#houdini and doyle









during the Victorian occultism movement I would have been the guy who giggled all the way through seances

Arthur Conan Doyle subtly, but very firmly kicking you under the table.

man was 6’1” and built like a brick shithouse if he looked at me sideways I’d collapse like an aluminum can

Mans was WHAT

here’s a picture of him standing next to Harry Houdini, who was 5’6”

This is actually really interesting in the context of average height.

In the Victorian era, average height for Englishmen was 5'6" with a range of 5'3" - 5'9". Anyone outside of this range was considered unusually tall or short.

So mans WAS built like a brick shithouse.

And Harry Houdini was the guy who was giggling all the way through the seance.

They fight crime!

Houdini and Doyle is a new favorite of mine.  The characters are well defined and the dynamic of Hou

Houdini and Doyle is a new favorite of mine.  The characters are well defined and the dynamic of Houdini and Doyle is reminiscent of the BBC Sherlock/Watson partnership.  I love the Houdini paranormal skepticism going head to head with Doyle’s interest and beliefs in the supernatural.  The viewer gets a eye full of turn of the century wonders and optimism as well as a fictional story of these two major figures from the time.  


I can’t forget to mention that Adelaide Stratton, the first female constable of the Metropolitan Police, warms the cockles of the heart.  I love that she continues to work hard and be an exemplary police officer even when the men on the force don’t see her that way.  She works on showing the world to see things differently instead of telling them in such a strong way it makes me feel all giddy.  

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