#hurtcomfort imagine



imagine sitting by yourself in a comfortable space. it’s been a bad and terrible day, and you can’t help yourself from sobbing and crying. the loneliness tugs at your heart and you cradle your face in your hands because you just don’t feel ready to handle anything else.

your F/O enters quietly, stepping into the room and stares at you for some time before coming over to you. your F/O’s heart wrenches seeing you so distressed, and they kneel down in front of you and wrap their hands around your wrists. imagine the surprise at the feeling, the slight embarrassment - and you look up and your F/O is there.

your F/O tells you, “hey, it’s okay. it’s me, i’m here.” and you can’t help but cling to them and cry. your F/O rubs little circles on your back, and together you both sit and decompress together.

and for those moments, you really feel like everything is going to be okay.
