

O saw the early morning light beginning to shine into the bedroom in Humberto’s plantation home. She looked at the clock on the bedside table and saw that it was after 7 am; O roused herself and padded down the hallway to the bathroom. After emptying her bladder, she looked at her reflection in the mirror, seeing her red hair tangled around a face containing blue/green eyes. She studied her face and wondered, “Will Robert be able to tell that I have been raped just by looking at my face. Will he be able to tell that on some level I may have actually enjoyed it?”

O’s thoughts were interrupted by Esmeralda’s voice calling out from below. “I heard you stirring. Come on down, I have fixed some breakfast. You can get dressed later.”

O, who was wearing nothing but her thin nightie, put on the short terry cloth robe, slipped on her sandals and went downstairs. There Esmeralda had a plate with toast and half a grapefruit waiting. She poured O a large cup of steaming coffee and said, “I do not expect Senor Humberto and your friend to return until day after tomorrow. I also imagine Senor Robert will return with the. I’m sure that will make you happy.”

O put some sweet jam on the toast. Then she ate it and the grapefruit while she drank the bitter coffee. O thought, “Is my life to be like this? Some sweetness mixed with sour bitterness? I love Robert. I know he cares for me, but I’m not sure he loves me in the way I want him to.” O’s thoughts were interrupted by Esmeralda who said, “Rodrigo is going into town today if you want to send any letters.” So, O got up. She quickly went upstairs to her room and composed two letters: one to her family back in Paris telling them that hopefully she would be returning to France in the near future, and the other to a fashion magazine that the Most Famous Model in the World had recommended – La Femme Mediterranean. In the latter, she enclosed her resume and indicated she had recommendations.

O then came down the stairs and gave the letters to Rodrigo. She avoided his stare. Later that afternoon, O was alone. Rodrigo had left and Esmeralda had also gone somewhere. O was alone in the big plantation home. She became bored and explored some in the house. First, she went over to Robert’s room, the first time she had visited it in daylight. His cameras and equipment were gone but O noticed a pile of photos laying on a desk. She picked one up and looked at it. It was of her, taken probably over a year ago, not long after she had met Robert. All the others were of her also. Then O noticed a book laying beside the photos. It looked like a dairy. Against her better judgement she opened it to the last entry, dated the day before Robert left to go to the interior to do the nature photography. It read, “I have tossed it over and over in my mind. It is probably a bad idea, but I cannot help it. I am in love with O even though I am too old for her. When I return from the interior, I intend to tell her.” When O read this, she was absolutely ecstatic. “He does love me,” she thought. “Everything will be fine now. We can both return to Paris and move in together.”

Then O went downstairs into Humberto’s study. There were literally rows and rows of books along one wall, but what struck O was a small photograph sitting on the table. O picked it up and studied it. It was of a man and a woman standing with the Eiffel Tower in the background. There was no mistake.

Although the photo was over forty years old, O immediately recognized the woman as her grandmother.

O stepped out of the hot bath she had run when she got back to Humberto’s plantation home. She picked up a towel, but before completely drying off, she looked at herself, completely nude, in the full-length mirror along the wall of the bathroom. As she considered her reflection, she thought to herself, “I don’t look any different from this morning. Since then I have experienced great highs when the Most Famous Model in the World said she would recommend me for a job with a fashion magazine in Paris, but I also experienced great pain. I was raped by three men. One of them took me in the ass. Shouldn’t I look different now? And what about the fact that I came while I was being raped? Shouldn’t that make me look different? Like a whore maybe? Is that what I am at heart? A whore? A whore who enjoys being raped?”

O’s thoughts were interrupted by Esmeralda, Humberto’s maid, who knocked on the door of the bathroom. “Are you all right, Senorita? I heard you running a bath. Will you be wanting supper tonight? Senor Humberto and your friend won’t be back until tomorrow, but if you like, I can fix something.” O replied, “No. It’s all right. I don’t want anything to eat. I think I’ll just go to bed early. Thank you.”

