#hope youre all well


i’ve been thinking a lot about my simblr and stuff and i think i might retire from making cc. i really have no motivation for that anymore however!! i’ve been in a building mood lately and decided to upload some stuff on the gallery my id is nuagelle if you wanna check it out hihi♡


What the title says. Literally just completely forgot that was a thing I said I was going to do. Have done 0 Chinese in the last month because I’ve been reading a ridiculous amount of books (14 since the start of May). Sigh.

ANYWAY. I have a month and a half and I’m sick to death of it apparently being June (when did that happen????) and not having done anything. And if my Korean is going to suck then at least I should have something to show for all those hours that I spent…not learning Korean…

If you would like to join me on my journey (to-do’s, rants, blechhhhhh etc) you can follow my much more messy studyblr / fitblr / how-to-be-an-adult-blr at chenxi-cultivates. I’ll be posting more there so as not to clog this blog up.

Still apologising for the radio silence! I’m alive, just…mainly reading at the moment (not Chinese, just fantasy) so haven’t got much to contribute. Hopefully will be back soon!

If I come up with any useful posts for the HSK, I’ll post them here too.
