

Hi All,

Sorry about the few article reviews in the last few weeks- just began my first post-coursework semester as a Teaching Associate (whoo got my first mis-titled email addressing me as “Professor…”) and I’m about to head to Budapest to present a paper at the Second International Conference on Sociolinguistics! I’ll be back to reviewing articles in late September, but in the meantime here’s an interesting article about hyper-polyglots (people who speak crazy many languages),and a recipe comparison, of course. Enjoy and wish me luck presenting in Pest!

LL Article Comparison:

This article reminds me of the recipe for Savory Chocolate Pasta with Bucherondin, Hazelnuts, and Cherries:

Much as this article describes a language skill we all wish we could have (i.e. picking up a dozen languages, and being semi-fluent in more dozens), this recipe is a wish-list of decadence: unusual chocolate linguine, chalky goat cheese, and sweet cherries result in a savory-sweet delight. While we may envy hyper-polyglots for their amazing faculty in 11-plus languages, you will be the envy of all who behold you nomming on this pasta. Good Cooking!

MWV 9/3/18