O heard Esmeralda walking down the hallway, so she toweled off and put on a terry cloth robe that came just above her knees. She opened the door and went to the bedroom she had previously shared with Yasmin. In the room, O noticed that all of Yasmin’s things were gone. “She has completely moved in with Humberto,” O thought to herself as she got into the bed, unaware that the camera hidden in the overhead fan hanging from the ceiling was recording her.

O shut her eyes and tried to go to sleep, but sleep wouldn’t come. She thought about the books she had found earlier in the bedside table: a Bible which was in Portuguese, and two paperbacks - “Sex Slaves of the Barbary Pirates” and “Wisdom of the Lash.” O thought, “I should probably try and read the Bible; I haven’t read it since my days at Lycée, but I can’t read Portuguese. I got through most of “Sex Slaves of the Barbary Pirates” the other night, so maybe I should try the other book.

O opened up “Wisdom of the Lash” and began reading. In many ways it was similar to the other book: there is a heroine who suffers greatly. In this one, the husband of a woman known only as J is killed in a war and J falls on hard times. In order to not starve, she begins to sell herself to other men. She finds it demeaning and humiliating but has no other choice. Then one day a man tells her that if she will let him whip her, he will pay her extra. Reluctantly, she agrees. So, after taking her, he ties her to the bedpost and removes his belt. After running it over her breasts, he flogs her with it. She cries out in pain. But after he throws a wad of cash on the bed and leaves, J is surprised at how calm she feels. She no longer feels any guilt about selling herself. It is as if the flogging has removed any stigma that she felt.

Finishing that chapter, O felt her eyes grow heavy. She put the book down and quickly fell asleep. But O did not find restfulness in sleep. Instead she had vivid dreams, nightmares really. She saw herself being raped by the three men, the same ones from earlier that day. Then in her dream she saw herself being flogged. Flogged like J in the book. The dream/nightmare was so vivid that it awoke O. As she came into consciousness, she realized that she was wet and aroused.

O pulled on the torn blouse and pulled up the skirt that the three men had thrown in the bushes when they stripped her naked. Then, in a daze, she wandered to the highway. As she walked O thought to herself, “Those men. They raped me. I was raped by three men. It hurt, but I came when the last one was taking my rear. What does that say about me? They called me ‘puta.’ I think that means ‘whore.’ Is that what I am? A whore who comes when she is being fucked in the ass?”

O’s thoughts were interrupted by a black SUV that pulled over to the side of the road by O. O flinched, thinking the worst, but when the tinted window rolled down it was Rodrigo, Humberto’s chief of security. He got out of the SUV and said, “My God! What happened to you?”

O managed to stammer, “I was picked up by men in a van. I thought they were your men. But they took me here and …” Her voice trailed off. Rodrigo said, “Yes. My men went to the corner where they were to meet you, but you were not there. They waited and finally found a man in the store across the street who said that you had gotten in a black van with three men. They immediately called me, and we began searching. I thought they might have taken you to someplace along this highway, it’s a popular area for bandits.”

O began to get faint. Rodrigo sensed it, and as she passed out, he caught her. O awoke in the SUV. Rodrigo had placed a cold compress against her. She was in the back seat of the SUV with Rodrigo sitting beside her. One of his men was driving. O looked around and saw that they were going through the gates of Humberto’s estate. O said, “Please do not tell anyone what happened. I do not want Robert to know.”

The SUV pulled up to the plantation home. O got out and without speaking to Esmeralda went immediately upstairs. There she removed her soiled clothes and ran a hot bath. As she soaked in the steamy water, O thought to herself, “Robert must never know. Must never know that the girl who loves him was raped by three men. Rodrigo won’t say anything. It would reflect badly on him. Humberto and Yasmin are still out looking at fields and won’t be back until tomorrow, so they won’t know anything. Yes, I was raped, but I can keep it a secret.” Then O thought, “But why don’t I feel worse about it? Was it secretly something I wanted? On some level did I desire to be violently taken. Is that why I came?”

And several miles away on the edge of his estate, Humberto was talking to a man from a nearby village. He said, “You mean to tell me that you saw Indians take my nephew into the jungle. My God! They were probably from the Amari tribe. Headhunters!”

