#hufflepuff self care

  • Buy yourself flowers. Put them in a nice, preferably glass, vase and set them by a window to watch the sunlight pass over each petal.
  • Eat chocolate. Specifically milk chocolate and feel the sweetness pass over your tongue.
  • Smile at strangers who seem a bit sad. There’s a strangely warm feeling that you get from causing someone else to smile. Be kind, always, because you never know what other people are going through.
  • Sit down and do that school assignment or life task that you’ve been meaning to do. Even if it’s s hard, push through. Afterwards, sit back in satisfaction of the hard work you’ve just accomplished. 
  • Wear soft clothing that lets you feel warm and cozy. Big sweaters and loose pants feel like a constant hug. 
  • Send a friend something sweet or funny that lets them know you were thinking about them. It’s also a good conversation opener if you want to talk with that person more. 
  • Walk barefoot outside and feel every blade of grass or how the cement warms your feet. 
  • Let someone who care for you, know that you appreciate them. Say it to their face and watch the smile form from their lips.
  • Try baking a dessert. I know not everyone has a sweet tooth, but just try opening a window to let the fresh air in, putting on some oldies love songs, and baking something warm to eat fresh. I highly suggest chocolate chip cookies or muffins with fruit in them.
  • Acknowledge all of the things that you are proud of yourself for. It is important to practice self love, instead of always showering others with all of your love. Recognize how far you’ve come in life and all of the trials that you’ve persevered through. I’m proud of you. and I hope you’re proud of yourself too.