#how dare you make something so wonderful




tw/cw - angst, spoilers for squid game.

a/n - gonna become a kang sae-byeok blog because it’s a crime that there’s no content for her. we are starved writing community. customer, @keokomi.

- if you could, you’d erase the past and rewrite history. sketch the lines of a story that followed a plot much more interesting than the one you currently lived in. paint colors with a brush that felt more vivid and meaningful than the dullness in which captures your vision each and every morning. shades that portray the shadows of a different reality and the what if’s that could’ve been. with just a pencil in hand, you wished to give much more than what you were capable of gifting.

- kang sae-byeok, a girl you had unknowingly written yourself into her story. it had been just another one of those bland mornings filled with empty mugs stained with coffee and an alarm clock that rattled in your ears, leaving you to rush with untied shoes and ruffled hair. a project for your art school, one you had knowingly left unattended until the looming reminder of the due date startled you to cramp in weeks of work into just mere hours. a late night of blindingly bright lights to keep you from slumber and coffee that no longer worked that left you hunched over the desk with a half finished drawing and empty supplies. all those events led you here, into the small art shop wedged between two buildings to gather more items in hopes of finishing in time.

- a soft ring chimed in your ears, followed by the low sound of music playing in the background. your hands stayed hidden within your sweater pockets in order to keep the warmth that binds them, finding that your steps were automatic going to the aisle that contained what you needed. your eyes scanned the names and the numbers of value, rocking back and forward on your heels before leaning forward and reaching for the box of graphite pencils.

- a small jolt would spark your fingertips, surprised by the brush of someone else’s hands along your own. you both reached back ever so slightly to avoid the lingering touch, staring at one another in a silence that stretched on between the lyrics and drums that filled the store. entranced would better explain the feeling that plagued your mind interlocking your gaze with her own, finding that despite the heavy bags that lined her eyes, the hues of dark hickory rivaled that of azure skies and jade stones.

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