Yasmin overheard only a part of the conversation. She asked Humberto, “Is something wrong, darling?”

Humberto replied, “Yes. A tragedy. I fear Robert is dead.”

Conversation: Humberto and Robert

Humberto said to Robert, “You know, even though I came to Brazil heart broken about Odile, O’s grandmother, things have worked out in a way. I became wealthy, very wealthy. I married a beautiful, if difficult, woman, Gloria. Even thouhg Gloria and I never had children, I enjoyed the company of your young cousins when they came to visit. As I grew older I took lovers, as did Gloria. It was not a problem for us. Then you came; you brought O and her friend, Yasime. I knew that O was Odile’s granddaughter and possibily mine. I enjoyed seeing her, but knew that she had become your lover. Honestly, I was physically attracted to her friend, Yasime. After you went into the interior and were presumed dead, I made Yasime my lover. But she was too young. When O found out about her grandmother and me, she left and went back to France. Yasime stayed here with me. But I tired of her and I did something I am not proud of, nephew.” “What?” asked Robert. “I sold her to a woman who runs a brothel in Nicaragua. I am now ashamed of it.” “You say you sold her?” “Yes. But now I want to make amends. I am going to find Yasime and help her regain her freedom. Iam getting older and if I die, I want to die with a clear concious.” “Good, uncle. You find Yasime. As for me, I am going back to France and find out what happened to O.”

Humberto’s Suprise

Humberto looked at his nephew. “I cannot believe you do not remember her. This girl called O. You brought her to my estate and introduced her as your protégée. You said she had been your model, your muse, and now you were teaching her how to be a photographer. But I knew better; I knew she was also your lover. I cannot blame you; O is very intriguing, and I knew right away who she was. Robert gave his uncle a quizzical look. What I did not tell is that long ago when I lived in Paris before moving to Brazil, I knew O’s grandmother. In fact we were lovers. I told her only after we thought you were dead.” Robert said, “I still cannot recall this girl or what she was to me, but, Uncle, you say you were her grandmother’s lover?’

O’s childhood friend Yasmin had accompanied O and Robert to Brazil when both girls were twenty years

O’s childhood friend Yasmin had accompanied O and Robert to Brazil when both girls were twenty years old. Robert had a plan to do nature photography in the interior of Brazil. They stayed initially on the plantation of Humberto, Robert’s uncle. To secure funds for his journey into Amazonia, Robert did some fashion photography using O as a model.

Yasmin caught the eye of Humberto while Robert and O were doing a fashion shoot in the city. Yasmin was intrigued by all the attention the much older (and rich) Humberto paid to her. She became his lover.

Later after Robert ventured into the interior, he was thought to have been captured and killed (and possibly eaten) by savages. O was heartbroken, and after finding out that Humberto and O’s grandmother had been lovers in the late 1960’s, O fled back to France.

But what became of Yasmin?

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Robert and Humberto’s Conversation

Robert said, “Uncle, this is indeed a strange story. You say you were O’s grandmother’s lover. In fact you might actually be her grandfather. It is amazing. But I do not recall much about this girl named O. My memories are quite vague. I have only this worn photo of her. When we were here, did I take any photos of her. Do you have any?” Humberto answered, “Yes, of course. You took many photos of her. I kept many, although I destroyed many when I was being investigated by the police for human trafficking, especially ones of O and Yasime in the buff. But I will show you the photos of O that you took and I kept.” “Please do, Uncle,” said Robert.

Humberto said, “Yes, Robert, she said she had found the one she loved. But it wasn’t me. Instead it

Humberto said, “Yes, Robert, she said she had found the one she loved. But it wasn’t me. Instead it was an older man. I didn’t even ask his name. I left immediately. About five months later Odile told me she was pregnant. She didn’t say if I or her new lover was the father, and I didn’t ask. In fact, I left Paris and came to Brazil. I didn’t have any contact with Odile for many years after that. I later learned she had a daughter and named her Segolene. I married Gloria and tried to wipe all memory of Odile from my mind, but of course I couldn’t I felt she was my soul mate. About seventeen years later, I learned from a business associate that Segolene had a daughter and named her O after her grandmother, Odile, who went by the initial O. And then nephew one day twenty years after that you showed up at my villa with a beautiful young red headed girl named O. I knew even without seeing the resemblance that she was the granddaughter of my lover. I should have told you immediately, but I was selfish. Seeing O took me back more than fifty years. It was as if I was young again with Odile. But then after you went into the interior and were presumed dead, I couldn’t stand it. I told O I had been her grandmother’s lover. She was crushed and went back to Paris leaving her friend Yasime here with me. Even though over fifty years have passed, Odile still haunts me. It is my Fate.

