
Did you ever wonder why kept boys’ eyes look so beautiful? As if they are chemically enhanced? Perha

Did you ever wonder why kept boys’ eyes look so beautiful? As if they are chemically enhanced? Perhaps they were born to end up gazing into a billionaires eyes. Or, perhaps they were elevated to be perfect in every way? Hmm. Maybe you will never learn the truth but when you see a stunning young man with stunningly beautiful huge eyes on the arm of a billionaire, hanging on every word his daddy utters, you know the eyes have it.

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Yes daddy. Go to your boy. You wanted one with beautiful eyes, so we sent you the best. Look in his

Yes daddy. Go to your boy. You wanted one with beautiful eyes, so we sent you the best. Look in his eyes. Go to him. Let him whisper as you stare into his eyes. Yes. You want him full time. Yes. You will pay whatever price I quote. Yes. You will sign every contract I send you. As long as you get to look in his eyes. Forever. Good daddy

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Good boy Samuel. You follow your training. Yes, part your lips just enough so that the new client ca

Good boy Samuel. You follow your training. Yes, part your lips just enough so that the new client can appreciate the fullness of your very expensive lips. Good boy! He wants those lips. He has a lot of ideas on how to utilize those perfect full expensive lips. Just keep eye contact and part of those lips. Ha, you might turn this new client into a regular. Good boy.

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Good boy. Use those eyes on my client. Make him feel so calm and obedient to my suggestions. Make hi

Good boy. Use those eyes on my client. Make him feel so calm and obedient to my suggestions. Make him so glad that after one date he proposed to you, put his new Ferrari in your name and signed each contract I put in front of him. Good boy. Remember to look into his eyes as you let him into your hole. Solidify his submission to your eyes and my power controlling him through you. Good boy

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You are a man of taste and quick decisions. That is how you amassed your billions. You have your ideYou are a man of taste and quick decisions. That is how you amassed your billions. You have your ideYou are a man of taste and quick decisions. That is how you amassed your billions. You have your ideYou are a man of taste and quick decisions. That is how you amassed your billions. You have your ideYou are a man of taste and quick decisions. That is how you amassed your billions. You have your ideYou are a man of taste and quick decisions. That is how you amassed your billions. You have your ideYou are a man of taste and quick decisions. That is how you amassed your billions. You have your ideYou are a man of taste and quick decisions. That is how you amassed your billions. You have your ideYou are a man of taste and quick decisions. That is how you amassed your billions. You have your ideYou are a man of taste and quick decisions. That is how you amassed your billions. You have your ide

You are a man of taste and quick decisions. That is how you amassed your billions. You have your ideal boy in mind and you know that when you see him you will make your move. You might see him on an airplane, on the street or even the beach. He really could be anywhere. Yet, once you look in his eyes, you “know” that you will know.

He really is stunning isn’t he? Yes. Those eyes! You sink into those eyes, don’t you? You must have him. Sure, you have the charm to invite him to coffee (or…maybe to your penthouse - you think: why not show it off asap?) Good plan.

Bring him up and give him a tour. My, he looks so perfect here. Invite him to sit and bring him coffee. Good plan. Just stare into those eyes. Those eyes are so inviting. So powerful. You must have him. You now “know” it for certain. He likes your wealth. You can feel it. Oh, my. His eyes are even more beautiful than you remember. Yes. Sink into his eyes. Listen to him. Yes you want him to know more about you. You want him to know the big things first. Tell him about all of your holdings: Every company you own, and how many homes. Yes, this young man needs to know. You want him to know everything upfront. Just look into his eyes. They are so commanding and it is so easy to tell him the truth. Good boy. Yes, he is impressed and takes your hand. So comfortable. So horny. So obedient. It’s nice to let him be in charge. You “know” you are safe to just let go and be a good boy. You feel him lead you to the master bedroom and feel his gaze as he speaks. You “know” that you have never been so at ease and that you are so so happy

You wake up in his arms and you just “know” you are just meant to be with him. You want to prove it. You want to take him shopping today. He will need new clothes, new watches and so much more to fit into your lifestyle. As you make love to him ask him to move in and tell him he no longer has to work. You blurt out a figure as a weekly allowance. How did you even come up with that five digit number? You assume that you just “knew” his worth and what it would take for him to put his career on hold (wait… did this boy even work?? No matter). You want him to enjoy your life with you and that starts today. Tell him he is your god and you beg to make him king of your castle. Beg him to let you take him shopping. Yes, look at that smile. You “know” you make the right choice.

