#hunter bianchi


For@whumpawoman Angstpril! Day 26 - Left Behind

Sunny + Star Masterlist

Sunny and Star Crew: @ashintheairlikesnow@whumpinggrounds@whumptakesthecake@justplainwhump@whumpfessional@winedark-whump@painful-pooch - let me know if you want to be added/removed!

CW: pet whump, BBU, derogatory language, threat of noncon, sad Star hours


“Get in there,” Mr. Bianchi growls, pushing Star into the small closet. 

She turns around before she makes it in, growling at him. “No. I don’t want to.”

“Get the fuck in the closet, puppy.”

Star looks out across the hotel room, at Comet and Sunny, who are standing behind Mr. Bianchi. “I thought I was supposed to come with you, Sir,” she whispers, trying to make her voice as sweet as possible, trying to appease him. Anything so she won’t be left alone in the closet. 

Mr. Bianchi sighs. “Do you understand where I’m going today? Why we’re here, not at home?”

Star shakes her head. Of course she doesn’t, he doesn’t tell them anything, and if he does, she can never remember it. Too many hits to the head, or something like that.

“Dumb slut.” Mr. Bianchi stares at her, smirking condescendingly. “I have a very important business meeting. One where I’m not renting you and Sunny out, so I want my good pets. The ones who make me proud.”

Both Comet and Sunny look uncomfortable, but they don’t say anything.

Star clenches her hands into fists, setting her jaw and jutting her chin out. “I can be good.”

“Please. You look pathetic like that.” Mr. Bianchi steps forward. “You always say that and you never follow through.”

“Don’t fucking leave me!” Star’s eyes are wild with anger, with fear. Not the closet. Please. She doesn’t want to be alone again. “I’m useful. You like bringing me to these things, I can help you!”

“Only when they want something to use,” Mr. Bianchi hisses. “Like you did for Mr. McIntyre.”

Star’s face flushes, remembering the Irishman and what he did to her…

“Whatever.” Mr. Bianchi takes another carefully measured step forward. “Get in the fucking closet. Don’t make me ask again, or I’ll…”

“You’ll what?” Star snaps, internally cursing herself. If she wants to avoid the closet, to stay with her bonded, she has to be good. She falls to her knees, batting her eyelashes. “I’m sorry. Please forgive me, Sir.”

“You’d be more convincing if you weren’t swearing at me a few minutes ago. If you really want to be sorry, then get in the closet.”


“Would it make you feel better if I let Comet beat you first?”

For the briefest of moments, Star swears she sees revulsion flash in Comet’s eyes, but he schools his face back into neutrality. 

Star is well and truly alone, and she focuses back on Mr. Bianchi. There’s no getting out of this, she can tell that much. “What if I run?” she asks, fire in her eyes. 

“You’ll run where, puppy?” Mr. Bianchi lets out an amused, barking laugh. “You’ll leave the hotel room and everyone will see what a little slut you are and send you to the pound. If you even get that far. I know you won’t leave Sunny.”

He’s right. She can’t leave her bonded behind and that’s the only thing stopping her from leaving. 

“Stop dragging this out and get in the goddamn closet.” He takes another step forward and grabs her collar. Her heartbeat stutters, she can feel his breath on her neck. “Come on, puppy slut. You’re either going to feel so fucking good when I get back—“ His hand dips down, brushing across her ass. “—or I’m going to make your life a living hell and add another scar to that gorgeous, fucked up face of yours.” He grabs her roughly, drawing a yelp from her. “What’s so bad about the closet, hmm? I want the truth.”

Humiliation washes over her, cheeks turning red. “I don’t want to be alone,” she growls. She hates him and she loves him and she can’t lie to him. 

 “Aw. Poor puppy,” Mr. Bianchi mockingly coos at her. “Get in the closet.”

Star looks at him with bitter fear and anger, her heart dropping as she backs into the closet. 

Mr. Bianchi grabs black rope and winds it around her wrists, leaving them bound in front of her. “Get comfortable while I go get the gag,” he says, leaning down to kiss the top of her head. “I need to store my puppy right.”

Star settles, sitting with her back to the side wall and her legs curled into her chest. Deep sorrow is already pooling in her lungs and the door hasn’t even been closed yet. 

Comet and Sunny look down at her, not saying anything. She wants them to, wants them to scream and fight back and do *something,* anything to get her out of this. 

They don’t move. 

Mr. Bianchi comes back with a red ball gag and grips Star’s jaw, forcing her lips to part so he can shove it in her mouth and buckle it behind her head. “Pretty,” he says, brushing back her hair. 

The gag is already hurting her jaw, drool dripping down her chin. 

Mr. Bianchi backs away, giving Star a smile. “See you in a few hours, puppy.”

There’s no ceremony as he closes the door, just darkness falling over the shaking, scarred body of the pet. Some light peeks through the slats in the wood, but not enough to bring Star any sense of comfort. She doesn’t mind the dark. It’s the loneliness that gets to her in the end.

She hears the door to the hotel room slam shut and knows that she’s well and truly alone. WRU made her need to be touched, made her crave something against her skin, a caress or a fist or a whip. She wasn’t meant for loneliness. 

Star tips her head back and starts tapping out a rhythm on the wall. All of her first memories are songs, she doesn’t know why. 

A single tear slips down her face, she tongues at the gag. This isn’t her purpose but it has to be now. She was bad and this is what bad pets get. 

They have to be alone.

She has to lean how to be alone, so she keeps tapping out the rhythm of the song like she’s drumming with her bound hands. 

For@whumpawoman Angstpril! Day 22 - Threats

Sunny + Star Masterlist

Sunny and Star Crew: @ashintheairlikesnow@whumpinggrounds@whumptakesthecake@justplainwhump@whumpfessional@winedark-whump@painful-pooch - let me know if you want to be added/removed!

