

Huntmira idea:

Hunter and Emira having a “Treat Yourself Day” where they can act like kids together and just spend some quality time with each other

#the owl house    #hunter    #toh hunter    #hunter toh    #emira blight    #huntmira    #huntira    #golden guardian    #the golden guard    #golden guard    


Can we, like, NOT be like the SVSTFOE and BNHA fandom? Pretty please?

Hunter x Edric: @peanutbell

Hunter x Emira: @horns-n-jams

Hunter x Luz: _toxiko_04 (instagram)

Luz x Amity: ME! (instagram, twitter, fb, tumblr)

multiship superiority!!

#reblog    #the owl house    #multishipping    #lumity    #goldric    #huntric    #goldmira    #huntmira    #lunter    #is that the ship name    #idk lol    

I’m actually surprised that no one has Huntmira in their dnis. I’ve been finding one for a meme and holy shit it’s hard.

#the owl house    #hunter    #toh hunter    #hunter toh    #emira blight    #huntmira    