#hugh ransom drysdale x you


Quarantine Blues

Pairing: Ransom x Reader

Summary: Quarantining with Ransom

Warnings:18+!Smut. Dubcon but not really. D/S themes. Reader being a brat

Word Count: 1.6k

“Ransom, we’re out of milk!” you shouted as you tried in vain to shake out any meager drops that remained over your bowl of cereal.

“Go get some more,” you heard him yell back from the living room. You followed his voice to find him sitting on his couch watching his tenth episode of Criminal Minds in a row.

“How long has it been since you left the couch?”

“They’re about to catch the Replicator!” he protested.

“The BAU isn’t going anywhere. Now, go to the store and pick up some more milk.”

“Oh, so my little princess is trying to give me orders now?” Ransom asked as he grabbed your arm and pulled you down onto the couch and into his arms. You started to relax back into his strong arms as he began to plant a trail of kisses down your neck, before you stopped yourself.

“No,” you said as you pushed yourself away from him and sat up. “You need to go to the store.”

“But you’re much more fun than the grocery store.”

“Ransom,” you reprimanded him lightly. “I hate dry cereal, and besides it’ll be good for you to get some fresh air.”

“No air out there is fresh. It’s all contaminated with corona.”

“That’s why you wear a mask and use plenty of hand sanitizer.”

“But what if that’s not enough? Are you really willing to risk my life like that? You’re ready to lose me?” he asked in an over dramatic voice.

“For cocoa pops with milk I’d do anything. You know it turns the milk chocolatey and that’s very important to me, Ransom.”

“Since when are Cocoa Pops more important than me?”

“Forever. Now, get your ass up off the couch and go get me my milk,” you ordered him as you got up and tried to pull Ransom off of the couch as well with all your body weight.

“This is hopeless, you know,” he said as he watched you with a bored expression, unmoved despite your best attempts.

“Do you love me, Ransom?”

“Of course I do, baby.”

“So you’ll get me my milk!”

“You’re really not gonna give up, are you?” he asked.


“Fine,” he said as he lazily got off of the couch before he kissed you gently on the forehead, grabbed his coat and slipped out the door.

He returned a little less than an hour later with your milk jug in hand.

“Hey, babe. I missed you while I was gone,” he said as he stepped through the door.

“You were only gone for 45 minutes,” you said as you fumbled with the remote. “Why were you gone that long anyway? It only takes 10 minutes to drive into town, 5 minutes with the way that you drive.”

“I couldn’t find the milk, and I didn’t want to ask a store person because I figured they’re the most at risk for catching corona, and I certainly don’t want to get it.”

“You’re hopeless.”

“Yeah, but you love me. So what are you watching?”

“Nothing,” you answered quickly.


“Ransom,” you replied sweetly.

“I’m gonna ask you again. What are you watching?”

“I told you, it’s nothing, just some stupid show. Don’t worry about it,” you said immediately. Ransom, suspicious of you, stepped out of the doorway and further into the living room to see the TV as you desperately tried to turn it off.

“Is that Criminal Minds?” he shrieked at an impossibly high pitched level.

“I just wanted to see what you were so hyped up about.”

“So you watched ahead of me? I buy you milk and this is how you repay me? You know who the Replicator is and I don’t.”

“Oh, I can tell you! It’s-“

“No!” Ransom shouted as he clapped his hands over his ears. “I don’t want to hear it. LALALALALALA,” he sang as he walked out of the room.

“Ransom!” you called out as you ran after him.

“You betrayed me,Y/N” he yelled from inside your room.

“Ransom, don’t you think that you’re being a little overdramatic?” you shouted as you jiggled the locked handle. “Let me in. We can talk about this!”

“I don’t wanna talk to you right now, Y/N!”

“Fine. I’ll come back when you’re ready to stop acting like a child!” you screamed as you stomped down the stairs to pour yourself a drink.

A couple of hours later, you heard Ransom’s footsteps coming down the stairs.

“Are you finally ready to talk?” you asked as you looked up from your third glass of red wine.

“No, but I was hungry, and I wanted some mac and cheese.”

“Whatever,” you mumbled as you watched Ransom raid the shelves and attempt to turn on the stove.

