
My favorite thing about trying to draw Hubernie is that I do NOT know how to draw Hubert so they alw

My favorite thing about trying to draw Hubernie is that I do NOT know how to draw Hubert so they always look like this AND TBH,,, I FEEL ITS ACCURATE,,,,, /lh

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A domestic lil hubernie commission for @petraswyvern ! A flustered Hubert making dinner for his wife Bernadetta ♡

Surprise Surprise, one of my fave ships in fe3h is Hubernie. I love two lil weirdos together and in love


3H Duo units I would absolutely die for in Heroes:

- Jeralt / Sitri (valentines or wedding)

- Sylvain / Felix (standard)

- Bernadetta / Hubert (summer)

- Claude / Hilda (Halloween)

- Edelgard / Dimitri (child)

- Seteth / Flayn (New Years)

Jeralt and Sitri romance, Bernadetta and Hubert lamenting social interactions in warm weather, Claude dragging Hilda along for festive tricks, Seteth and Flayn remarking on how many new years they’ve lived through, El and Dimi interacting before they detested one another, and general Sylvain / Felix banter— yes please.

It’s June so Intsys I’m ONCE AGAIN asking for a summer duo of Bernie and Hubert. I will LITERALLY give you cash.
