#hypnotized sex slave


Good Boy

And here is the first February(!) story written for the semi-famous patron!

I was so fuckin’ pumped to finally fuckin’ join AAA, or Alpha Alpha Alpha, the best fuckin’ frat on campus! I was a football jock, and it just felt so fuckin’ weird not being around my bros until I fuckin’ got in! Our Greek row is actually partially on one of the main roads in the city. AAA is next to some old guy’s house. I know that because I fuckin’ met him as I was bringing my stuff over from my old dorm room. 

“Hello, young man. I assume you’re another member of the frat house I live next to?”

“Fuck yeah I am, sir! The name’s Riley. Nice to meet ya!”

“Nice to meet you too, Riley. My name is Bruce. Say, if you’re not too busy after moving yourself in, I have some boxes and stuff that need to be moved too. They’re much too heavy for someone like me.”

“Will I get paid?” I was free for the rest of the afternoon, but if I was gonna spend it helping out some old man, I wanted it to be worth my while.

“Oh, of course,” Bruce replied, with a smirk. I didn’t fuckin’ question it as I brought my box inside the frat house and placed it on my new bed. There were a couple more boxes I needed to bring up and unpacked everything I would need for my first night there. Since I already was wearing ratty clothes, I didn’t bother changing before going over to Bruce’s house. I have to admit, for an old man, he was really fuckin’ cool! For one thing, he had hooked up a sound system to play throughout his entire fuckin’ house, and he even let me play my own music! He didn’t seem to care about all of the swearing and all of the n-words in my music. 

Later that night, as we were waiting for our pizza to arrive, I happened to tell my bros what I did today. One of the football captains, Sarge, looked a bit shocked and told me to follow him into the kitchen. “What’s the matter, bro? We can’t help out old men?”

“Shit, Riley, I don’t care if you’re fuckin’ Mother Theresa when you leave the frat house. But I hear a lot of weird shit about Bruce, like he has orgies all of the time with fuckin’ dudes and young guys like us serving the guests wearing nothing but those stripper wrist things.”

“Fuck, Sarge, I didn’t know that. Bruce seemed like a really fuckin’ cool guy. I’ll keep my guard up.”

“Good.” The doorbell then rang as we walked back to the living room and we all gorged on some pizza. It was later that week, on Saturday, that I talked to Bruce again. I had been vomiting for most of the day Friday, and while I was feeling much better today, Coach didn’t want me getting sick on the field, and so I stayed at school instead of going to the game. It did fuckin’ suck a little bit, but I wouldn’t want to be known as the guy who puked on the field. I was planning to watch some porn today and work out. After I had blown my load twice, I decided to get a workout in. I was gonna hit the campus gym when I noticed Bruce outside again. 

He was really fuckin’ struggling with his lawn mower, one of those simple pull the string and push ones. I did remember what Sarge had told me, but he just looked so fuckin’ pitiful, and he probably just needed to get it started. So, instead of walking across the street to get to campus, I took a right and walked into our neighbor’s yard. “Need some help there, old man?” I asked, with a slight chuckle. 

“Oh, Riley, I wasn’t expecting to see you here today! Yes, I do need some help. I just can’t seem to pull it hard enough today.”

“No prob, old man,” I said, as I yanked the string and the motor inside roared to life. 

“You’re such a good boy, Riley.” After he said that, the next few hours were a blur. The next thing I remembered was walking along the sidewalk back to AAA, shirtless and sweaty. It wasn’t really summer weather outside yet, but I had worked up such a sweat that it just felt better to take my shirt off. I had missed watching the game today, but I was able to congratulate the guys in the group chat, and they even let me join in the stripping festivities Sarge had provided for the guys. I didn’t mention helping out Bruce again today and that I somehow couldn’t remember a few hours of my life. The same thing fuckin’ happened that evening too, with two busty strippers waking up in bed with me. 