“Do you know how to make mac and cheese?”

“I do,” you said simply. Ransom fixed you with a questioning stare, urging you to go on. “Well, I’m certainly not going to tell you while you’re still acting like a two year old.”

“Please. I’m starving.”

“You know, it’s nice to hear you beg for once.”

“Don’t talk dirty to me, princess, not right now.”

“I will do whatever I please. You’re not the boss of me,” you said defiantly.

“Yes, I am,” Ransom said darkly as he took a step towards you. “Make me some damn mac and cheese.”


“You will do as I say, you little brat,” he said before he pinned you back against the wall and captured your lips in a crushing, almost painful kiss. You ended the kiss abruptly and slipped out from under his arms.

“Does this mean that you’re not angry at me anymore?”

“I’m still mad, but there are ways for me to get over it.”

“Good, then I’ll make you your mac and cheese now,” you said cheerfully as you retrieved a pot from under the stove and turned the stove on.

“I believe that I’ve found other ways of satisfying my hunger,” he said as he pressed himself against you from behind, and turned your head so that he could kiss you greedily.

“Slow down mister,” you chided him as you swatted away one of his wandering hands. “You were so insistent about your mac and cheese, so now, I’m going to make it for you, and you are going to enjoy it.”

“Fine,” he sighed as he settled himself at a stool across from you at the counter. “Watching you cook is hot too.”

“You need to calm yourself.”

“It’s not my fault that my wife is so hot.”

“You’re not worming your way into my pants right now, Ransom. Now, eat up,” you said as you slid a steaming bowl of mac and cheese across the counter to him before leaving the kitchen for your room.

Half an hour later, Ransom pushed through your bedroom door to find you sitting on your bed, reading a book. He flung himself onto the bed and attempted to cuddle you while popping open the top few buttons of the shirt you were wearing which was actually his.

“Stop it, Ransom. I’m trying to finish my book!” you protested with a giggle.

“I can think of better ways to spend your time,” he said as he began to lightly trace your breasts underneath your shirt.

“Ransom, stop!”

“Why devour that book when I could be devouring you?” His hand began roaming lower and lower as you began to involuntarily give into him with small movements, craving him, but you forced yourself to snap out of it.

“You’re insatiable. Come back later. These legs are closed right now. I really want to finish this book. I want to know who did it.”

“It was the maid,” he answered before chucking your book halfway across the room and started nipping at the base of your neck playfully.

“Ugh, now I have to get up and go get it, dickwad,” you said as you stood to go get it, but Ransom grabbed your arm and pulled back onto the bed, kissing you passionately.”

“Or you could stay right here.” He looked into your eyes waiting for you to answer him, but you were still left breathless from his kiss. He took that as a yes and began to kiss a trail down your stomach.

“I never could say no to you,” you said as soon as you regained your breath. You pulled his head back up gently to meet yours, and you kissed him deeply, a clashing of teeth and tongues.

“As I recall, you were a bad girl today, talking back to me like that. I can show you better uses for that pretty mouth.” Ransom kicked his sweatpants off, confirming what you already knew: that he wasn’t wearing boxers. You took his cock in your mouth and started to suck, but Ransom was impatient and pushed you down further on his cock. You could feel him getting more desperate, so you stopped. “Ah baby, you’re so good with that mouth.”

“I want you inside me, Ransom.” Not needing to be told twice, he immediately aligned himself at your center and pushed into you. You moaned as you slid down to his hilt.

“Baby, you take me so well,” he groaned as he thrust into you. Within minutes the two of you were both moaning incoherently and you felt your stomach clench. Seconds later, you came with Ransom following soon after you too.

As you disentangled yourselves, you nestled your head on top of Ransom’s chest.

“I love you more than Criminal Minds, Ransom,” you whispered into his chest. He was silent for a few moments before you cleared your throat in expectation.

“What? It’s a hard decision to make!”

“Whatever. I still love you.”

“I love you too,” he said as he wrapped his arms around you tightly and kissed the top of your head.

