

Full Moon in Gemini: New Chapter

Full Moon in Gemini: New Chapter

The Full Moon in Gemini on December 18th is a reminder of the lessons we have learned while the nodes were in the signs of Gemini and Sagittarius. As this eighteen-month transit comes to a close, we begin to evaluate some questions that could have presented themselves during this time. Think back to last year, June 5th, 2020, and reflect on the lessons since then. The New Moon in Sagittarius on…

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Mercury in Capricorn: Setting Goals

Mercury in Capricorn: Setting Goals

Mercury in Capricorn will be a wild ride and quite an interesting transit. Just like Venus, this time will feel a little longer than the norm. It begins on December 13th and will remain in this sign until January 2nd, 2022. However, while Mercury ingresses into Aquarius, it will retrograde back into Capricorn on January 25th, 2022 and return to Aquarius on February 14th, 2022. We tune into the…

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Mars in Sagittarius: The Trickster

Mars in Sagittarius: The Trickster

Mars enters the sign of Sagittarius on December 13th and will remain there until January 24th, 2022. After the intensity of Mars in Scorpio making a square to Saturn and an opposition to Uranus, this fire transit is going to feel a lot less stressful and more manageable. Mars in Sagittarius pushes us to explore our independent nature. We are pushed to see the brighter side of things, especially…

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Tarotscopes from December 12th, through December 18th, 2021

Tarotscopes from December 12th, through December 18th, 2021

Tarotscopes from December 12th, through December 18th, 2021. Feel free to check rising, sun, and moon signs.

Aries – It could feel like recognition for your hard work has been delayed with the Four of Wands Reversed but don’t fret, because this will be your time to shine. Venus brings light to your accomplishments during this period. Be confident and stay focused.

Taurus – Remember to not get…

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Tarotscopes from December 5th, through December 11th, 2021

Tarotscopes from December 5th, through December 11th, 2021

Tarotscopes from December 5th, through December 11th, 2021. Feel free to check rising, sun, and moon signs.

Aries – Those collaborations you might have been avoided could prove to be fruitful this week with the Three of Pentacles. Make sure to ask for help when you need it and you’ll see how much more you can accomplish without stressing yourself.

Taurus – Prepare for lots of inspiration this…

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New Moon in Sagittarius: Purpose

New Moon in Sagittarius: Purpose

The New Moon on December 4th is a solar eclipse in the sign of Sagittarius. What makes this transit meaningful is that it will be the final eclipse cycle in the Gemini/Sagittarius axis that began on June 5th, 2020. We’ve already experienced the beginning of the Taurus/Scorpio axis cycle in November which will have different themes from this current cycle. The eclipses in Gemini and Sagittarius,…

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Neptune Direct: Clear Perspectives

Neptune Direct: Clear Perspectives

Neptune will be direct on December 1st. Mutable signs (Pisces, Gemini, Virgo, and Sagittarius) might have felt this transit strongest as these Neptune transits have reshaped them on deeper levels. Neptune is the planet of illusion and during retrograde motion, we might have seen something come to light. During this retrograde phase, we should learn from the lessons and make sure not to repeat the…

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As we get closer to the end of the year, December brings about some powerful transits that will transform the collective. Neptune will be direct on the 1st, serving as a reminder that we should stay grounded, even when we are compelled to dream big. Being practical will rarely hurt us. The New Moon in Sagittarius on the 4th is a time where we will close the eclipse axis. Remember those lessons from May 2020 and think about how much you have grown and evolved since then. Mars enters Sagittarius on the 13th and Mercury enters Capricorn on the same day; these transits push us to believe and fight for our dreams but to remain practical as we plan for the future. On the 18th, the Full Moon in Gemini allows us all to share, love, and experience the relationships we have all around us. If you haven’t talked to a close friend in a while, reach out to them. Gemini transits are more fun when we have people to chit-chat with. Venus will be retrograde starting on the 19th. Reflect, learn, and don’t be afraid to love if you’ve been hurt in the past. The Sun enters Capricorn on the 21st, a good transit to make plans for the future, prepare for surprises, and complete checklists. Jupiter will enter the sign of Pisces once more on the 28th. Mutable and Water signs rejoice because 2022 will be a different dynamic than this year.