After you taste the sweet nectar, you dress him from your closet. Not quite as fitted as he deserves but that will change. Without him saying a word, you “know” he would look so much better with your finest watch on his wrist. Yes, take his hand and go to the safe. Teach him the combination and show him your tray of watches. Beg him to let you put the president Rolex on his superior wrist. There, now he is adorned like a god should be.

Yes, let him take the lead. As a handsome younger man he will know what brands and designers look good on him. On the way out of the building you tell the security staff to add his profile to your list of approved visitors. You even joke that they will be seeing a lot of him. Yes.

You look into his eyes after each purchase. He says “thank you” but his eyes say “good boy slave.” After a full day of shopping you head back into the penthouse and stare into those eyes. Yes. You make the decision. Your life is now complete. You “know” it. He is to be so much more than your king. You need him as your husband. No prenup. Good decision boy. Yes, those eyes. He deserves to be a billionaire. Asap. You KNOW it.

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Good boy. Yes, the combination of your perfect abs, perfect hips and perfect smile will make you irr

Good boy. Yes, the combination of your perfect abs, perfect hips and perfect smile will make you irresistible to my client. Go. He is outside at the pool. Bring him this lemonade and use your smile. After he gets a little dazed, convince him he wants to sign these papers. Once he transfers his latest company to me I will release you from serving me and you can use your powers to make him your daddy and slave. Go.

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It only took a few days but Connor got the opportunity to move forward with his assignment. It was fIt only took a few days but Connor got the opportunity to move forward with his assignment. It was fIt only took a few days but Connor got the opportunity to move forward with his assignment. It was fIt only took a few days but Connor got the opportunity to move forward with his assignment. It was f

It only took a few days but Connor got the opportunity to move forward with his assignment. It was fairly easy to place him as a new entry level employee in my competitor’s corporation, but my arch enemy, the corporations’ CEO was not one to regularly meet with low level staff. Connor had studied the moves of the CEO and learned when he had his large staff meetings and which path he took to get to and from his office.

On the forth day of his employment Connor set the plan in action and “bumped” into the CEO in the hallway. It only took a few seconds of eye contact but that was enough to sway the CEO’s affection away from his boyfriend and towards this new employee. That “chance” meeting led to a dinner invitation from the CEO with plenty more opportunities to gaze into Connor’s eyes. Those eyes made the CEO so happy, and he felt even bettter when he listened to Connor’s smooth voice. The CEO wanted to stare endlessly into those eyes, and could have it all the time. But, some some things stood in the way.:

First, the CEO was taken. Done. The CEO broke up with his boyfriend over text. Good. Now the CEO was available to see Connor full time.

Second, the CEO learned he had to look into those eyes day and night. After work they would have great dates and the CEO wanted Connor to share his mansion. Daytime was a problem. Connor still worked as an entry level employee on a different floor. Plus, and it would be strange to have a low paid staff member in his office Done. Connor would be promoted immediately to the new role of the CEO’s Chief Advisor. As advisor, Connor would be available to stare into the CEO’s eyes and give advise on how the CEO can improve the company, and improve their lifestyle.

Third, the CEO wanted to worship Connor and had to please him in every way. The now ex bf would need a few days to move out of the mansion, so it made perfect sense for the CEO to insist that he take Connor away for a week long retreat to the build a working and personal relationship. Done. The CEO called the pilot of his private jet and arranged for an immediate flight to St Bart’s.

Fourth, the CEO wanted this relationship to last. He would give in to anything his new boyfriend wanted.

Seven days later, Connor returned a married man. The CEO learned that he no longer wanted to run such a big company. He wanted to just stare into his new husband’s eyes. Luckily Connor found a buyer for the company, and if the CEO sold it cheap, the quicker he could just stare into those eyes day and night.

Good boy Connor. I’ll do a good job of running his former company.

