#house of cards fanfiction


Brazen Qualities Ch 8

Warnings: Language. Politics.
Taglist:  @charabs@emilyprentisswife@natasha-danvers@stardust-fray@ineedafinghug@billiedeannovak@vivis-ghost-wife@imlike-so-gaydude@wannabe-fic-reader@sarcasticmami@angelicdestieldemon@gaylorrds@smuttty@infiniteoddball@delphineecormierr

Heather was in the campaign office, working through a couple of things with Cynthia and another few workers when you knocked on the door jam. It was only the day after you’d returned from Iowa, but you knew you had to check up on things. You also felt Heather’s eyes drag up your frame, drinking your body in.

“Somone looks fancy.” She teased, her words soft enough the others in the room wouldn’t suspect anything.

“I had a meeting with a few Justice’s earlier, had to look my best.” You settled into an empty chair, “how’re things going? Anything I need to know?”

“Everything’s smooth.” Cynthia replied, “all the info you gave us last week was all we really needed. Now that Sharp as pulled out and said she’s openly supporting Heather, things are looking up.”

“Perfect.” You shot Heather a soft smile as the team began to sort through everything coming up. You had to admit, you were only paying half attention, the memory of Heather railing you against her desk in Iowa still burning fresh in your brain. You shot out a couple of ideas and replies over the next hour or so before Heather dismissed everyone. Once there were a smatterings of ‘good nights’ and the like (despite it barely being 5pm) and the door was officially shut, Heather turned her attention to you. You’d started to gather your things, everything work wise was done after all. Your breath hitched as she caged you in between her arms against her desk,

“Shame that I can’t fuck you over this desk…” she murmured, chuckling as your lips chased hers after the small kiss she gave you, “the rush…knowing someone could walk in any minute?” Her lips traced down the side of your neck, purposely nipping at your already bruised skin that you’d tucked under a scarf for the day, “but believe me…once I win..” her lips sucked at your skin again, “I’ll fucking destroy you over the desk in the Oval Office. You’ll like that won’t you kitten?”

You could barely whimper out a reply, clenching your thighs together as Heather kissed and bit at your skin, “fuck you so good you can barely move. Then prop you up on the desk and eat that delicious pussy until you’re screaming my name.” You let out a whine as Heather’s mouth detached from your skin, her brows furrowing as her eyes shot to her phone, letting out a huff, “I’ve got to go. I’ll see you tomorrow.” With a soft kiss that you couldn’t help but pull Heather back in for a second, she was gone from the office.

You let out a heavy sigh, dropping into the chair behind you, trying your best to distract yourself from the images in your head. Fuck. This woman had you wrapped around her goddamn finger and you both loved and hated it at the same time. It sure didn’t help that she was so fucking talented with her mouth, you knew things were only just sexual, and that was more than okay with you, you didn’t have the time to indulge in anything else anyway.

The next hour or so consisted of you going over paperwork and the like in the campaign office. You’d been busy with your other meetings the last couple of days that you had more than a few documents to go through for the Dunbar campaign. As you finished up what you’d meant to do, you spent a bit tidying up the office, the stress of the days having left it messier than normal. In your cleaning, you accidentally knocked over a vase, cursing yourself at first at having even more to clean, before your fingers dug the small device out amongst the pieces of porcelain.


Heather was at home, working through a few things in her home office. John was supposed to be making sure the kids were indulging in their schoolwork now that dinner was done. She barely heard the doorbell ring, so entranced with work that it barely left her mind.

“Mr Dunbar…” you stuttered, suddenly ever so aware of the sitaution you were involved in.”Uh..is..Ms Dunbar here? I really need to talk to her.”

“Yeah just give me a minute.” He darted back down the hallway for a minute, returning quickly but not before the kids crossed through the entrance way.

“Wow, her hickey’s almost as bad as the one you came home with last week Becca!” He teased. She punched her brother in response, cheeks flushing the same amount your felt yours burning.

“Hey! Homework! Now!” John replied, ushering the kids away, “I’m so sorry..”

“It’s fine..” you  avoided his eyeline, brushing your hair over your neck in an attempt to cover the bruising on your skin. You’d completely forgotten you took off the scarf once the office was empty.

“Y/n.. what’s going on?” Heather’s voice broke your embarrassment as she stepped towards the doorway.

“You got a minute?”

“Yes of course.” She replied. Your eyes darted between her and her husband, trying to give her a knowing look.

“Uh..attorney client privilege? No offence.”

“Spousal privilege applies, you can say whatever you need.”

“Can we take a walk…please?” Your eyes silently begged Heather, thankful for an argument breaking out in the kitchen that distracted her husband. Heather cocked a brow, but grabbed her coat, following you down the steps to the sidewalk.

“You wanna tell me what this is about?”

“Aside from your kid just calling me out about the hickey on my neck?!” Heather laughed, falling in step beside you as you moved down the street.