Aries – The Solar Eclipse on the 4th in the sign of Sagittarius will bring expansive and optimistic energy to your world. Prepare to feel energized and ready to take on the world. Another fiery transit is Mars entering Sagittarius on December 13th, which is going to make you focused and ready to go. Begin your plans now to plant the seeds needed to make things grow. Mercury changes signs that same day, moving to Capricorn. You will be a lot more focused and career-driven during this time and with Venus in the same sign, you are aiming for the prize and will win many people over to get there. The Full Moon in Gemini on the 18th is a time where you will be learning about your communication and growth. Venus will be retrograde beginning on the 19th and it will be a powerful transit affecting career and finances. Capricorn Season begins on the 21st, adding more focus to your career and ambitions. This transit will happen at the highest point in your chart, so you will be center stage for quite some time since Venus is currently there, making you more charming and diplomatic at work or school. The month concludes with Jupiter entering the sign of Pisces once more. This transit is going to transform you during 2022, where you will be presented with more learning opportunities that will allow you to grow emotionally and spiritually.

Taurus – Neptune goes direct on the 1st, which has allowed you to learn and see people for who they are. On the 4th, the final eclipse in the Gemini/Sagittarius axis will conclude. The New Moon in Sagittarius will have you focused on the past and releasing what has been holding you back. Mercury enters the sign of Capricorn on the 13th, making communicating a lot easier with others. While Mars changes signs the same day, making you more driven to overcome anything that has been holding you back. The Full Moon in Gemini on the 18th is a time that will allow you to focus on your financial status. This is your time to make new plans and goals for the future. On the 19th, Venus goes retrograde in the sign of Capricorn, a rough but still favorable aspect to your sign. Changes to your world views will be impacted now during this transit. The Sun enters Capricorn on the 21st and Jupiter enters Pisces on the 28th. Both of these transits will make you feel more social and confident just in time for 2022.

Gemini – A transit you will look forward to is Neptune going direct on the 1st. You will feel like you now have a clearer vision of your goals, dreams, and the path you want to take. On the 4th, the solar eclipse/New Moon will be in Sagittarius, illuminating your relationship house. Since this is the final eclipse in your sign’s axis, this transit will conclude topics relating to May 2020 when the first eclipse in the Gemini/Sagittarius axis began. Mars enters Sagittarius on the 13th, adding more of the same energy from the Solar Eclipse. Partnerships become highlighted during this six-week transit. On the same day, Mercury enters Capricorn. This transit fuels your need to move on and protect your energy since it highlights parts of your psyche that you have been working on healing. The Full Moon will be in your sign on the 18th, serving as a reminder to focus on yourself and to find things that bring you joy. Venus goes retrograde on the 19th, which will give you confidence and the strength to face anything. Venus brings a period of self-discovery that can allow you to focus on your future with more confidence. At the end of the month on the 28th, Jupiter ingresses Pisces once more, highlighting how 2022 could be monumental for you if you dream big.

Cancer – On December 4th, the final eclipse in the Gemini/Sagittarius axis begins. The New Moon in Sagittarius will help you spruce up your daily routines for more efficiency. Mars joins the Sun on the 13th in the sign of Sagittarius, adding more dynamic energy that will push you to achieve more success. The Full Moon in Gemini on the 18th is a good reminder to look after yourself, rest up when you can, and give yourself time for healing. This transit is about reflecting and understanding what you have learned since the last New Moon cycle in Gemini, six months ago. Relationship topics come back to become your focal point once Mercury enters Capricorn. Since Venus is in the same sign, you will feel a greater need to socialize and meet new people, especially when the planet goes retrograde on the 19th. A big transit you might be looking forward to is Jupiter returning to the sign of Pisces on the 28th. 2022 could make you feel just a little more optimistic thanks to the trine it will make with your sign. This expansive energy is going to help you become more knowledgeable and driven to get where you desire to be.

