
Wake up and Polo swag #fashion # swag #polo #fresh #rl #ralphlauren #bear #cubsben #husbear

Wake up and Polo swag #fashion # swag #polo #fresh #rl #ralphlauren #bear #cubsben #husbear

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this is my handsome husbear in the early 1990s. he used to be a farmer back then (on his own farm).

this is my handsome husbear in the early 1990s.

he used to be a farmer back then (on his own farm).

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my husbear finally allowed me to post some pics (i told him he would be perfect chaser material). my husbear finally allowed me to post some pics (i told him he would be perfect chaser material). my husbear finally allowed me to post some pics (i told him he would be perfect chaser material). my husbear finally allowed me to post some pics (i told him he would be perfect chaser material).

my husbear finally allowed me to post some pics (i told him he would be perfect chaser material).

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tubbyoso: 285 isn’t looking too bad on me :3


285 isn’t looking too bad on me :3

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the-yeldem-bear: Oh say can you see?


Oh say can you see?

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eightbyte: PB&J sandwiches make a great snack between meals ;) 


PB&J sandwiches make a great snack between meals ;) 

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