“Oh please, as if you didn’t enjoy getting that.”

“I was in meetings all day…anyone could’ve seen it.”

“Well then we’ll be more careful.” She replied, “now…why are you here?” You sighed,

“I…may have accidentally smashed a vase in the office.”


“I found a bug…”

“A what?”

“An electronic listening device. Somone’s been recording conversations in that office for God knows how long!”

“What did you do with it?”

“I left it there. If I destroyed it or moved it, whoever planted it would know that we knew they were listening in. We’ve got to continue on like we don’t know it’s there, we’ve got the leg up on them right now, but I am worried.”

“There’s no reason to be, we’ve been running a clean campaign. Besides, are you even sure it’s a bug? The only people who have been in that office alone are you, myself and Cynthia.”

“And Doug…”

Shit.” She muttered. She had forgotten about that. It wasn’t very long, but it was more than enough time to drop a bug.

“We know he’s back working with Underwood, he was always sided with him, he only came to you so he could gain information that Underwood could use and thus would know he could trust him again.”

“You’re making something out of nothing. There’s nothing on there that would be useable.”

“Heather! Are you serious? That little conversation we had earlier today? Also, you said you were in the office the night you..coachedme through things. You really think Underwood’s above using something like that to derail your chances of getting the nomination? With Jackie dropped out you’re his only competition, we’ve got to get in front of this before he realizes the juice he has…if he hasn’t already.”

“Hey.” Her voice softened as her hands grasped at your shoulders, steadying you and gaining your full attention, “it is my voice on that tape. I will take care of this. Now go home, drink some wine and relax. Don’t worry your pretty little head over this, okay? Stay focussed, we’ve got the caucus in Arizona coming up.”

“As your legal advisor, isn’t something like this exactly what you brought me on board to be worried about?”

“If Underwood tries to use this, he has to admit that he had the office bugged in the first place, looks bad on him.”

“All he has to do is publicly fire Doug, throw him under the bus and it’s water under the bridge.”

“Sweetheart…” Heather gave you a warning glare.

“Okay, okay. I’ll drop it for now.”

“Thank you.” Her hand softly moved your hair off your neck, wincing slightly at the purpling mark, “that is bad…sorry. No one’s called you on it?”

“My scarf collection’s been getting quite the workout. You better hope it’s gone by Arizona or it’s practically a dead giveaway.”

“And you need to stop worrying so much.” She smirked, “now go get some rest.”

“Good night Heather.”

“Sweet dreams kitten.” She winked at you before she made her way back up the sidewalk, causing you to shake your head at her teasing.

Heather Dunbar x Fem Reader
Warnings: Language.


The 24 hour news channel was playing quietly on your office t.v while you were working through your most recent argument, yet another senator caught in a scandalous affair, no surprise there. Now it was your job to remind both the upper politicians and the public that just because he preferred 21 year old blondes to his wife didn’t mean he wasn’t good at his job. There was a knock at the door, your assistant announcing that you had a visitor. You gave a quick nod of ‘let them in’ while you finished up the page you were on.

“Ms Dunbar,” you greeted, “what can I do for you?”

“I want you on my team.”

“That was fast.”

“So you heard?” Heather chuckled as she settled into a seat across from your desk, referring to her announcement that she was running for the democratic nomination for president.

“‘Course. Can’t let something like that slip by unknown when I work predominantly in the world of politics. You have any more details to lay out for me?”

“Your official title would be my legal advisor. I want you working alongside myself and Cynthia as we plan the campaign and on the trail with us. You’ll look over speeches, debates, interviews and the like before they happen, make sure everything’s in check. If anything comes up in an attempt to slander my name, you’ll be representing me.”

“A lot of that sounds like a job for someone fresh out of law school…” you leant forward, propping your elbows on your desk, linking your fingers, “why me?”

“Because you’re the only one that took a battle to court and got the Vice President to step down. You’re also the only one to defend a politician to the Supreme Court against me and win.” She grinned, “you’re well liked and respected in both the courts and in the White House, and you’re damn good at your job. One of the finest lawyers in the country.”

“Flattery won’t get you want you want Heather.” You half teased, “you do remember I’m childhood friends with Jackie, right?” She chuckled,

“Sharp’s already gotten you has she?”

“No.” You pursed your lips, “besides, she’s too…high strung. And there’s no doubt in my mind she has more than a few skeletons in the closet.” You tapped your chin on your hands, deep in thought for a moment, “but you’re offering me a job with a definite end date. What more do you have to offer?”

“You’ll have a spot on my campaign through to the election, once I’m in office, I can offer you something more substantial.”

“And if you don’t win? I highly doubt they’ll replace me with a temp here while I’m gone. I won’t have a permanent job to come back to.”

