#hp heacanon

AWC Citizens are reminded that using magic to interfere with Muggle-owned technological devices is n

AWC Citizens are reminded that using magic to interfere with Muggle-owned technological devices is not only a violation of the International Statute of Secrecy but also a transgression of Article 7B of the Muggle Protection Act. Furthermore, the Department of Trade Regulation and Transportation requested we specify that that however amusing we might find Muggle pre-occupation with the “new” development of self-driving cars, the TRT does not recognize it as a cause for mirth, and anyone caught playing this sort of entrapment prank on unsuspecting Muggles will be getting a visit from TST officers and their local Wizarding Congressional Representative, thank you very much.

Government-sponsored notice in The Sorcery Standard, 20 March 2017

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[And this one? Is actually sort of true! Read about it here.]

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