just moved here from England - it’s quite lovely here, yet it is a bit different compared to the busy environment I have been use to.”