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Evolution of a trophy boy: A young man is recruited by a modeling agency with moderate success in faEvolution of a trophy boy: A young man is recruited by a modeling agency with moderate success in faEvolution of a trophy boy: A young man is recruited by a modeling agency with moderate success in faEvolution of a trophy boy: A young man is recruited by a modeling agency with moderate success in faEvolution of a trophy boy: A young man is recruited by a modeling agency with moderate success in faEvolution of a trophy boy: A young man is recruited by a modeling agency with moderate success in faEvolution of a trophy boy: A young man is recruited by a modeling agency with moderate success in fa

Evolution of a trophy boy: A young man is recruited by a modeling agency with moderate success in fashion shoots. One day, a photographer teaches the boy how to “turn on” and effectively use his eyes. It was only a matter of weeks until his eyes opened doors and he found himself living in a penthouse while staring into the eyes of a devoted billionaire

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Yes, were so proud to have landed an internship at the firm owned by one of the richest men in the cYes, were so proud to have landed an internship at the firm owned by one of the richest men in the cYes, were so proud to have landed an internship at the firm owned by one of the richest men in the cYes, were so proud to have landed an internship at the firm owned by one of the richest men in the cYes, were so proud to have landed an internship at the firm owned by one of the richest men in the cYes, were so proud to have landed an internship at the firm owned by one of the richest men in the c

Yes, were so proud to have landed an internship at the firm owned by one of the richest men in the city. You made sure that you dressed up for your first day and made sure your attire was fitted slim and tight. You had done your research and learned that this billionaire boss usually only dated younger male models with tight trim bodies. He went through them pretty quickly, but you saw your “in.” While he might not see you on your first day you planned on dressing to get his attention whenever he might see you.

Success! He saw you on the first day in the hallway, about an hour after you arrived while HR was giving you a tour. He was walking with his assistant but being a brilliant multitasker, he was looking over the workforce as he dictated. You felt his eyes on your trim waist and tight dress shirt. Ha, you thought. He is so predictable. Being a smart boy, you smiled as you began to pass him in the hallway, and he nodded. Here it comes. He looked into your eyes. You locked eyes with him and let his gaze take in your beauty as you worked your way into his brain. It only took a few seconds, but you were inside and had full access to his thoughts. You discovered he was already dating a young model. Ha. That relationship would go away easily. Done. Suddenly this brilliant CEO no longer wanted to date that young man. Two more seconds and a few more tinkering moves and the CEO was suddenly aware that you were his idea of perfection. A short pulse of the power in your eyes and he became infatuated with you. You were his ideal, and he must have you. He knew it in his soul, or at least that’s what you placed into his head. You released him from your gaze and went on to pass him in the hallway. As you walked away from him you could hear the CEO ask his assistant who you were.

You knew it was only a matter of minutes until his assistant reached out at your new desk and invited you dine with the CEO that night. It seems that the big boss wanted to discuss your future and possibly mentor you (but in reality the boss’s intentions were dead set on seducing you to his bed. After all, that is the need you placed in his head). You accept the invitation and agree to meet the CEO at his home at 7pm.

Upon arrival to his penthouse, the boss is nervous and does not want to fuck anything up. You act surprised that the CEO had his personal shopper buy you an outfit for this first dinner. The old CEO would have taken you to dinner dressed as you were at his firm. But, today he knew this date had to be perfect if he wanted to seduce his ideal boy to his bed. Thus, you had to look perfect and he just “knew” he wanted you to look a bit more casual but very upscale. You agreed to go try the ensemble on while he waited, and when you emerged he said “perfect.” You felt that he wanted to take you to bed and claim you right then, but you had a few more thoughts to set. You suggest a glass of champagne before heading out to dinner, and propose a toast.

There you go. Just look into the eyes of the CEO and move a few thing around. Yes, you are now firmly set as his goal, and that goal has changed. He has a strong new awareness that you are meant to be far more than just a boy in his bed. He had the epiphany that he wanted you as his well-kept lover. Yes! Very, very well kept. He would insist that you would not work. You were meant for a life of leisure and he would be happy to share his entire fortune if only you agreed to be his mate. His lover. His boyfriend. His perfect husband. Yes tonight he would propose and give you everything a perfect spoiled husband / trophy would ever need. He saw a perfect shopping list he wanted to tick off as things he wanted you to have right away: a Ferrari, the title to penthouse and so much more. You release your eyes and he blurts out how much he loves and needs you. He sinks to his knees and kisses your hand and proposes. You feign shock and say it’s way too fast. He counters that you could start by dating and asks if you would be his boyfriend. You hem and haw and ask what dating entails as you are just starting an internship at his company. He says you can’t work and date him but tells you that his boyfriend has no need to work and he insists that you don’t. Plus, so you don’t feel as if you are missing out he will give you an salary that will go into a savings account. You feign a “I don’t know” face and he ups the ante… the salary is raised to what his executives make. You nod ok. He then takes his Rolex off and puts it on you. You nod ok as he knows he won the tough negotiation. He takes your hand and leads you to the bedroom where he works hard to please his new master/boyfriend.

