
poyo-journal: Yerterday I participated on all rounds and intermission on @charathon and mekyon got ppoyo-journal: Yerterday I participated on all rounds and intermission on @charathon and mekyon got ppoyo-journal: Yerterday I participated on all rounds and intermission on @charathon and mekyon got ppoyo-journal: Yerterday I participated on all rounds and intermission on @charathon and mekyon got p


Yerterday I participated on all rounds and intermission on @charathon 
and mekyon got picked for the second round uwu 

the characters are in order
@pikitan‘s Hvergelmir
Tokyo’s 2020 Olympics Mascot Candidates 
Mekyon (my character -w-) 

Post link

This week’s folder is 12 09 2017

Round 1 was Hats by @feverworm

Round 2 was Mekyon by @poyo-journal

Round 3 was Hvergelmir by @pikitan

Intermission was the Tokyo 2020 Mascot designs! 

 View the gallery HERE