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A conversation between Robert and Humberto

Robert looked at Humberto with a blank look in his eyes. “You are my uncle?” he asked. “Yes,” said Humberto. Tell me, son, what happened. Where have you been all these years?” “I honestly don’t know. I have almost no memory and what little I have comes only in vague images and random thoughts. I do remember running in the jungle. I was being chased by someone or something. I remember leaping off a high cliff into a river. I must have hit my head. I remember kind villagers taking me in and nursing me back to health.” “But what were you running from? I don’t know. I have images of shrunken heads and people being eaten.” “Cannibals?” “Perhaps. I honestly don’t know. But some of this looks familiar. I have images of two young women in my head. A dark haired girl and one with red hair. I seem to feel as if I was especially close to her. I have a n old photograph that has been in my pocket all these years. Perhaps it is of her.” And Robert showed a tattered photograph to Humberto.

Back Story: Robert and Humberto

Over five years ago, after O had graduated from school, she met Robert, a fairly well known photographer in Paris. He quickly found O’s red hair and blue/green eyes a photographer’s dream and took her on as a model. This was fine as O also wanted to learn how she herself could become a photographer. They worked together for some time, with Robert serving as a mentor to the young O. As O’s 21st birthday approached, Robert told O that he had arranged to take her and her friend, Yasime, to Brazil where they would do photographs and sight see. The trip would be partially funded by Robert’s rich uncle, Humberto. O was, of course, thrilled. There was a catch, however. Robert wanted something from O in return. Thus Robert became not only O’s mentor, but also her lover. The two girls and Robert had a splendid time in Brazil, the happiest days of O’s young life. But a seeming tragedy struck. Robert went into the interior of Amazonia to photograph wild life, and O and Yasime stayed on Humberto’s compound. One day, Humberto told O that Robert had been killed in the interior. And by then Humberto had taken more than a liking to O’s nubile friend, Yasime. O felt like a fifth wheel, even more so when Humberto confessed that when he was younger, O’s grandmother, whom O adored had been his mistress. Feeling not only heartbroken, but also betrayed, O fled back to Paris. Humberto later tired of Yasime and sent her to a brothel in Nicaragua. But that is another story.

Three days later

An official knocked on the door of Humberto H.’s villa. When an oldfer, careworn man answered, the officer said, “Ola, senhor. Are you Humberto H.?” The old man answered in the affirmative and the officer presented a somewhat cleaned up younger man and said, “All this opoor devil can say is that he needs to see you. Do you recognize him.” The old man answered, “Yes, of course. He is my nephew, Robert. I haven’t seen him in over five years. Bring him inside.” Later after Robert was fed and settled he told Humberto an incredible story.

More time passed.

O felt increasingly uncomfortable at Humberto’s estate. When she left the house, she was sure that the man called Juan was lurking around. She saw him several times. Each time he would grin at O, tip his hat and say, Good Morning, Senorita.” She thought about saying something to Humberto but decided not to. One day Humberto said to O, “If you would like to go into Rio, I can send Rodrigo and a couple of his men to escort you.” O declined.

And then there was Yasmin. On several occasions, O’s sleep was interrupted by Yasmin who would come over from the bedroom she shared with Humberto, creep into O’s room, get in bed with O and begin kissing and fondling her. One night, as O was sleeping soundly – a rarity for O who usually was plagued by vivid dreams or nightmares- she was awakened by Yasmin’s hands roughly spreading O’s thighs. Before she was fully awake, Yasmin’s mouth was on O’s sex with her tongue probing into O’s vulva. As Yasmin’s tongue swirled around O’s clitoris, Yasmin ran one of her hands up O’s flat belly to her breasts and clamped onto a nipple. As O gave way to orgasm, that hand roughly pinched and pulled on O’s nipple while the index finger of the other hand plunged into O’s anus. O cried out, and in the bedroom on the other side of the big house, Humberto watched on the closed-circuit camera.

