#how to write lgbt





writeblr asking for help

does anyone have a tip on how to write LGBT characters? like it’s not a gay book but the main character has a silent crush on their best friend while they go on an adventure. anyone have any tips?

Alright so I’m going to link some stuff and then pose a few questions that I think are important for the character, so hopefully, something out of it helps. Whether or not this is helpful also depends where you are in your story and what you’ve developed, I’m trying my best not to assume anything though!

Tips on Writing LGBT Characters
A Primer on How to Write Queer Characters (video)
A post on labeling (kinda ranty but honestly makes good points imo)
Writing With Color’s Recommendations (LGBTQ stuff is at the bottom)


  • Does your character know their sexuality?
  • Are they in a questioning stage? (first question and this can coincide)
  • Are they out of the closet? If so, to who?
  • Is their crush straight, questioning, and/or LGBT?
  • Does their crush know they are LGBT?
  • Are they raised or around people who are pro-LGBT, anti-LGBT, or both?
  • Is anyone else in the story LGBT?
  • What is society’s view of LGBT people?
  • What are the rights granted to LGBT people?

So I think those questions can help decide the kind of interactions the main character has with their crush. I know a lot of people will probably say you can write LGBT characters the way you write anyone else - and that’s true - but crushes can definitely be of a different dynamic.

The questions matter because an out queer person and a closeted queer person act differently. The same with someone who knows they’re LGBT, and someone just questioning/realizing it. Their behavior around their crush will vary depending on who they’re with, and the level of comfort with their sexuality will vary as well. Sexuality is a personal journey and it can be hard to figure out, or easy for some, or just a mess for others.

Personal experiences and tips below the cut.

Keep reading

Holy shit thank you so much for spending tjme to reply this. Thank you so much I’m, well, speechless. I’ll definitely do that! Thankss
