#how do you queue




Was walking my dog downtown and he stopped to drink from a dog bowl in front of a bar and I was like “Oh, are you a thirsty little boy?” And a grown-ass man sitting there said “i guess I am,” as he took a sip of his beer and then he realized I was not talking to him and looked completely horrified

#id fuck him




It’s been less than two months and I already have 30+ cherry shrimp when I started with six how do I ask them nicely to stop mating

Really good advice everyone, thank you. I will stop playing sensual 90s R&B slow jams near their tank 24/7 and feed them some corn flakes.

Fav tag so far



I find it fascinating that people who choose not to have children are generally assumed to feel really strongly about not having children (or even to feel really strongly against children, anyone’s children, in general). I am probably not going to have children, not because I REALLY REALLY HATE the idea of having children, but because I don’t really really love it. Out of all the major decisions I will make in my life, this one is the only irreversible one. I can sell a house, quit a job, divorce a spouse, whatever. I cannot unhave a child. I cannot opt out of being a parent once I become a parent. I can’t even take a step back for the sake of self-care or whatever, or else my child will suffer.

So for me, having children is fuck yes or not at all. The default will be to remain childfree. Having children should be an opt-in decision, not an opt-out one. Until/unless I develop really strong feelings about wanting to have children, I won’t have them, even if that means I never end up having them at all.

Sometimes you just come across something that puts into words what you have yet been unable to.


we need carbs and we need fats and we need proteins and honestly fuck diet culture for normalizing malnourishment 


no homo but that moment u step into a patch of sunlight and ur body had forgotten what it was like to feel warm.. im in love


This man can’t be fixed. I can fuck him though. Maybe that will calm him down.


Current linguistics obsession: the difference in English between “few/little” and “a few/a little”

“He convinced few people” Negative connotation; he did not convince that many people.

“He convinced a few people” Neutral to positive connotation; he did manage to convince some people.

“They found a little food” “Neutral to positive connotation; it might not be a lot, but they did manage to find some food.

“They found little food” Negative connotation; that’s not going to be enough food.


complex trauma be like. ‘would you enjoy an incredibly insane set of rules to live your life by so you survive except all of the rules contradict each other’ and then you have to go to therapy forever


Ya ever think about Hardwon Surefoot and just cry???




I think the text of Dracula is greatly elevated by delivering it to us over email in this way, solely and exclusively for the implication that Jonathan Harker, upon realising that he has been trapped alone in the house of some kind of supernatural being, reacts not by using his computer to reach out for help but by telling all of his besties about it like “Is this weird? this is weird right? It’s my first assignment at this entry level job and I just can’t tell” 

…oh my god.

Do you know what we need? We need the modern au where Jonathan is writing in to Ask a Manager to find out if his job is weird, he really doesn’t know, practicing law is crazy, is this stuff normal? And both Alison and all 1000+ comments are people yelling “IT’S NOT NORMAL, GET THE FUCK OUT”.

he just soldiers through because like … how do you tell your boss “oh yeah I left without meeting with the client because everyone at Bucharest International Airport said he was an undead abomination” and the commentariat gives him a script for telling his boss he left because the client assaulted him and broke his property without needing to justify why he thinks the client is a vampire



upsettingly i’m caught up on curse words

me in eighth grade realizing I hadn’t learned any new ones in awhile because there just weren’t any more


when the texan shows up in dracula daily this website will be unusable for at least 12 hours


*gets put in a wiggler that vibrates all the microplastics out of my body*

*the microplastics take shape as an indestructible, plastic clone of myself*

*I fuck it*




Is it just me or is anybody starting to feel like uhhh. maybe it wont pass

tfw your dog swallowed something they shouldn’t have and its been like 3 days

when a balrog is coming but gandalf is there

gay-emo-quotes: beautifry:petewentzstolemypizza:coldtartsbrewcoldersocks:rnyselfie:themurder







and if you turn to ur left you’ll see the emos

is that my chemical romance?

OH MY GOD not every group of emos is my chemical romance stfu tumblr

but it actually is my chemical romance

this is the funniest fuckibg thing I’ve ever seen

I’ve…. seen this everywhere except on Tumblr itself. It’s the blessed post.

Post link


Time to read an excerpt from that classic book, Jonathan Harker and Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Business Trip


i hate when people call me on the phone like this is for my mom only….


a creature can be a girl. …..And! as well, a girl can be a creature