Leo – The month begins with the New Moon in Sagittarius, making fire signs feel a lot more energized. This is a time that can bring you joy and love since it will make a trine to your sign. Mars will enter the sign of Sagittarius on the 13th, a time where your optimism keeps increasing. Good thing Mercury in Capricorn will begin on the 13th, allowing us collectively to be more grounded. On the 18th, the Full Moon in Gemini will make a favorable aspect to your sign and it will bring you opportunities to reconnect with friends and family. Venus retrograde begins on the 19th, a time where you might be more concerned with keeping up and completing tasks at work. Towards the end of the month, the Sun enters Capricorn on the 21st, adding more of the same topics that the Venus retrograde will bring. Jupiter will ingress in the sign of Pisces once more on the 28th. This is going to be a transit that will encourage and empower you for 2022 since it will allow you to learn to see the light in the shadows.

Virgo – Neptune will be direct in the sign of Pisces on the 1st. You will begin to see your partners and friends for who they are. Learn from the lessons during Neptune’s retrograde and apply them moving forward. The final eclipse in the axis of Gemini and Sagittarius ends on the 4th. This New Moon is in the sign of Sagittarius, bringing the focus on career and home. You are going to see the themes from this eclipse cycle that began in 2020 repeat once more during this transit. Mars enters Sagittarius on the 13th and Mercury enters Capricorn on the same day. These transits initiate periods of excitement (believe it or not) as we get closer to your partnership houses. If you are coupled, Mercury in Capricorn will allow you to open up and be more romantic. Expressing your love during this time will be easy, especially with the Sun in Capricorn joining Mercury on the 21st. Venus retrograde begins on the 19th, a time to evaluate your romantic dynamic. Find what is lacking in the relationship and work on it together. Jupiter will once again enter Pisces on the 28th, which adds a boost to your partnership house for 2022.

Libra – December 4th brings us to the concluding chapters of the Gemini/Sagittarius axis in the eclipse series. You might have benefitted from this transit since it would have empowered you to speak up and change your communication style drastically. Mars will enter Sagittarius on the 13th and Mercury will be in Capricorn on the same day. These powerhouse transits help you to evolve once more the way you think and present yourself. Your words take greater meaning this month since they will impact you at home and school or work. A friendly reminder to be diplomatic and professional. The Full Moon in Gemini makes you want to seek new topics to learn and discuss with others. Sagittarius season has you energized to become more studious as you are pushed to read up on the things that fascinate you. Venus goes retrograde on the 19th and the Sun enters Capricorn on the 21st. Your energy will be forced on home and surrounding yourself with family. Jupiter enters Pisces again on the 28th, setting the stage for how you will transform your routines for 2022.

Scorpio – On the 4th, the Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius will be the final eclipse in the series. This transit has taught you a lot about your self-worth and potential. Mars enters Sagittarius on the 13th, bringing up similar themes to the New Moon transit. Mercury enters Capricorn on the 13th as well, shifting the focus on connecting with friends and family. With the Full Moon in Gemini on the 18th, this is going to be a transit that is going to allow you to break free from whatever has been holding you back. As the nodes shift, this period will be a good time to heal and consider how much you have grown in the last year. Venus will go retrograde on the 19th, a transit that is going to impact your partnership house. It will be a time to reminisce about previous relationships and the footing you have on new ones. December 28th will have water signs rejoicing once again as Jupiter ingresses into the sign of Pisces. This sparks a new period of joy, romance, and creativity that you will get to experience in 2022.