Who said you can’t have everything you’ve ever wanted? 1 month later and all is better than anticipated. You don’t work and lead the perfect casual life of the elite. It seems that you and your new billionaire husband have the perfect life. Best of all, he loves looking into your eyes. Good for you.

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hypnoticeyesandlips: Otto Seppalainen POP QUIZ: How long it will take before this male model is seduhypnoticeyesandlips: Otto Seppalainen POP QUIZ: How long it will take before this male model is sedu


Otto Seppalainen

POP QUIZ: How long it will take before this male model is seduced by or seduces a billionaire and earns a key to a castle or penthouse?

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hypnoticeyesandlips: Carson Aldridge I love to see a male model suddenly discover the power of his ehypnoticeyesandlips: Carson Aldridge I love to see a male model suddenly discover the power of his ehypnoticeyesandlips: Carson Aldridge I love to see a male model suddenly discover the power of his e


Carson Aldridge

I love to see a male model suddenly discover the power of his eyes and lips. This awareness, coupled with drive makes it fun to guess how many days it takes until he locates the richest man in town and then watch him seduce his newly enthralled billionaire boyfriend.

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Trophy boy ab goals.

Trophy boy ab goals.

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Good boy. Your billionaire daddy loves when you look into his eyes while you crunch your abs. On poi

Good boy. Your billionaire daddy loves when you look into his eyes while you crunch your abs. On point.

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men-who-inspire-me: Steven Chevrin by Karl Simone for Yearbook #9 If these features weren’t natural men-who-inspire-me: Steven Chevrin by Karl Simone for Yearbook #9 If these features weren’t natural men-who-inspire-me: Steven Chevrin by Karl Simone for Yearbook #9 If these features weren’t natural men-who-inspire-me: Steven Chevrin by Karl Simone for Yearbook #9 If these features weren’t natural men-who-inspire-me: Steven Chevrin by Karl Simone for Yearbook #9 If these features weren’t natural men-who-inspire-me: Steven Chevrin by Karl Simone for Yearbook #9 If these features weren’t natural


Steven Chevrin by Karl Simone for Yearbook #9

If these features weren’t natural (if they are) I’d say an alpha influenced this boys appearance right down to the full lips and wavy curls

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A boy quickly learn the importance of eye contact

Very good lesson to learn

So much can change over the course of 6 months. You can see it in these photos. you see, only six moSo much can change over the course of 6 months. You can see it in these photos. you see, only six moSo much can change over the course of 6 months. You can see it in these photos. you see, only six moSo much can change over the course of 6 months. You can see it in these photos. you see, only six moSo much can change over the course of 6 months. You can see it in these photos. you see, only six moSo much can change over the course of 6 months. You can see it in these photos. you see, only six moSo much can change over the course of 6 months. You can see it in these photos. you see, only six mo