And They Were Roommates Pt. 4

Pairing: Ransom x Reader

Word Count: 1.7k

Warnings: angst


The next morning, you woke up groggy, and your head was pounding. As you slowly came to, you realized that you were pressed against something hard. Had you left your backpack in bed again? You snuggled back into your pillow, not quite ready to wake up and face the day yet, when you realized that that wasn’t your pillowcase, and the sweater wasn’t yours either. You immediately shot up in bed and looked around you, just as Ransom’s arms fell from around your waist.

Crap! Last night came rushing back to you and you winced at the memory. You suddenly remembered the alley and Ransom saving you. You finally remembered why you were in his bed. It was kinda sweet, the fact that he had been so willing to let you sleep with him to calm his nerves.

You lay back down in his arms, still not quite ready to be awake yet, and nestled back into him, retreating to the safe comfort of his warm arms. However, as soon as you did, you could feel his semi pressing into your back, and you practically leapt out of the bed. No! That was never happening again. You rushed out of the room and back to your own. You immediately stripped out of Ransom’s sweater and threw it across the room before changing into a pair of your own sweats.

You walked into the kitchen in search of some breakfast, but Ransom had eaten the last of your Pop-tarts. Luckily there was still a box of pancake mix, and it had been a while since you had chocolate chip pancakes. As you were measuring the ingredients, you hesitated for a second. Before, you had sworn to yourself that you wouldn’t let Ransom get used to the idea of a homemade breakfast everyday. He was already entitled enough as it is, but now, you were questioning that idea. He had saved you last night and been kind to you. So yeah, just this once, he deserved some pancakes.

A few minutes later, Ransom stumbled into the kitchen, rubbing his eyes blearily and wearing nothing but sweatpants and looking more delicious than the breakfast that you were cooking.

“Hey, did you make enough for me this time?” he asked as he sat at the bar across from you.

“Actually, I did,” you said as you pushed a plate of pancakes across the counter towards him.

“And you put the chocolate chips in the shape of a heart. Someone’s feeling smiley this morning.”

“I feel fine, perfectly normal. I wanted to thank you again for last night.”

“You don’t need to thank me, Y/N,” Ransom reassured you as he reached for your hand across the bar and squeezed it gently.

“Yes, I do,” you replied, turning your attention back to your pancakes. “Now stop distracting me. You’re making me burn the pancakes.”

“Why didn’t you stay in bed this morning?”

“Oh, I uh… couldn’t get back to sleep,” you stammered.

“Well, I’m gonna go for a run,” Ransom said as he stood and disappeared back into his room. You let out a breath that you didn’t know you’d been holding.

Later that night, you left your room after a particularly grueling case study. All you wanted was to eat some microwave pizza out of the freezer and go back to your room and sleep, but Ransom had other plans.

“Hey, Y/N! I thought that we could have movie night.”

“Not tonight, Ransom. I’m really tired,” you sighed.

“But I already ordered the Thai food.”

“Did you get pad thai?”

“And I rented Rocky Horror. It’ll be just like college.”

“I’m still in college.”

“You’re in law school. You need to remember what it was like back when you were rooming with Meg and we used to have our ridiculous movie marathons,” Ransom reasoned.

“You were cheating on me for most of that. Please forgive me, if I’d prefer not to relive that.”

“Just sit down and watch the damn movie, Y/N,” Ransom ordered you as he patted the spot on the couch next to him.


It was an hour later, and you were about halfway into Rocky Horror.

“You know, I’m not gay, but if I was Rocky would be my first choice,” Ransom whispered from beside you on the couch. You were both cuddled under a blanket, eating Thai food, and singing along to “Touch a Touch a Touch a Touch Me”.

“I was always more of a Brad girl myself.”

“Yeah and you rubbed it in my face all while we were dating. I almost dyed my hair darker and got glasses.”

“Would’ve been a huge improvement,” you joked.

“Oh, I’m hurt! That was low Y/N.”

“I said what I said. Anyways, you’re hogging the blanket. You deserved it,” you said as you snuggled closer into his side and tugged on the blanket.

“You’re cute when you’re angry,” he replied as he booped you on the nose.

“Ransom,” you warned him. “We’re friends. We can’t go down that road again.”

The movie had finished, and you were headed off to your room, desperate for sleep. As you were about to head into your room, you heard Ransom’s voice from where he was still sitting on the couch.