Sunday was another lazy day, partially sleeping off that fuckin’ hangover, but I did notice something a bit fuckin’ weird today. My bedroom had a view of Bruce’s house, and I noticed a lot of cars pulling up today. Only guys got out of them, and Sarge was probably fuckin’ right. This was another one of Bruce’s fuckin’ gay orgies. I had to admit, he somehow attracted most of the hunky local guys in the town, and some guys around my age too! I thought I saw Chase from the lacrosse team enter his house, but I couldn’t see that fuckin’ well. 

Later that week, the weather was unseasonably warm and I decided to go for a run. I was going to use the track, but the fuckin’ cross-country nerds had booked it for their practices, so I decided to run around the neighborhood. I didn’t run as much as those fuckin’ nerds did, but I got in a 5k or so. I decided to walk down the street to AAA after the run, taking my shirt off and exposing my sweaty muscles to all the fuckin’ girls. As I walked by Bruce’s house, he was out on his porch drinking some coffee. 

“Nice to see that you’re enjoying the weather, Riley!” he noted. “You’re such a good boy!” And then it fuckin’ happened again. I couldn’t remember what I had done for the past few hours. Like before, the next thing I remembered was walking home past Bruce’s house again. As I began walking, I realized that I really needed to take a shit. I rushed over to AAA, waddling really, and went into the downstairs bathroom. I let it all out and then flushed. It surprisingly didn’t smell that bad at all; in fact, it smelled more like sex and cum than anything. I brushed it off, just fuckin’ thankful that I was feeling so much fuckin’ better now. 

It was actually the next day that I saw Bruce next. I was walking home from class with one of my football buddies, Derek. We were shooting the shit as Bruce walked over to us. Neither of us found it fuckin’ weird; after all, we were still on public property. “Hello, Riley! It’s nice to see two good boys like you actually attending classes!” My mind went blank again, but this time around, I could faintly hear Derek talking, or maybe screaming, in the back of my mind. 

“Riley, bro, what the fuck are you doing? Riley, man, you’re really freaking me out here! Shit, old man, what did you fuckin’ do to him? Riley, you need to fuckin’ break out of this!” Even though I could hear him, I had an overwhelming desire to go to Bruce’s place. Once more, I finally was able to remember what I was doing as I was walking into AAA. However, this time around, Sarge, Derek, and the rest of the guys were fuckin’ shocked that I was fuckin’ alive, it seemed. 

“Shit, Riley, are you okay? What did he fuckin’ do to you?”

“Yeah, you were gone for a couple fuckin’ days this time! We called the fuckin’ police, but they were no fuckin’ help!”

“What do you guys fuckin’ mean!?” I asked, looking at my phone. I had a fuckin’ insane number of missed notifications, and it said clear as day on top on my phone that it was Sunday. I knew it was fuckin’ Friday from the last thing I remember. How did I fuckin’ lose almost two whole fuckin’ days of my life!?

“Fuck, Riley, you reek of fuckin’ sex too!”

“That’s it! I’m fuckin’ going over to Bruce’s house and getting to the fuckin’ bottom of this!” 

“Yeah!” screamed most of my fellow frat bros, but none of them actually wanted to fuckin’ go with me. Sarge muttered something about becoming a sex slave, but I was going to get to the fuckin’ bottom of this even if it fuckin’ killed me! I stormed over to Bruce’s house and pounded on the door. 

“Let me in, old man! I know you fuckin’ did something to me!” I almost fell inside the house as he finally opened the door. 

“Good boy,” he said, before I could do anything, and my mind went blank again. My memory has been blurry ever since then, but my therapist has been trying to fill in the gaps. From what I can gather, what Sarge had told me years ago now was right. Bruce did use hypnosis to ensnare young men like me and turn them into his sex slaves, much to the amusement of those that attended his weekly orgies. My trigger word was “good boy” and thankfully only tied to Bruce’s voice, and he was now locked up in a supermax cell. Apparently, he had hypnotized the police chief before hypnotizing me and other guys like me so that even if someone figured out his plan, it wouldn’t be looked into. My therapist tells me that there are, unfortunately, some videos from the time I can barely remember, thanks to some of Bruce’s guests who filmed the orgies. I have the videos in my Google Drive, but I can’t bear to watch them. I can’t believe he fuckin’ did that to me and fucked up my life irrevocably.

