#hopefully the alt text works

She never told us how she felt about being bound to you. Never even called you by name. Just called you her anchor. The thing weighing her down, tying her to this world and stopping her destiny.
ARCHIVIST [Awkwardly] Oh! I… I um… I nee-need a… I’ve been thinking of it a-as an anchor. I think. I… know. Something I have a connection to, th-that I can use to find my way out of the Coffin when I reach Daisy. I-I figured the strongest anchor would be… part of my own body.
GERTRUDE (heh) Nowhere special. The middle of a forest in the Scottish highlands. Furthest place I could find from anything and anyone. [ARTHUR LAUGHS.] ARTHUR Yeah. Fair play. Not like we were ever gonna find that.

how come I literally haven’t seen anyone talk about these parallels in mag 145 to 131 and 160???