O received a pro forma letter from her mother, Ségolène, saying that the family was considering moving to Marseilles, but didn’t have an apartment there. Then Ségolène went on to write about her latest ‘man,’ but there was nothing from O’s grandmother. O would have liked to return to Paris before her family moved, but she didn’t have the money for the flight. And her mother certainly didn’t.

Then O got a letter from her great aunt Pauline. It read: “O, I saw your letter that said you and your friends were staying with Humberto H. I think you should know that he and your grandmother were lovers once. It was in the late 1960’s when your grandmother was working in the periphery of the French film industry. She was ‘dating’ several men at the time, and Humberto was one of them. He wanted your grandmother to marry him, but she refused. Heartbroken, he emigrated to Brazil. She never heard from him again. But, O, one thing she didn’t tell Humberto was that she was pregnant when he asked her to marry. She never confided in me who the father was. Your mother, Ségolène, could be the daughter of Humberto, which would make you his granddaughter. I thought you should know.”

Time passed.

O was in a deep funk. There was no word about Robert. Her mood became worse when Rodrigo and his men returned from their search for Robert. They had recovered Robert’s camera and one of his boots near a stream only a couple of kilometers from the village at the edge of the jungle. As Rodrigo was talking to Humberto, she glanced at the half dozen or so men who had helped Rodrigo with the search. O’s blood ran cold when she thought she recognized one of the men as Juan, one of the men who had raped her on the side of the road leading from Rio. O thought, “My God! Is that him? Is that one of the men who raped me? The one who took my rear? Dear God, is he one of Rodrigo’s men? If so, does that mean that Rodrigo set be up to be assaulted?”

The man O recognized as Juan must have seen her looking at him because he smiled, grinned actually, at O and tipped his hat to her. O retreated to her room and locked the door. At supper that night, O sat at the table with Humberto and Yasmin. She noticed Yasmin was wearing a nearly transparent blouse and a leather collar around her neck. After eating, Humberto invited both girls into his study for brandy. O noticed that when Yasmin sat down beside Humberto on the couch, she did not close her knees. O also noticed that Yasmin wasn’t wearing any panties. And O noticed again the old photograph with the couple standing in front of the Eiffel Tower. She was sure it was of Humberto and her grandmother, but she didn’t dare to ask Humberto about it. After finishing his brandy, Humberto got up. He looked at O and Yasmin and said, “O, I am terribly sorry about Robert. You are welcome to stay here as long as you wish.” Then looking at Yasmin, he said, “Little darling, I am going to bed. You may join me when you and O finish.” And he left the room, leaving the two young women alone.

O turned to her friend and said, “What is it with you? Wearing that collar and no underwear? I’m sure Esmeralda noticed.” Yasmin replied, “O, it’s not really complicated. I need a place to live and Humberto wants me to stay with him. But on the condition that I basically become his slave. It makes him happy to display me as one.”

“So, now you are Humberto’s slave?” Yasmin answered, “Yes. But I am happy as such. He buys me nice things. Hew says he is going to get me a jeweled collar soon and a ring with diamonds and emeralds. Oh, and even though he’s old, he is still good in bed. Last night he tongued me for a half hour before taking me. I came three times.”

“Incredible,” said O.

O awoke to the sounds of people coming into the house. She got up, put on her short robe and padded down the stairs. There she saw a somber faced Humberto standing by Yasmin. Humberto turned to O and said, “I am afraid I have terrible news. Robert may be dead.”

O felt her knees go weak and said, “What? How? No! That cannot be.” Humberto replied, “I am afraid it’s true. Yasmin and I went to the small village just beyond the edge of my estate, near the edge of the jungle. We were to meet Robert there and bring him back. But he wasn’t there. We waited overnight, but he did not show up. I spoke to several of the villagers who said that they had warned Robert that a band of Tupamaro Indians lived in that part of the jungle. They have a reputation of being headhunters. Still Robert decided to go into the jungle to do his nature photography. I fear he may have been captured by the Indians and killed. I will send Rodrigo and his men to search the area, but I fear the worst.”

