#huening kai reactions


your first ‘i love you’ with tomorrow x together !!

pairing ot5 x gn! reader. genre fluff, slight angst. warning kissing, mention of sickness. requestedbyanon.author’s note should i do a ‘their first ‘i love you’’ linked to this one?


you called him after you’d just had the worst day ever and asked if he would be available to come and see you. yeonjun would never pass up the opportunity to see you and — sensing your tone through the phone call — immediately went to pick up your favourite snacks and drink to surprise you with. so when you pulled open the door and saw your boyfriend standing there with a bag full of goodies, you just threw your arms around him. the mumbled ‘i love you’ just flowed so naturally from your lips that it even caught you by surprise. you felt yeonjun tense up with realisation before he practically squeezed the life out of you. he’d secretly been waiting for you to say it back, despite his reassurance that he wasn’t expecting you to do so. he was just relieved to know that you loved him as he loved you. he’s practically tearing up when he whispers an ‘i love you too’ into your neck.


so much regret. he does love you, just remembering the shocked look on your face after he said it reminds him that you might not feel the same and could, at any time, leave him. but of course you love him back, the words just wouldn’t come out back then. you’re both cuddled up on your bed in the afternoon when you find the courage to say it. he just kept kissing you so softly and making you feel so loved that you couldn’t help it. with your thumb gently caressing his cheek, you smile the biggest smile possible and tell him you love him. now soobin understands that shocked feeling you’d felt, when his eyes go wide and every single word that he’s ever learned sounds impossible to say out loud right now. so he just kisses you again, longer and with fervour so that you know just how happy he is to hear those three words.


he needs a lot of reassurance. it took him forever to tell you he loved you because he kind of wanted you to say it first, so he is hurt when you don’t say it back. but he tries not to think of it, he’s just happy to have you around. beomgyu loves to kiss you so he dedicates his afternoon to kissing you on the couch, and something inside of you is just screaming at you to tell him you love him. he looks at you so worried when you lightly push at his chest to break off the kiss, just hovering over you with the most concerned expression in the world. but then you breathlessly tell him you love him and he stares at you unblinkingly. that’s not the way he remembers it though, always making fun of the way you said it to mask his excitement. it’s like he needs to remind you and himself of it constantly so that he won’t forget the way you made him feel when you finally said it back.


nobody, not even him, was expecting him to say the first ‘i love you’ of your relationship. even you had thought it would be the other way around, but here you were still unable to express your love to him through words. it’s when you get sick that your mind decides it’s the right time to say it. taehyun loves taking care of you so he does everything possible to make you comfortable and reduce your symptoms. after you tell him for the millionth time that you’re ok, he presses a kiss on your forehead and goes to leave the room. but you grab his hand and at first he thinks he was right about you not being ok, but you just thank him and tell him you love him instead. he smiles and nods then goes to walk out before walking into your bedside table because he’s totally freaking out. you shoot up out of bed to help him and it’s just a very memorable moment you both look back at and laugh about.

huening kai

he wasn’t even sure if he’d been ready to tell you he loved you then, so he doesn’t hold it against you. but after the first time he said it, he’s definitely the type to keep telling you whenever he feels like it. you do feel guilty about never saying it back, but you always try to remind him through your love language. then one day you’re feeling so clingy and just wanting to be around him, when he tells you he has to leave because he has plans. you don’t want to beg him to stay and cancel, so you just sadly watch him get ready to leave. when he’s standing at the door about to leave, you give him the sweetest kiss and tell him you love him and to be safe. he tries not to overreact by squealing, he plays it off with a smile until he closes the door. he’s just standing there with his hands over his mouth trying to regulate his breathing. him not making a big deal in front of you helped you to say it freely from then on.

cuddling with tomorrow x together!!

pairing ot5 x gn! reader. genrefluff.requestedby@gorechoi.author’s note who else cried when soobin </3 my first reaction style so i hope u guys like this & that the layout is good!!


