#hurt crowley




The Harvest of Uruk: The Demon and the Priest

Harvest season in Uruk, the greatest city in the world. When the fields are cut bare, the river runs swift, and even the gods themselves die. When a priest summons Crawley, she finds not the usual bargaining and lust for power, but something deeper, more twisted, and utterly inescapable.

With the first night’s ritual complete, a young priest named Iltani is ordered to take care of the captive demon…

(Rated M for violence)

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Crawley hid in the darkest part of Hell.

They’d torn her apart again, but she’d found most of the pieces and slipped away while they were laughing. They’d noticed she was gone by now, so she had to hide, curled in on herself, coiled in the shadows, trying to stop her heart from beating before they heard it.

She didn’t know who they were, but it was important they didn’t find her.

She’d tried to go to the place she was safe, the only place, but they’d taken it from her, and now she couldn’t say the name, couldn’t even think it or they’d take the memory, too. Or had they already done so? If forgetting was the only way to protect it, how was she supposed to know if it was safe?

Something was coming. Shuffling, dragging steps. Scrabbling paws. A hand running across her hair as Lucifer whispered, “Come on, Crawley, the others want to play…”

With a strangled cry, her eyes snapped open to find someone far too close. Someone who wasn’t Aziraphale.

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Morning reblog
