#hot twins


“WAKE UP KAILYN!” Ethan shouted as he came running into my apartment on Lexington and Park. “WE’RE GOING TO CONEY ISLAND!” “But Ethan! I’m tired!” I replied, yawning. “Can’t we go later?” “The subway ride takes over an hour and it gets extremely crowded on Saturdays. Come on you can sleep on me on the train.” Ethan said, walking over to my closet and throwing a pair of jeans and a t shirt onto my bed. “Gray and I will be waiting outside, try and be quick!” Groaning, I removed the covers, stood up, and began to get dressed.

About two hours later, the three of us were standing at the entrance, holding our tickets, ready to begin our day of fun. “See, we told you this wouldn’t be too bad!” Grayson said. “Since we sorta dragged you here what would you like to do first?” “Ummmm…. The Cyclone!” I replied. “I’ve always wanted to try it out!” “YES!” Grayson said eagerly, while Ethan awkwardly smiled and nodded his head. Making our way over to the ride, we were relieved to find that the line had not built up yet. After only waiting for about ten minutes, we finally went on. I sat next to Ethan, and Gray sat in the car behind us. As the conveyor belt began to take everyone up, Ethan’s jawline tightened. “You ok Eth?” I asked. “You seem tense?” “I’m uh.. I’m good.” he replied. Knowing that he wasn’t comfortable going on the ride, I slowly slid my fingers into his, and held his hand. “It will be ok. Just close your eyes!” I said. “It will be over soon!” “Let’s hope so!” he replied, his breathing becoming a little steadier. “Question though…. Why did you come on in the first place? You didn’t have to!” “The truth… to impress you.” he replied, turning red. “Kailyn there’s something I need to tell you. I -” “AHHHHHHH!” everyone screamed as the ride began its descent. Twisting and turning, we went all over the place and it was so much fun! “AGAIN!” Grayson shouted as we stepped off. “ROUND TWO!” “How about we do something more simple instead?” I suggested, for Ethan’s sake. I wasn’t going to let his brother know how he felt about certain roller coasters. “I’ve been craving cotton candy!” “Blue right?” Grayson asked. “My treat-” “Nah I got it bro!” Ethan said. “Please, let me?” Putting his wallet away, Grayson nodded and then followed us over to the small stand in the middle of the park.

“Three please!” Ethan said as he gave the vender the money. Handing me the stick, the cotton candy was bigger than my head. “OMG ETHAN!” I said, beginning to laugh. “This is so much!” Taking a bite, I could feel the soft, sticky blue sugar all over my face. “You have a little something on your lip.” Ethan said, gently using his finger to wipe it off. Then, unsuspectedly, he leaned in and kissed me. I was about to pull away, but the kiss was so magical that it felt unreal. His smooth, soft lips against mine were like the paradises that I only see in my dreams. “Ethan I-” “I’m sorry.” he replied, beginning to walk away, but I followed him. “ETHAN WAIT!” “I HAD NO RIGHT TO DO THAT TO YOU! IM SORRY KAILYN! I-” To keep him from causing more of a scene, and to show him that I didn’t mind his actions, I kissed him. The Sparks were just as amazing the second time around. “Whoa.” Ethan said. “What was that?” “I like you too Ethan.” I replied. “I always have, and I always will.” “It’s true bro, she’s told me many times.” Grayson said. “GRAY!” “…… I’m walking away now.” he replied, leaving Ethan and I alone together. “Why haven’t you told me Kay?” Ethan asked. “I’m wondering the same thing right now Ethan. You could’ve been the first to spill too.” “You’re right, I’m sorry. I just didn’t know how you would take it, that’s all.” “Even if I didn’t like you back, and believe me, I do, I still wouldn’t stop being friends with you. You’ve always been there for me. I couldn’t ask for a better person in my life.” “Kailyn I- no ones ever said that to me before.” “Well it’s the truth! So do you want to give us a shot or no?” I asked. Without hesitation, Ethan replied “YES!” and the two of us met back up with Grayson and enjoyed the rest of our day together.

Grayson really likes Ice Cream Grayson really likes Ice Cream

Grayson really likes Ice Cream

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