he is so affectionate. usually his love presents itself as endeared observation and random bursts of energy where he just has to smother you in affection. but when yeonjun is sleepy and craving your touch, he enjoys the intimacy of cuddling so close to you. he likes being the big spoon when you guys are just planning to fall sleep, but prefers you to wrap yourself around him if you guys are in the mood for a late-night talk. definitely a fan of your leg thrown across his legs and your arm spread across his torso with your head against his chest. will listen to you talk for hours about the future you want for yourself and for the two of you until you drift off to sleep. just loves when you play with the sleeve of his t-shirt as you sleepily describe your plan to become a millionaire. it’s so amusing to him. he always has one arm tucked behind his head and the other drawing shapes along your shoulder and bicep. when he does feel like talking, he ends up rambling about how much he loves you. usually he wants you to fall asleep first so he can make sure you guys are still tangled up in the morning.


becomes extremely clingy. would never come out and ask you to cuddle with him, he just gives you subtle hints. cue soobin sighing dramatically and restlessly shifting around beside you until you put down your phone. likes any position that allows him to rest his chin atop your head — specifically face-to-chest because then he can lock his arms behind your back and make sure you don’t try to escape. oh you need to go to the bathroom? should have thought about that before you let him get his hands on you. he isn’t into pillow talk, he prefers you to verbalise your problems when you’re both wide awake so he can actually take in the information. like whenever you’re close to him like that, all he can think about is how lucky he is. he’ll slip his hands up the back of your t-shirt to run his fingers along your back and its effect on you is crazy. he has this superpower where he can put you to sleep in seconds just by doing this. definitely does this whenever you’ve had a bad day or just spent the last hour crying into his chest — he doesn’t have to say anything to let you know that he cares.


he’s not big on cuddling, only does it when either of you need reassurance or comfort. however, he does that annoying thing of keeping you up late because he wants to talk and ends up falling asleep. you’re both laying on your side facing each other with his arm wrapped loosely around his waist, and you’ve just started to tell him about something someone did that really angered you. then you realise his eyes are drooping and he hasn’t responded in a few minutes. an hour prior, he was shaking you awake, claiming he couldn’t sleep and wanted you to talk to him. didn’t even have anything important to talk about, he was just info dumping about blackholes and sharing shark facts. back to needing reassurance or comfort, you can tell beomgyu’s had a bad day when he latches onto you and doesn’t talk as much. cuddles you while standing, just wraps his arms around your middle and nuzzles his face into the crook of your neck. he does not care if you were cooking and the food is about to burn, he needs to know that you love him. you don’t really care either, rubbing your fingers against his scalp and placing gentle kisses on his shoulder.


is awkward when it comes to cuddling boyfriend vs loves cuddling s/o. can fluster you with a single sentence but becomes a giggling mess whenever you initiate cuddling. actually he initiates it discreetly, tugging at your sleeve to pull you closer or dropping hints about how he’s cold or how the space beside him is just so empty. you know what he wants and don’t tease him for his shyness, you just offer your arms out to him. likes to spoon you — rests his chin on your shoulder while you scroll on your phone and has both arms wrapped around your torso. also loves when you cuddle up to him while watching a movie like sitting with your back against his chest or sitting on his lap with your arms around his waist. when it comes to sharing a bed, he’s more likely to hold your hand. he likes knowing you’re still there but prefers his space. if you’re sleepy and he isn’t, though, he’ll happily let you snuggle up to him and talk yourself to sleep. i feel like planning the next day is something you would end up doing a lot with taehyun while enjoying his presence. definitely pulls up his phone to answer all of your questions and check the weather.

huening kai

he loves cuddling, especially with you. won’t admit how much he loves being the little spoon — one day you threw yourself over him and fell asleep like that, and his heart was practically beating out of his chest. now you regularly fall asleep like that, and neither of you ever address it. he’s still a little awkward about cuddling with you at first, but he gets comfortable after just a few minutes. when he’s the big spoon, he definitely rubs your tummy. it’s not even on purpose, it’s just a habit that you find too endearing to call him out on. he always wants to be close to you whenever you’re alone together, but wouldn’t dream of clinging to you like that in front of anybody. cuddles on the couch are his fav because it always results in the best nap of his life. late-night talks are never ever serious. you switch from sweetly snuggling to giggling about something stupid while looking into each other’s eyes. paying him back for the tummy rubs by caressing his cheek or running your fingers through his hair. most of the time you wake up to him gripping your t-shirt and holding you flush against his chest.