And here is the first January(!) story written for the semi-famous patron! If you want your own personalized and private stories, then consider becoming my Patron!

“Not fuckin’ again,” Drew Brees said to himself, as the Saints failed to make the playoffs once again. He hated to brag, but the last time they had made the playoffs, Drew was the quarterback. Their next quarterback, Taysom, wasn’t absolutely terrible, and Drew had to admit, he was kinda hot. He had kept his bisexuality a secret for quite some time thanks to his religion, and his marriage and kids, but there was no denying that Taysom was one hot motherfucker. He had some plans for Taysom, plans he would put into place after the Super Bowl.

He worked for the NFL Network now, but not year-round, so despite being busy outside of football, he still had a lot of free time once the season was over. His wife had found it a bit odd at first that he had wanted to pick up hypnosis of all things, but she supported him, and by the time the Super Bowl rolled around, Drew was pretty proficient in hypnosis. Soon after he had wrapped up his last show for the year, he invited Taysom Hill over for dinner again. The current quarterback had expected to see Drew’s wife and kids at dinner, but it was just him.

“Uh, Drew, I didn’t know that you could cook this well,” Taysom noted nervously.

“There’s a lot that you don’t know about me, Taysom. Now, I don’t want to dwell on football talk during dinner. In fact, I called you over because I wanted to try out one of my new hobbies on you.”

“Um, okay, Drew, but why not your wife or kids?”

“It wouldn’t really be effective with them. It’s hypnosis.”

“You’re fuckin’ kidding me, right?”

“I’m not, Taysom. In fact, hypnosis can have a number of benefits for athletes as well. I just wish I had learned about this sooner.”

“Well, if that’s the price I need to pay for a meal this fuckin’ good, then I’m game!” After both men had eaten their fill, they moved to the living room, where the two of them sat on the couch together, quite close together. “So, uh, do you use a pocket watch or a metronome or…?”

“It’s actually a simple spiral on my phone. Here, I’ll show you,” Drew added, as he pulled it up on his phone. Taysom had naturally seen a spinning hypnotic spiral before, but this one was different. He found that he couldn’t look away, and the more and more he looked, the more and more relaxed he felt. He only faintly realized he had slumped far back into the couch when Drew began speaking to him again.

“Taysom, you are now under my hypnotic control. You will obey any and all of my commands without question. For the rest of the off-season, you will be my mindless servant. I will allow you to workout and perform team duties while you act as yourself, but the rest of your free time will be dedicated to serving me.”

“Yes, Master Brees, I understand.”

“Excellent.” Drew then shut off the hypnotic spiral, since his commands had been already locked into Taysom’s mind. Thankfully for Drew, his wife and kids weren’t that big of football fans, and after letting Taysom grow his facial hair out a little bit, none of them recognized their new “butler” as the quarterback for the team Drew had played with for about a decade. While acting as a butler while being a pro football player was humiliating enough, Drew had some real fun with his mindless servant whenever his wife and kids were out of the house. One of the most favorite things he liked to do with his servant was force him to smell his musk and lick the sweat off of his body after one of his workouts.

While Drew didn’t need to remain in pristine shape anymore, he did love to work out still, and usually tagged along to Taysom’s workouts as well. Soon after making Taysom his servant, he stopped showering after his workouts and even applying a bit of deodorant. Taysom continued to do so, but as soon as he stepped out of the gym, he became Drew’s servant again and drove him home. Once they were in the bedroom or the bathroom together, Drew stripped completely naked and usually began with Taysom sniffing his pits.

It turned him on immensely to see this muscled straight man sniff his musky pits deeply and even get hard from doing so, as Drew had instructed him to do very early on in their kinky relationship. After it looked like the fabric was going to tear in Taysom’s fitted suit, then it was time to move on to the sweat removal. As much as Drew loved to humiliate Taysom, he wasn’t a complete masochist, so Taysom focused on licking the sweat from Drew’s pits, biceps, abs, and ass only. The ex-quarterback had to admit, it was quite the weird sensation at first as another man’s tongue caressed some intimate parts of his body, but he soon got turned on by it as much as he did with pegging his wife.