“Hey, I thought that you were sleeping in my room again tonight.”

“I wasn’t planning on it. I mean, thanks for last night. I really needed that, but I’m better now.”

“Please Y/N. That was the best that I’ve slept in months, since the trial really.”

“Ransom, I don’t think-“

“Please,” he said as he looked up at you with puppy dog eyes. Damn it. You never could resist him when he looked at you like it.

“Fine,” you gave in with an exaggerated sigh.

“Thank you. Ladies first,” he said, gesturing to his bedroom in the most grandiose way that only Ransom could pull off.

“I have to get dressed for bed.”

“You’re already wearing sweats.”

“But I haven’t brushed my teeth. Give me a few minutes,” you protested.

“Ok, but then please. I need this.”

“I will.” A few minutes later, after you had brushed your teeth, you walked into Ransom’s room. “So if this is gonna be something that we’re gonna do, you know… regularly, we should pick sides of the bed.”

“Whatever you want. Usually, I kick girls out of my bed right after I’m finished with them and sleep sprawled out, so it’s up to you.”

“You disgust me.”

“You love me.”

“Ransom,” you said, letting him know that once again he had gone too far.

“What? I meant as a friend.”

“Let’s just go to sleep,” you said as you laid down and pulled the sheets over you. You felt the bed dip behind you, and Ransom put his arms around you.

You woke up sharply to the sound of screaming. It was dark, and you couldn’t feel Ransom’s arms around you anymore.

“Ransom? Ransom, what’s wrong?” you asked as you rolled over. You saw Ransom sitting up and kicking his legs wildly. “Hey, hey! Stop it!” you shouted as you reached out to grab his shoulder but he only shook you off. “Ransom! Ransom, listen to me! Snap out of it!”

Ransom showed no signs of stopping, and his eyes were still wide and unseeing. You looked around you wildly for something to snap him out of it since hitting him on the shoulder wasn’t working. You spotted the glass of water sitting on the bedside table. You reached for it, and splashed it on Ransom’s face.

“Y/N, are you there? What’s going on? Why am I wet?” he asked as he stopped shaking.

“I don’t know. You were screaming and thrashing about. I couldn’t stop you, so I splashed a glass of water on your face,” you explained. “What was that?”

“I’m sorry. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night with night terrors.”

“Have you seen somebody about that?”

“No, why would I? It’s nothing.”

“How long has this been going on for?” you pressed him.

“Since the trial.”

“That was months ago! Tell me everything right now.”

“Y/N, I don’t like talking about it.”

“Yeah? Well, you’re going to. This is a real problem, Ransom. You need to deal with it.”

“Fine. It’s been happening almost every night since the trial.”

“No offense, but why the trial? You murdered your father long before that.”

“It was all those people staring at me. They had already decided that I was guilty. My own family testified against me, and it was then that I realized that I had killed the only person who ever cared about me.”

“Oh my god, Ransom. I’m so sorry. I never thought about it like that.”

“Yeah, well, obviously neither did I or I wouldn’t have done it. You know, last night was the first night in forever that I slept through in forever. That was why I was so desperate for you to sleep with me again tonight. I’m sorry that I woke you up, Y/N,” he apologized as he hung his head, ashamed of himself.

“It’s okay. You were there for me last night, and I’m here for you tonight. Do you want to try going back to sleep?”

“I don’t know that I can.”

“Please, just try,” you said as you placed a hand on Ransom’s shoulder and pushed him back onto the bed. You wrapped your arms around him and began to hum quietly.

“What song is that? It sounds familiar,” he asked as he snuggled into your embrace.

“La Vie en Rose. It’s French.”

“It was one of my grandfather’s favorites. He used to put it on while we played Go.”

“Oh, Ransom! I had no idea. I can stop!”

“No, don’t. It’s kind of comforting to hear it again.”

“Ok,” you said quietly as you resumed humming,and Ransom lay his head back down on his pillow. Almost immediately , you could feel Ransom’s breathing slow, and soon after that, you could hear his gentle snores. However, you didn’t fall asleep until long after that, afraid that if you did something terrible would happen to Ransom, and you wouldn’t be awake to help him. The thought seemed crazy, but you felt protective of Ransom. He was your person now.