So much can change over the course of 6 months. You can see it in these photos. you see, only six months ago young Harry was arriving on move-in day to his freshman dorm. The RA, a very good looking model quality young man, told Harry that as soon as he moved in he needs to see the school photographer in the lobby to get his photo taken for the freshman look book. Sure, Harry thought, it would be good to get some good photos. He had just had his haircut and thought he looked pretty good. What Harry didn’t know is that the photos would be perused by my office. We placed the RA in the dorm as a scout of sorts and young Harry had something about him they could be profitable for the company. Upon seeing the photos we gave the RA the permission to use our standard recruitment protocol to acquire Harry as a “new face.” That night the RA told Harry to come to his room. Harry was nervous, what had he done wrong?? When he got to the RA’s suite he was ushered in, offered a glass or water and sat on the couch. As he sipped the water the young man found out there was nothing really to be worried about. The RA told him to just relax, and Harrry felt the tensions ease and sank into the couch. The RA told Harry that he had good news but wanted to get to know a Harry first and that it was very important that Harry tell the truth. And very important that Harry listen carefully as he might learn something that might make the good news even better. The RA asked Harry if he liked following the two orders given to him by the RA today : to go get his photo taken this afternoon and to come to the RA’s suite tonight.
- Sure. I’m glad I’m not in trouble
- Harry, finish your glass of water so I can fill your glass. Harry downed the glass and it was filled again. - Harry you seem thirsty. Go ahead and finish off this second glass. As Harry emptied the glass he felt even more relaxed and sank into the couch. It felt so nice to just lay his head back and felt nice to have his RA join him on the couch. It felt natural and pleasant. - Harry you love following my orders.
Harry felt a new truth establish itself and take hold.
-I love following your orders
- Yes Harry you do. Tell me Harry, do you know you are good looking?
- Yes I know I look good
- Do you like using your looks to get what you want?
- I like using my looks to get dates with girls,
- Good. You love using your looks to get dates. You want to start using your looks to get more than dates with girls. You really want to start using your looks to get what you want. Yes?
- Yes I want to use my looks to get what I want.
- Harry. The better you look the easier it will be to get what you want. You want to look even better to make it easy to get what you want.
- Yes look better
- Good. One on a scale of 1 to 10, how good do you think you look now?
-I think I look pretty good. I think I’m an eight or a nine.
-Yes you do look good but you are more of a six.
Harry frowned. Sadly, Harry agreed.
-Yes I am more of a six.
-Don’t be upset, I can help you. You want me to help you.
-Yes I want you to help me.
-I look like at 10 don’t I? You admire my looks. You admire the way I dress. You like the way I wear my hair.
-Yes I like the way you dress and I like your looks.
-You love the way I dress. You love my looks. You think I’m definitely a 10.
-Yes you are definitely a 10 I love everything about you.
-Yes you do you realize when someone has these looks, It is very easy to be a male model. Have you ever wanted to be a male model?
-I have never thought about it.
-Yes you have. Yes, you have secretly thought about being a male model for years. Male models get what they want. You would love to look like a male model so you can get everything you want.
-Yes, I want to look like a male model so I can get what I want.
-Yes you do. Did you know that I am a male model? I am and look at me, I get everything I want. You want to be just like me don’t you?
-Yes I do. I want to be just like you.
-You want to be a male model. You want my advice so you can look like a 10. Don’t you?
-Yes I want your advice so I can look like a 10.
-You want to look like a 10 so that you can be a male model, and get what you want, and live the life of luxury.
-You want to live the life of luxury. Nothing is better. You know if you use your looks you can get a life of luxury.
-Yes a life of luxury. Nothing better. Use my looks.
-Good boy the good news is that I can help you. I can help you look like a 10. It will take hard work but you want it.
-Yes I want to look like a 10.
-I have even better news. The modeling agency that I work for saw your pictures that were taken this afternoon. They want you to be a model in their agency. They can help you look like a 10. They give the best advice. That’s what you want isn’t it? To be a male model and to look like a 10.
-Yes! That’s what I want! I want to be a male model! I want to look like a 10!
-Very good. Here let me fill up your water and let’s have a deeper conversation.

The next day, the young man followed all of the suggestions his new boyfriend gave him. After a night of exploring his Bi side he decided he was now fully gay and wanted his BF and RA to take the lead, and needed to follow every suggestion the RA gave him: he showed up at the modeling agency on time. He dressed in one of the outfits the RA (and his new boyfriend) gave him and he began his transformation. He signed every piece of paperwork given to him, changed his name to Hunter, and began his pursuit of being a 10. He went on all of his appointments. He met with new doctors and his trainers. And soon, as you can see from the photos, Hunter the model emerged. Enhanced lips, perfect hair and a general swagger. He learned how to use his eyes. He knew he looked good. No, he looked great. Models get what they want. He soon learned that he wanted what every model wants. The best models want to use their looks to capture the attention of a billionaire. The best models focus their beauty and especially their eyes to seduce only extremely wealthy men so that they may travel the world as a billionaire’s dedicated companion doing what a male model is molded to be: a stunning lad who is loyal to serving the visual and sexual needs of their billionaire owner. Hunter instinctively knew that his agency knows best and knows that a good model follows all directions from the agency. Do what the agency suggests and luxury follows. Over the next months Hunter followed all suggestions the agency gave him and went on every interview they set up. At first he felt guilty for cheating on his boyfriend with all of these rich men but that was ok. Soon he was hired for full time placement. Hunter now stays at his new husband’s side and gladly gave up his silly academic pursuits for a life of taking a billionaire’s loads. Good boy Hunter!

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