The musk worship wasn’t the only kinky thing Drew had Taysom do, though. One of the other things was making Taysom wear his used underwear. It was one-day-old underwear, two very infrequently, but Taysom didn’t bat an eye as Drew’s used underwear was placed on top of his dresser each morning, sometimes with cum stains or sweat stains still on them. Yet another kinky thing Taysom did for Drew was feet worship. This was something Drew could almost get away with doing in front of his wife, as he did find himself getting turned on just from Taysom giving him foot massages. But the toe sucking and toe licking and verbal degradation were only things that happened when his wife was not around.

As much as Drew enjoyed the kinky stuff with Taysom, it was actually some of the non-kinky stuff he did with him that turned him on as well. One of them was inviting some of Taysom’s current teammates over. Drew had sworn them to secrecy, and since they were coming to see a mind-fucked Taysom in the first place, Drew’s secret was kept. His teammates loved seeing him forced to obey any and all orders, especially coming from their mouths. No one but Drew went so far as to involve actual sex or kink, but some of the more open guys did have Taysom masturbate next to them in mutual masturbation or just jerk off for them, the guys imagining if Taysom’s attitude was a result of his cock size. It was.

Finally, the most kinky thing the two of them did together was fucking in the Saints’s locker room. Taysom had an in with someone on the janitorial staff, and some quick hypnosis from Drew would make sure no one would know about this. The locker room hadn’t changed much at all after Drew left, and the two men were soon stark naked in the locker room, not a weird occurrence to them, even before the hypnosis. However, none of their teammates had ever commanded them, “Get on your knees and get my cock hard.”

“Yes, Master Brees,” Taysom responded. Drew still found that a bit hot, and his dick twitched as Taysom’s hand grabbed his cock and began to get it hard. Despite having him as his mindless sex servant for a couple months now, Drew had never engaged in actual penetrative or oral sex with him before, or any guy for that matter. However, the quarterback’s mouth was just as good as his wife’s, and he actually found himself cumming down Taysom’s throat much sooner than he had anticipated. Overall, Taysom loved it, and while Drew waited for his refractory period to pass, he had Taysom jerk off to the dirty jockstraps his teammates had left behind and that the janitorial staff were probably using to jerk off to too.

Then it came time to actually fuck Taysom. Of course, Drew had brought lube and condoms with him, and the two of them got into position on the floor, Taysom about to be fucked doggy-style. Drew applied a copious amount of lube on his condomed cock, since he knew Taysom was an anal virgin or at least incredibly tight. He encountered a fair bit of resistance, but both men couldn’t help but moan as Drew’s cockhead finally penetrated Taysom’s ass. The ex-quarterback went in deeper and deeper, and since Drew admittedly didn’t have that big of a cock, he was almost able to go balls-deep before Taysom’s moans turned into cries of pain.

Since Drew was consciously edging himself this time, he was able to get some verbal degradation in. “If only your teammates could look at you now, Taysom, getting fucked up the ass and by another fuckin’ man to boot! And I bet some of them still don’t know that you’re hypnotized, so they’ll just think their quarterback is a secret slut for cock, moaning while a dick thrusts in and out of his hole and his own cock leaking pre-cum as his top talks down and dirty to him. That turns you on, though, doesn’t it, Taysom, you’re getting hard to the thought of your teammates watching you get fucked like the slut you are, right? Yeah, fuckin’ take my cock, whore!”

Eventually, Drew was ready to cum, and while he didn’t breed Taysom today, he did humiliate the quarterback a bit more by cumming all over his face. Taysom was forced to clean it off in the same showers he usually went in after a game. The kinky humiliation of Drew’s mindless hypnotized servant Taysom continued throughout the rest of the off-season. Soon enough, training camp rolled around, and Drew was needed back in the studio as well. Drew released Taysom from his hypnosis, but not before adding one last humiliating touch. Taysom would remember everything that Drew had done to him while he was under, and also that the ex-quarterback had implanted a trigger that return Taysom into his mindless sex servant state.