O collapsed.

Later in her room O felt a cool cloth being pressed against her face. She opened her eyes and saw Yasmin and Esmeralda standing over her. She looked at Yasmin and said, “Oh Yasmine. Please tell me it isn’t true.” Yasmin replied, “I am afraid it’s true. Maybe Rodrigo and his men can find Robert. But from what I gather, it would be a long shot.”

Robert Recovers His Memory

Humberto continued showing Robert photographs of O that Robert had taken when he first brought O and her friend, Yasime, to Humberto’s estate in Brazil over five years ago. One of the photographs must have jogged Robert’s memory as he said, “Wait! This is like a fog lifting before my eyes. It is coming back to me now. This girl in the photos is O. I met her in Paris when she was still a teenager. I was struck by her looks – the red hair and green eyes. I asked her to model some for me. She became my muse. Later she asked me to teach her how to take photographs. She was a natural with a great eye for photographic composition. As a present for her 21st birthday, I brought her and her friend here to Brazil. We did some shoots on the beach and in Rio. Her friend, Yasime, was also pretty as I recall. I remember that I told them I was going into the interior to do some nature photography, and that they should stay with you, uncle. In the jungle I was attacked by Indians. I lost all of my photo equipment running from them, but I was captured. They held me captive; I don’t know why. One day I escaped. I ran away and came to a waterfall. I leapt into it. I must have struck my head. I do not remember anything after that until just now. Thank you, uncle, for showing me photographs of O. It is coming back to me now. But what happened to her? You say, you were her grandmother’s lover, and she found out. She must have been devastated. You say she went back to Paris. I wonder what she is doing now. And what became of Yasime. I remember she was beautiful, also.

Unable to sleep, O opened one of the paperback books she found in the bedside table. Its title was ‘Sex Slaves of the Barbary Pirates.’ O scanned the first several chapters which told of an 18th century British noble woman, Amanda Carrington, being kidnapped from a British merchant ship by pirates near the Barbary coast in northern Africa. The head pirate, a man named Abu Simbel, was a tall, dark and handsome Berber. O thought to herself, “Probably one of Yasmin’s ancestors.” Abu Simbel told Amanda, ‘I intend to take you to my harem and train you in the ways of pleasing a man like men.’

As she read, O reached down and pulled her night gown up so that her sex and breasts were exposed. She continued reading: “Amanda was cast into the harem where several other women first stripped her of her proper British garb and gave her a near transparent silk tunic which barely covered her sex. But before Amanda could put on the tunic, a large woman who seemed to be in charge told her, ‘First we must remove your pubic hair. It is the custom in the harem.’ She then produced a straight razor and with other women holding Amanda’s legs apart, she proceeded to shave Amanda until she was as bare as the day she was born.

O turned to the next chapter and slid her hand down her flat belly as she did so. The next chapter told how Abu Simbel basically raped Amanda that night. After taking her sex, he said to her, ‘I am now going to take you in your aft hole. It is my favorite.’ O’s hand slid further down as she read how Abu Simbel plundered Amanda’s rear.

O realized she was getting aroused reading about Amanda’s travails. So, she got up and took off her night gown, leaving herself completely naked. Then she read another chapter. In that one Abu Simbel has Amanda whipped by his palace guard – a tall, well-muscled Nubian as dark as ebony- while Amanda is bound, completely naked, to a post in the middle of the harem. All the other women watch. Then the Nubian takes Amanda, still tied to the post, as the other women look on and cheer. As tears run down Amanda’s face, Abu Simbel approaches and whispers in her ear, ‘Tomorrow I will make your humiliation complete and mark you as mine.’