CW: pet whump, BBU, EXPLICIT NONCON, MINORS DNI, NSFWHUMP, derogatory language, dehumanisation, guns, Rhys is his own content warning, lady whump


Rhys is on her in a second, slamming her head against the headboard and wrapping his strong hands around her throat. “You fucking bitch,” he hisses. “You stupid fucking animal.” 

A bruise is forming on his cheek, sharp and angry and swollen. 

Star laughs. “That hurt, bitch?”

She hates his fucking accent, hates how rough it is in her ear as he growls, “Not as bad as you’re going to be hurting.”

“Isn’t the punishment supposed to fit the crime?”

He slams her into the headboard again. “Oh, you shouldn’t have done that.”

“Didn’t…fucking…do anything, you Irish bastard.”

Rhys starts putting pressure, cutting off her air. “Bitches don’t talk. Bitches get fucked, you cunt.”

Star has given up on surviving this, her bonded is safe and she wants this bastard far, far away from her. “Gonna kill you,” she chokes out. 

“No. You’re going to take my cock like the fucked up Romantic you are. Understand?” His grip tightens. 

She smirks up at him, her face turning red. “The fuck are you going to do if I don’t listen? Fuck me? Hurt me? You’re going to do that anyways.”

“I’ll take your bonded,” he hisses into her ear. “I’ll take him and I’ll ruin him and I’ll give him back once he’s a fucking shell of who he used to be. I’ll make sure when you look into his pretty eyes, there’s nothing there. He’ll just be a walking corpse.”

Star’s mouth goes dry. “Sir wouldn’t…”

“I wouldn’t test that theory. He gave me you for the night, didn’t he?” Rhys lets go of her throat, roughly grabbing her breast. “I think there’s a lot your Sir is willing to do to have my protection.”

“Your protection doesn’t mean shit, seeing how you got punched by a pet.” She makes a pouty face. “Can’t even protect yourself from a whore like me?”

“That’s right. You are a whore. At least you know that much, you stupid bitch.” Rhys takes his hands off her throat to tie her hands to the headboard and pull out a knife. “I’ll take your bonded. I’ll make him mine. Wipe any thought of you out of his head. Because you’re not actually in love. You’ve just got all those stupid programmed thoughts in your head. I’ll wipe them out. I’ll make him love me.”

“You can’t,” she hisses, fear overtaking her senses. 

Rhys begins slicing apart her shirt, baring her skin to him. “Pretty tits.”

“Fuck off.”

“Watch your mouth or I’ll give you something good to do with it.” He pulls the shredded pieces of her shirt away and starts teasing her waistband with the knife. “Let’s see if you’re worth all the stress you cause Hunter, hmmm? If you’re a good Romantic slut. Because you’re sure not a worthy one.”

She spits in his face. “Your definition of worthy is fucked.”

Pure rage shoots through his eyes, and he reaches up to wipe the spit off his cheek. “Stick your fucking tongue out, cunt,” he growls. “Or I’ll fuck you with my knife and make your bonded watch.”

Star can barely comprehend the terror rushing through her, but shakily, she sticks her tongue out. 

Rhys sets the knife down, pulling out a gun and turning the safety off. “Go ahead. Lick the gun.” He puts it out, rubbing it against Star’s tongue. 

The bitter taste of the metal makes her gag, but she gives the gun kitten licks. Her gaze is angry and defiant, and she looks at Rhys, trying to let him see that she won’t break. 

Rhys laughs. “Good cunt.” With no warning, he shoves the gun into her mouth. “Hold it. If you drop, your bonded is mine.”

Star gags at the intrusion, but closes her lips around the metal obediently. She doesn’t want to die, and even more, she doesn’t want Sunny to break. 

Rhys roughly yanks her panties down, picking his knife back up to trace the crease of her thigh. “Now I see why you’re a Romantic.”

She glares at him. She can take this, it’s what she’s meant for. 

Rhys undoes his pants, lining himself up with her entrance. “Don’t drop the gun. Or…”

He doesn’t need to finish his sentence. 

Rhys thrusts in and Star bites down on the gun, metal scraping her teeth. Fulfilling her purpose for Sir. Like she’s meant for. 


“Was she good?” Mr. Bianchi asks Rhys. 

Rhys shrugs. “Tight. Defiant, but I fixed that.” 

“What’d you do?”

“Put a gun in her mouth.”

“That’ll shut the whore up.” Mr. Bianchi finally looks over at the corner of the living room, where Rhys had discarded Star after using her. “Time to go home, puppy. Your bonded is in the car.”

Sunny. Star perks up at that, dragging herself to her feet, her inner thighs still sticky with Rhys’s spend. 

Mr. Bianchi clips a leash to her collar. “Call me about our business deal tomorrow morning.”

“Sure. Thank you.”

Mr. Bianchi nods and pulls Star out the door. “Finally, you didn’t get a bad report.”

“Because he’s fucking terrifying,” she whispers, voice hoarse from the gun. 

He slaps her across the face. “Dumb bitch.” 

Star is tossed backwards by the hit, and he takes the chance to throw her into the car and climb in after her. He taps on the slide to let the driver to start going.

Star grabs onto Sunny, holding him tightly. “Don’t ever leave me,” she whispers. He’s here. He’s okay. She was good enough to save him this time. 

“I, I won’t,” he responds, gently rubbing her back. 

She did it. She kept him safe, no matter how ruined it made her. Star tightens her grip, trying to ignore the watchful, lustful gaze of Mr. Bianchi. 

They all know what’s going to happen when they get home.
