#how to rock a turban

Let’s take a moment to bow our heads in the remembrance of how I just slayed every hoe ever. E

Let’s take a moment to bow our heads in the remembrance of how I just slayed every hoe ever. Every troll. Every fat-shamer. Every Muslim in Detroit and abroad that likes to keep up with my life but talk that stuff behind closed doors. The racists and bigots that say I’m oppressed because I’m visibly Muslim. Oppression? Where? Old co-workers that discouraged me from pursuing my creative endeavors. My ex-boss that told me that I was pretentious and intimidating and tried to get me fired. Yeah, but she got fired instead Look at Gawd. My ex, who was embarrassed of me. Tried to make me seem like I was less than a Muslim and downplay my accomplishments. Hiiiiiii A family member who recently told me that she ain’t feel sorry for me when I tried to express my pain and current mental status.
To every person who said I was extra, too much, too loud, too fat, too black, not black enough, or whatever…I may be broke, borrowing clothes from friends for shoots, bi-polar with several complexes but I’m here. I’m still here. Trying a little bit every day to be better than I was yesterday. And, yeah, sometimes I fail miserably. But, I’m still here. Standing tall. And slaying. *Sips tea* @Remy_me

IG: Lvernon2000

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I get a lot praise for being brave. When in retrospect, I’m often times very much afraid, rigiI get a lot praise for being brave. When in retrospect, I’m often times very much afraid, rigiI get a lot praise for being brave. When in retrospect, I’m often times very much afraid, rigi

I get a lot praise for being brave. When in retrospect, I’m often times very much afraid, rigid in my thoughts, teetering on the edge of ‘you’ll never make it’. The word 'can’t’ floats around on repeat. I make my own self upset with the negativity. But, on social media everyone looks so happy. Their lives so amazing. A nice, little curated world of fun and adventure and perfectly angled selfies. When I look at the statistics, someone like me should’ve never made it this far…

Yesterday, I had a convo with one of my bros. He told me that he was too old and that most people his age couldn’t achieve what he wanted to achieve. He said that his journey was the beginning of the end.I thought about my own self. And my own negative thoughts I’d been having lately.

I replied: don’t place yourself in a box with other people, with norms or statistics. How do you know you aren’t an anomaly, that you aren’t the one whose gonna change the world? Stop thinking on such a small level. A closed minded level. This isn’t the beginning of the end. It’s the start to the beginning. @yannazazu

IG: Lvernon2000

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I enjoyed the sun… Had a shoot with a new photographer and because I’m crazy and like tI enjoyed the sun… Had a shoot with a new photographer and because I’m crazy and like t

I enjoyed the sun… Had a shoot with a new photographer and because I’m crazy and like to push my modeling limits, I requested to do the shoot in the confinements of a busy, hot, and very shaky subway car. My neck rolls were sweating and my bag very heavy so thank god my friend and MUA came along
Anywho, I just dropped in to let you know that the slayage is possible. I’m getting a lot of messages from people saying that they just absolutely can not do what I do. They can’t be confident. They try but just keep falling back down. What they fail to understand is that it’s all internal. Most of our fears come from our own insecurities.
In order to change, you have to want it. Badly. Me? I was tired of the negative thoughts. So one day, I decided to stop caring about the trolls and bullies and do me. And, look, now I’m a baddie. Small or big. Whatever size. You are worthy. Fat ain’t a bad word. Look at me slay. Okaaaaay!
Plus this Spanx got my waist snatched so today was a good day

IG: Lvernon2000

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