O turned to the penultimate chapter: The Nubian and the head woman of the harem took Amanda from her room to the area of the harem where she had been tied to the post. They removed the near transparent silk tunic that was all Amanda was allowed to wear, leaving her naked again. Amanda looked around and noticed that now there was a sort of table there. Amanda noticed with dread that there was a small brazier nearby with red hot coals in it. And buried in the coals was a branding iron. Abu Simbel approached Amanda and said, ‘It is time to mark you as my property and then the ultimate humiliation.’ With that Amanda was tied over the table so that her rear was in the air. The head woman pressed the hot iron onto the tender flesh of Amanda’s read marking her with ‘A.S.’ Amanda screamed and fainted.

O’s fingers entered her already wet sex and sought out her clitoris. Rubbing it softly with her fingers, she continued to read: When Amanda regained consciousness, she realized there was more to be done to her. The head woman had been heating a long needle, similar to a knitting needle, in the coals. Grasping one of Amanda’s lower lips in her hand, she pushed the hot needle through the flesh of the lower lip, leaving a hole but cauterizing the flesh as it went. Amanda fainted again.

O knew she was very close now, but she wanted to finish the chapter, so she held up a bit while she read: When Amanda awoke, she looked down at her sex. The woman had inserted a ring though the hole made by the needle and run a small chain through the ring, effectively making a leash attached to Amanda’s sex. This was too much for O. She let the book slip from her hand and with a vision of her as Amanda and Robert as Abu Simbel, she gave way to a shattering orgasm.

And Across the way in Humberto’s bedroom where O’s performance had been televised by the camera hidden in the ceiling fan, Yasmin looked up from Humberto’s lap where she had been ministering to his erection and asked, “I wonder if O will read the final chapter where Abu Simbel offers to return Amanda to England.”

Robert managed to get O a modeling job for an American sports magazine. They were flown to Arizona where the photo shoot took place. Upon returning to Brazil, Robert again did a photo shoot for the Most Famous Model in the World. After the shoot, Robert introduced O to her and asked her if she would let O photograph her sometime. Much to Robert’s amazement, the Most Famous Model in the World agreed and said O could photograph her next commercial which was scheduled for the following week, as she was going to Boston to see her husband before he started football training camp. She laughingly told Robert, “I want to give him something to remember other than those silly football plays.”

This worked out well for Robert. Since arriving in Brazil, he had wanted to venture into the Amazon jungle to do some photography, so he and O went back to Humberto’s plantation with Robert planning to into the jungle from there. When the Most Famous Model in the World returned, Rodrigo would take O back to Rio to do the photography. Afterwards, she would return to Humberto’s and catch up with Robert.

Upon arriving back at the plantation, O noticed that Yasmin had moved from the room O and she had shared and was now sharing a room with Humberto. The next morning Robert was to set off into the jungle at the edge of Humberto’s cotton fields. As he was leaving, O ran up and kissed him. Robert smiled and said, “I’ll be gone for a week and you’ll be a famous photographer by the time I get back.” Then he turned and went down a trail.

Several days later, O received a call saying that her photo shoot of the Most Famous Model in the World was set for the next day. That night O was so excited she couldn’t fall asleep. There was no Yasmin to talk to; Yasmin was busy entertaining Humberto in the other wing of the plantation home. O tossed and turned in the bed as the clock approached midnight. She tried masturbating, but couldn’t reach orgasm, even using her fantasies from the movie stills Robert had done. Frustrated, she opened the rawer on the bedside table where she was sure Yasmin might have left a pack of cigarettes. There were no cigarettes, but O did find three books: a Bible in Portuguese and two French paperbacks – ‘Wisdom of the Lash’ and “Sex Slaves of the Barbary Pirates.’ O thought to herself, “Perhaps old Humberto gave these to Yasmin to read.”

So, O opened the latter and began reading.

The next morning at breakfast Humberto looked at his guests. Only Yasmin looked happy. Robert looked frustrated and torn, while O just looked tired. Of course, Humberto knew the reasons, having watched the action in both bedrooms from the cameras hidden in the ceiling fans. He lightened the mood by saying, “Earlier this morning I made a few calls. I have O set up to do a modeling audition tomorrow at a studio in Rio. And Robert, the same fashion house that owns the studio wants you to photograph a different set.”