Sagittarius – The planet of dreams and illusions, Neptune will go direct on December 1st. You are going to see things in a new light during this transit as it prepares you for what will happen in 2022. With the New Moon in your sign on the 4th, you are going to feel a lot more confident and grounded thanks to the sextile this transit will have with Saturn. Another transit that will have you ready to go and be stronger than ever is Mars finally entering your sign on the 13th. If you felt lethargic, you will now have that extra boost of energy you have desired. On the same day, Mercury enters the sign of Capricorn bringing those topics about finances to center stage. If you have splurged (no thanks to Venus) now will be a good time to plan and seek ways to control those purse strings. The Full Moon will be in the sign of Gemini on the 18th, which might bring you back to focus on your romantic relationships. Don’t worry if you are currently coupled, this transit is about strengthening current bonds and understanding what doesn’t work for you moving forward. A transit that mutable signs will look forward to is Jupiter in Pisces taking center stage once again beginning on the 28th. This period will mark some positive changes and influences in your home environment for 2022.

Capricorn – Capricorns, this is your birthday month and lots of surprises are in store. The month begins with Neptune direct on the 1st and now you can feel your communication improving since the planet of illusions and dreams will not make your mind feel as cloudy. On the 4th, the final eclipse in the Gemini/Sagittarius axis will grace us all and it will be centered on our communication. For you, the themes will be more on your daily routines. One of the powerful lessons you need to learn is when to look after yourself. Mars enters Sagittarius on the 13th, a transit that will teach you to channel your energy into projects or hobbies that bring you joy. Mercury will enter your sign on the same day, bringing much-needed grounding energy to your communication, especially once this planet makes a sextile to Neptune. The Full Moon in Gemini on the 18th will add more of the eclipse themes and an opportunity to perfect your work ethic. You are on a roll this month and people are taking notice. Venus will be retrograde beginning on the 19th, a time where you could reflect on yourself and those wonderful qualities you have will be shining brightly. This Venus transit is about self-love, so even if you are in a relationship, remember to put yourself first. The Sun enters your sign on the 21st, building a stellium that can make you feel radiant. The end of the month brings us back to Jupiter in Pisces, making you more optimistic and social for 2022.

Aquarius – The Solar Eclipse on the 4th is going to allow you to connect with close friends and family. Mars enters Sagittarius on the 13th and it will make you feel a lot more empowered to be around like-minded people that push you to succeed. Mercury will also change signs that day and will be in the sign of Capricorn. This energy will have you opting to be more reflective and meditative during this three-week transit before Mercury enters your sign early next year. The Full Moon in Gemini on the 18th will be one of fun and excitement. If you are in a relationship, this Moon can spark up some intense communication with your partner that can help strengthen your bonds. Those who are single can search for someone that inspires them creatively. Venus will be retrograde on the 19th, initiating a time where we will all reflect on our self-worth and relationship dynamics. This transit will impact the hidden parts of your chart, which can churn up some memories. However, Venus will be in a relaxed place, so this can make you enjoy your independence and periods of comfort at home. As we get closer to 2022, Jupiter will once again ingress in the sign of Pisces on the 28th. This sets the stage for new ways to become more financially conscious for next year.

Pisces – You are going to be a lot more grounded when Neptune goes direct on December 1st. During the six-month retrograde, you were able to learn a lot about yourself and those around you. Now that you have the tools needed for more success, your ambitions come to focus during this New Moon in Sagittarius on the 4th. It is your moment to feel unstoppable for the next six months as your ruler, Jupiter prepares to re-enter your sign. Mercury enters Capricorn on the 13th, leveling things for us all. Here you see opportunities to flourish and to see your projects beginning to take off. On the same day, Mars enters Sagittarius, fueling you with enough drive and passion to make your way to the top. Dream big since Mars will make your dreams bigger. Things begin to slow down a bit during the Full Moon in Gemini on the 18th, a time where you are feeling a lot more stable and secure since this transit will light up the lowest part of your chart. Take comfort in surrounding yourself with those you love during this time. Venus will go retrograde starting on the 19th. You could feel the urge to tell your friends how much you care for them as well as your partner. If you have desired to meet someone, this transit will have you meeting a potential partner through a friend. The star of the show will be Jupiter making its return in your sign on the 28th. 2022 will have you feeling triumphant and lots can be accomplished if you believe in your abilities. Don’t dim your light.

