#hypnotized guy

Bit of context needed, this lad had his name hypnotically changed to ‘James Bond’. I love his face w

Bit of context needed, this lad had his name hypnotically changed to ‘James Bond’. I love his face when he’s asked his name and his programming kicks in to overwrite whatever he was about to say.

Post link

Link to a video post

Clearly messed up on my scheduling again, so instead of a longer gap between the accidental post yesterday and next monday here is a link to a video post; which you may have seen if you are following the other tumblr.


Stage hypnotist at a university show has a very enthusiastic subject eager to please a volunteer from the audience.


Why not check out a longer form post on my Blogger?


Featuring a cute lad thoroughly hypnotised on stage whilst dressed much more smartly than would normally be expected.

More content featuring this hypnotised lad

A while after getting the blogger post linked above made, I realised that the cute suited lad it stars had actually been hypnotised a little bit previously in an earlier show. I thought I’d put the good bits from this earlier show here, appended to the blogger link post.

He’s not dressed up quite so nicely, and he obviously shaved between the two shows which gives him a lovely fresh-faced look in the blogger post, but he was obviously just as susceptible to hypnosis in his first appearance.


Not a thought in his head…


Senses utterly controlled, driving him to seek warmth even as the California sun beats down…


His brain generating physical sensations on command…


Interestingly, in both this show and the later one linked on blogger he seems to get annoyed quite readily as he is toyed with.


Recognising his easily dominated mind, the hypnotist takes time to give him some specific commands.


Instantly switching him off when he is finished with him.


He is an enthusiastic dancer…


…mindlessly capering to the music.


The hypnotic domination of his mind frees him of any awareness of his actions…


…so he vigorously performs on stage without hesitation.


His suggestible mind lets him cope with changes in the music instantly.


He’d make a great demonstration piece for the power of hypnosis over the easily controlled.


I wonder if he would go along just as readily if the music was something more sultry? Seems likely he would.


A nice spot of embarrassment for our mesmerised guy, as he suddenly believes he is dancing naked on stage.


Such a good subject, when all memories of being hypnotised are wiped away he doesn’t believe he has ever gone under - but his triggers still control him.


And he responds instantly and unthinkingly to his off switch.

Even in this first appearance our guy is very obviously extremely suggestible and easily mesmerised. This does put a new spin on his second appearance, dressed up in his suit on his birthday. I wonder if his friends encouraged him to volunteer the second time, with him having only the haziest memories of what he did the first time?
