

You can now order signed copies of The Butterfly Assassin from Housmans, meaning you get both a signed book and the smug satisfaction of knowing you supported a radical non-profit independent bookshop at the same time!

A wonderful book launch tonight at Housmans We had my book as a cake, I signed lots of copies, I saw people I’ve not seen in years, and I stood on a stool and yelled about how the military and the arms trade are bad. All my favourite things to do at a party!

Housmans was such a great venue to host this lil party – my pacifist values actually had a significant impact on my stabby murder book, so I loved having that connection there and feeling like the shop would support me getting political and turning the thing into an impromptu pacifist rally Plus, that radical angle gave it all a unique feel, very different from being in a corporate chain bookshop. I think some of my friends bought rather more books than they planned…

As of tomorrow you’ll be able to order signed copies of the book from the Housmans website, and I’ll drop a link here when I’ve got one. Please do – they were so great, and they’re a cool nonprofit leftie shop with excellent vibes, so absolutely one to support if you can!