December Horoscopes: Optimism

December Horoscopes: As we get closer to the end of the year, December brings about some powerful transits that will transform the collective. Neptune will be direct on the 1st, serving as a reminder that we should stay grounded, even when we are compelled to dream big. Being practical will rarely hurt us. The New Moon in Sagittarius on the 4th is a time where we will close the eclipse axis.…

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Tarotscopes from November 28th, through December 4th, 2021

Tarotscopes from November 28th, through December 4th, 2021

Tarotscopes from November 28th, through December 4th, 2021. Feel free to check rising, sun, and moon signs.

Aries – With the Sun card in your reading, this is your time to shine brightly as Sagittarius Season has you feeling energized. Expect to feel inspired for the next week and month, so get ready to learn more and experience joy during this time.

Taurus – The Nine of Wands is a reminder to…

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Mercury in Sagittarius: Optimistic & Playful

Mercury in Sagittarius: Optimistic & Playful

Mercury enters the sign of Sagittarius on November 24th and it will remain in this sign until December 13th. This transit is a positive one as Mercury will join the Sun in Sagittarius to remind us that anything is possible. After the powerful Eclipse in Taurus, we are in need of a change of pace and that is where the Fire sign energy radiates. We will all feel a boost of confidence and optimism.…

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Tarotscopes from April 10th through April 16th, 2022

Tarotscopes from April 10th through April 16th, 2022

Feel free to check rising, sun, and moon signs.

Aries – As the Knight of Cups Reversed pops in your reading for the week, Venus in Pisces has you a lot more sentimental. Guard your heart and your mind as you navigate through your past relationships with an ounce of reality during this week since Mercury is still in your sign.

Taurus – Nine of Pentacles Reversed shows you have worked extremely…

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Tarotscopes from March 27th through April 2nd, 2022

Tarotscopes from March 27th through April 2nd, 2022

Feel free to check rising, sun, and moon signs.

Aries – You will have zero problems speaking your mind and sharing your thoughts with the Page of Swords in your reading. New sources of inspiration will start for you this month. Don’t be afraid to seek new opportunities when it involves your game plan.

Taurus – The Sun Reversed appears in your reading for the week. A sign you are ready for a new…

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Tarotscopes from March 20th through March 26th, 2022

Tarotscopes from March 20th through March 26th, 2022

Feel free to check rising, sun, and moon signs.

Aries – It’s now Aries Season and the Star accompanies you in this week’s reading. Get ready to shine brightly and to claim your rewards. This is your moment to feel energized and prepared to take on the next month with the confidence you have seeked.

Taurus – With the Knight of Pentacles in your reading this is setting the stage of how efficient…

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Tarotscopes from March 13th through March 19th, 2022

Tarotscopes from March 13th through March 19th, 2022

Feel free to check rising, sun, and moon signs.

Aries – As you work through releasing memories that might have a hold on you, the Eight of Cups appears in your reading for the week. Walk away from what is no longer serving you and make way for the new and uplifting things to come. Aries Season is just a week away.

Taurus – Get back to basics if you feel that you are not feeling as productive or…

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Tarotscopes from March 6th through March 12th, 2022

Tarotscopes from March 6th through March 12th, 2022

Feel free to check rising, sun, and moon signs.

Aries – You kick off the week with the Knight of Wands in your reading. Mars and Venus have entered Aquarius, so your confidence levels feel optimal. Nothing can stop you as you are ready to chase your dreams.

Taurus – The week’s theme is “rest” as the Four of Swords Reversed is yet another reminder to be in tune with your mind and body. If you…

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Tarotscopes from February 27th through March 5th, 2022

Tarotscopes from February 27th through March 5th, 2022

Feel free to check rising, sun, and moon signs.

