#hsk exams


HSK Exams are back on! And to help you prepare, we’re giving you 15% discount off ANY vip purchase. Use your HSK Online app to scan the QR code, pick your VIP package and enter this code: tumblr15

Any questions, please shoot us a message at [email protected]

Join our free demo class on these days ⬇️

HSK 4: November 10 8pm (Beijing time)

HSK 5: November 11 6pm (Beijing time)

HSK 6: November 24 8pm (Beijing time)

In our LIVE demo lessons, our teachers will introduce you to the HSK exams, explain what exactly you’ll learn in the 21 live lessons and give you some super useful tips and tricks to make passing your HSK exams easier

We’ll see you there!

Follow the link below to redeem your free demo spot