“Great!” said Robert and O in unison.

“What about me?” asked Yasmin.

“And you, my darling. You will stay here and enjoy the company of an old man who will show you around his plantation.”

“Oh, that would be really nice,” said Yasmin. Later in their room, O said to Yasmin, “You seem quite content to stay with Humberto. Is that really what you want to do?

Yasmin responded, “Listen O, you and Robert have a plan. You’re smart enough to be a photographer. If that doesn’t work out, you’re pretty enough to model. You have a plan and a back up plan. What do I have? I’m not as pretty as you. True I have a zaftig figure with big tits and ass. But eventually, I’ll get fat; you’ll always be slender like your mom and grandmother. You’ve seen my mother. She was very pretty when she was young, but she got really fat. I don’t want to end up being a waitress all my life. Maybe old Humberto can be my ticket out of waitressing. Besides, he isn’t ugly.”

O laughed and said, “That’s my girl. Always a plan. Well, you and old Humberto have fun touring his plantation. And don’t wear the old boy out too much.”

The next morning Robert and O set out from Humberto’s plantation to Rio where the photo shoots would occur. They took one of Humberto’s sedans and Rodrigo and a couple of hard looking men followed in a SUV as far as the outskirts of Rio. Then they turned off, sure that no kidnappers would think about doing anything in Rio.

O’s job was not modeling fashion per se, but rather as a backup in a music video. She did her part well and was noticed by the video director who passed along her name to other photographers and managers. This resulted in several modeling gigs for O – mostly swim wear and casual clothing. Robert’s job was to photograph the Most Famous Model in the World for several commercials. He was quite happy to do so and his work was noticed quite favorably.

Rather than drive back to Humberto’s plantation, Robert and O took a short-term lease on a flat in the city. Robert insisted on one with two separate bedrooms, so he wouldn’t be tempted, but O would wait each night until Robert was asleep, then creep into his room and get in bed with him. Most nights Robert’s good intentions melted in the heat of O’s approach.

And back at the plantation, Humberto and Yasmin did more than tour the fields.

O gently removed Yasmin’s night gown. Then she kissed Yasmin on the lips. Softly. Yasmin responded by opening her mouth and pushing her tongue into O’s. O then kissed Yasmin’s neck before nibbling softly om her earlobes as she ran her hand down to Yasmin’s large breasts where she encountered already erect nipples as hard as pencil erasers. O’s mouth soon followed her hands. She kissed Yasmin’s nipples several moments, long enough to elicit a soft moan and hear Yasmin say, “I guess you were right, O. You aren’t the only horny one in the house.”

O ran her hand down Yasmin’s belly to the mound above her sex. Yasmin stopped her and said, “Your gown. Take it off please. And turn out the light. I want to kiss you all over.” O did and both girls were quite naked. O continued the downward drift of her mouth until she encountered Yasmin’s already wet sex. O gently spread her inner labia and began tonguing the opening to Yasmin’s vulva, eliciting deeper sighs. Then O began flicking her tongue around Yasmin’s clitoris before she settled on gentle sucking bites. It didn’t take long. Soon Yasmin’s body stiffened, and she gave way to an orgasm.

Then Yasmin turned O over and did essentially the same to O as O had done to her. But to no avail. O could not reach orgasm. “What’s the matter, O? Am I doing something wrong?”

O responded, “No. It’s me. I just can’t get off. Maybe it’s because I’m thinking about what Robert said. But let me do you again.”

“Yes, please do,” said Yasmin.

And unknown to the girls, a camera set in the ceiling fan in the middle of the room captured their lovemaking so that Humberto in his room on the other side of the mansion could watch his two young guests entertaining themselves.

A little over a half an hour later, O again ran her hand down Yasmin’s belly. But Yasmin moved it away, saying, “No more please. Twice is nice enough tonight. Now, you be a good girl and go back to your own bed across the room. O did and a short while later she heard the heavy breathing and soft snores that meant Yasmin was sound asleep.

But O couldn’t sleep. She was still troubled by Robert’s rejection of her. So, once she was sure Yasmin was asleep, O crept out of her bed and across the hall to Robert’s room.