Aries – As the Hanged Man this week, you will be in contemplative mode as Pisces Season officially kicks off. During this time you might be more willing to work on some projects by yourself, and evaluate any pending tasks with patience.

Taurus – This season unlocks the opportunities to meet with new people, get more creative with your projects and…

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Tarotscopes from February 20th through February 26th, 2022

Tarotscopes from February 20th through February 26th, 2022

Feel free to check rising, sun, and moon signs.

Aries – Prepare for changes with the Eight of Swords Reversed. There is a new momentum flowing and you can’t stop it. Go with the flow during this time, without fear and trust the process. 

Taurus – Six of Swords in your reading shows that there could be opportunities presenting themselves and you will have to make choices that will elevate you…

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The Full Moon is on February 16th, 2022 in the sign of Leo. This moon is about creative expression and finding courage during the storm. While the New Moon might have been tough to handle, this one will make us feel a lot more optimistic. Focus on what you initiated six months ago and how fruitful your goals have been. Check rising, sun and moon for more details.

Aries– This fire moon will spark your creative side and allow you to feel a lot more like yourself. With the Moon in Leo you can feel like you are back in charge in the Emperor’s role with all of the fire energy it will bring. 

Taurus – Your focus will be concentrated in the home front as the Full Moon in Leo allows you to get creative and inspired. This is your time to break free from whatever has been blocking you. The muses bring life to new projects.

Gemini – Use the inspiration and new influx of knowledge to complete any pending projects or to consider starting a new one. You have the confidence to show the world what you have been working on as you add the finishing touches. Friends and family could also prove to be supportive for you during this time.

Cancer – This transit is about self-love. Show yourself compassion and patience during this transit while the Full Moon allows you to tap into what makes you great. We are all going to experience a pleasant boost of confidence during this transit.

Leo– Finally, the Full Moon is in your sign and you are feeling like the King of the jungle. Roar with all your might, get your dreams going and appreciate the successes that have come your way in the last six months. This transit is about congratulating yourself and showing yourself much appreciation.

Virgo – Take the break you have wanted, be mindful of burnout and focus on bringing calm into your world. While your dreams speak volumes this transit is a great reminder to center yourself and be patient. This is your time to decompress before the Full Moon is in your sign next month.

Libra – Courage, hope and love all come into mind when the Full Moon is in Leo. You will be prepared to once again take command of your social circles as you begin to radiate with enviable confidence. You will not be dimmed or shut out during this time since you are prepared to take control.

Scorpio– Center stage and showing the world what you are made of is the message with this Full Moon in Leo. This is a very powerful transit for Scorpios since it shows everyone else what you have accomplished, what you can gain and how much you desire to make it to the top. Be fearless.

Sagittarius– Prepare to expound your thoughts, your ideologies and to meet people that can have a powerful impact on you. Reflect during this Moon transit and muster the courage needed to expand and grow from here on out, especially now that Mercury is direct.

Capricorn – During this time you will find the road map needed to navigate through whatever has been holding you back. Leo energy has you looking forward, finding new paths and breaking away from monotony. 

Aquarius – Another powerful transit during this month that is going to wake you up. Prepare to feel revitalized and prepared to charge through. Your relationships with others and your self-confidence seem to improve. 

Pisces – This transit impacts your day to day and if your routines have slipped, you are now more focused and encouraged to get back on track. The Full Moon will impact your ego, make you reflect on the past and prepare to make moves. Magic will happen as you navigate step by step.

Full Moon in Leo: The Lion’s Roar

Full Moon in Leo: The Lion’s Roar

The Full Moon is on February 16th, 2022 in the sign of Leo. This moon is about creative expression and finding courage during the storm. While the New Moon might have been tough to handle, this one will make us feel a lot more optimistic. Focus on what you initiated six months ago and how fruitful your goals have been. Check rising, sun and moon for more details.

Aries – This fire moon will…

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