“What’re you asking for?” Heather wasn’t one to make promises this early in the game, hell she wasn’t one to make promises a week out from the election, but she needed you on her side, and if that’s what it was going to take, she’d bite. After all, a good lawyer always knew when to make a deal.

“Solicitor General.” You replied, your forearms dropping to cross in front of you on the desk, a small smile on your lips.

“I’m not sure I can promise you that. As small as the chance of me losing is…I would hate to make a breakable deal.”

“You don’t have to worry about it if you lose. My name’s already in the running, but if I take the time off to support you it might affect my chances.”

“Underwood’s already called you?” She quirked a brow and you let out a small chuckle.

“He was on the phone with me before your resignation even hit his desk.”

“Bastard….” She muttered.

“Agreed. So what’re we talking for salary?” She slid a folded piece of paper out of her purse, placing it on the desk in front of you. You shot her a glance before unfolding it, eyes skimming the scrawled numbers, “seems generous enough.”

“There’ll be a raise after I secure the nomination.”

“Are we doing this as a verbal agreement or do you have a contract for me to sign?”

“Good girl…” Heather grinned, knowing you were too smart to enter into not only a job, but a deal like this without having it signed and written down first.

“I’ve been doing this for fourteen years Heather, I’m no yuppie.”

“I’ll have something drawn up and to you by Monday.”

“And once I’ve looked it over…you’ll have yourself a deal.” You smiled, mirroring her in standing, a hand extending to shake hers firmly, “I don’t suppose you wanting me as a visible and prominent presence on your team has anything to do with my father?” You quipped.

“The support of someone with your last name may help my standings, but this is because the only person with a finer legal mind in this country-“

“Is you…” You smirked,

“Exactly.” She smiled, picking up her bag, “I’ll call you. Thank you.” Her hand was almost on the door knob when you called out.

“Heather!” She turned back to you, a question written on her features, “I know Underwood already announced he’s not running this term, but I’d watch your back.”


“We both know he’s not to be trusted. He’s already tried to pull you away from the race before he even knew you were considering running and attempted to give away your job while you were still employed. You wouldn’t even be the first person he’s blackmailed this week.” Heather paused, her hand dropping to her side as she fully turned her attention to you, a brow quirked while she decoded your words.

“You know about Justice Jacobs…”

“I used to babysit his kids.” You shrugged, “and…when you’re not available people tend to come to me. If there’s a secret within the Supreme Court, there’s a pretty good chance I already know about it.”

“Which is exactly why I want you on my team.” Heather gave you a knowing grin before leaving your office, the door shutting behind her.

In all honesty, you weren’t surprised by her coming to you, despite being a special prosecutor herself, she would need a second set of eyes with similar legal knowledge to help her get through this. Especially when she would be so buried in the political side of things. It certainly did help that your father had been one of the highest ranking Senators for Washington for years before he passed. You’d spent your entire life growing up around politics, you watched the news every morning before school by the time you were six, government related conversations were part of the usual dinner time talk. You did homework surrounded by the senate, and you won every school president election you put your name in for. Your father often bragged about it, even when you were still much to young to even think about your career, but your connections certainly helped you rise through the ranks faster than a normal law student applying for a political career would. Not that you ever wanted a seat in the office, you loved law far too much to leave it behind you, not to mention the madness that came along with politics.

Though as Heather had mentioned, it wasn’t just that you knew someone high up, you’d dedicated so much of your education to leaving no nook or cranny of the law, the constitution, or anything related unturned. You knew it as well as you knew the back of your hand. Even fresh out of Harvard you won cases no one ever would have expected you to, your wit and intelligence far beyond colleagues your age. It wasn’t long before you secured a job working with the government, and it surprisingly didn’t take you very long to prove that you were more than the young pretty thing with a law degree roaming the halls. You were barely thirty when you took down the Vice President, facing off against Dunbar herself a few years later. She’d been so confident that she had the case in the bag, someone like you couldn’t possibly have the skill to take her on, but you’d rendered her speechless more than once during the trial, a simple smirk on your face as you headed back to the defence table.

It was in that moment she knew she needed you on her side, no matter what the circumstance. You became slow friends, exchanging pleasantries whenever you ran into each other in the halls. You rarely interacted outside of the professional environment aside from the very few run ins on days off. Though she was quick to offer a business card, offering up advice or support if you ever needed it on a case. You were hesitant at first, politics were always involved obviously, and you could never know what someone’s true motives were unless you really knew and trusted them. You reluctantly went to dinner with her when you had a very difficult case, and were surprised when she actually was in support of you, giving more than great advice that ended up with you winning the case.

From then on in you trusted her, you’d always respected her, admired the career she’d managed to build for herself. Your interaction was still minimal, professional, but it seemed like things were about to evolve. She was no longer your superior lawyer, she was a candidate, and you were her entire legal team for until she won this race.

It was safe to say that your relationship with Heather Dunbar was about to take a very big change.
