

anon said - “Hi! I was wondering if you can write a scenario with kino/hyunggu. It’s when kino and s/o was best friends through primary school up to high school; both of them had a crush on each other but never really confessed each other. They lost communication after high school due to their careers/studies. But all the sudden they run into each other in Korea. His S/O came to Korea for a new job; Kino finds out that there getting a new stylist but doesn’t realize it’s S/O! I’m sorry that’s a lot but ty!”

Member:Kang Hyunggu/Kino

Genre:Fluffy fluff

a/n://long???// thank you so much for requesting!! im so sorry for the long wait and i hope you enjoy~


You were bubbling with excitement. 

You’ve returned home to Korea a little over a week ago for a new job opportunity, getting settled in no time. Upon leaving right after graduation, you had worked your ass off in your studies. For the past three years, you had been building a name for yourself in the beauty and fashion world, surprising much older and experienced stylists in your field with how naturally concepts come to you despite how young you were. 

And that landed you here, right back home. 

You don’t know how or why, but your work caught the attention of a fairly well known company. Cube Entertainment. To say the least, the opportunity call was a surprise and had thought you’d be crazy to pass the offer up. 

And you had just finished your interview. Before you had even landed in Korea, the company had already ran background checks, contacted previous co-workers you had at any job prior, etc. All these checks plus your interview landed you the job on the spot. 

You officially start in a week and would be given further details on your responsibilities by morning, giving you enough time between now and next week to prepare. 

As you began to make your way out of the building, you quickly dialed your parents, smiling as they answered in no time. 

“Well?” your mother asked impatiently. 

You subconsciously bit your lip, smiling as you let out a small squeal. “I got the job.”

“That’s my girl!” your father yelled happily. You giggled lightly, 

“We’re so proud of you! Let’s meet up”, your mother added quickly. “To celebrate.” 

Your smiled widened and you let out a hum in agreement as you made your way out the company doors. “Let me know where we’re meeting and I’ll-”

Your sentence was cut off by a gasp falling from your lips as the door you had opened collided with light haired male. “I’ll call you guys back.”

Your eyes were wide with surprise as you quickly exited the building. The male you had hit hissed quietly in pain, taking off his sunglasses to rub his forehead. 

“I am so sorry”, You immediately apologized. Guilt began to settle in. 

The male chuckled softly at you, shaking his head. “Its no big deal.”

The voice was so familiar, yet you couldn’t quite place it. It was when he actually looked at you that realization set in. Your jaw slacked slightly. He wore a kind smile, despite being hit in the head with a door. His eyes sparkled naturally with happiness. 

It made your heart flutter.



You blinked quickly, your cheeks heating up in embarrassment at the fact that you had been staring. And that, by the amused smile on his lips, he had noticed. You cleared your throat. “Well isn’t this the ideal reunion.”

You had mumbled this sentence. But he heard you. 

“Reunion?” Hyunggu said confused. “Do I…know you?” 

You couldn’t help it. Your expression had saddened. “You don’t recognize me?”

Hyunggu tilted his head slightly, his eyes moving over your face. A few seconds had passed before Hyunggu’s eyes widened in shock.

“Oh my god”, He said. “(Y/N)?!”

You smiled, opening your arms dramatically. “The one and only.”

In his excitement, Hyunggu pulled you into a tight hug. You let out a laugh, patting his back affectionately. You glanced around and your eyes widened. People were staring. And you knew exactly why. Not only was Hyunggu being extremely extra, which made you happy cause that shows he hasn’t changed much over the years, but it was also because this was Kang Hyunggu.

AKA Pentagon’s second maknae, Kino. 

You didn’t live under a rock. You were always up to date when it came to music. You listened to anything and everything. And your mother kept track on Hyunggu, having always thought of him as a son since the both of you grew up together, regardless of being a year apart. Needless to say, you were never surprised to hear your out-of-touch best friend was a star. You’d always known he was extremely talented. 

Before you could speak, Hyunggu pulled away.

“What are you doing here?” he asked. “How long have you been back?”

“Little over a week?” you replied. You turned slightly, pointing at the building behind you. “I got a job offer here.”

Hyunggu brightened even more. His heart began to flutter at the thought of not only you returning home, but the fact you accepted a job at Cube. A place he was at nearly everyday. Where he could now, most likely, see you everyday. 

“Here? With Cube?” he asked, finding it a bit too hard to believe. You gave a hum in confirmation. “What are you gonna be doing?”

“I’m a new stylist”, you said. You felt the door of the building, that you had yet to move away from after hitting Hyunggu, lightly tap your back. You jumped, instantly moving out of the way and issuing a quiet apology to the woman you were blocking. Hyunggu followed your action. You continued, “I’m being called about the rest of the job details later.” 

Hyunggu’s brows furrowed in confusion. “Details?”

You nodded. “Yea. Groups I’ll be working with regularly and extra regulations.” 

Hyunggu let out a small ,’ah’, showing he understood. Suddenly, a loud series of pings sounded, startling both you and Hyunggu. You watched as Hyunggu reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. It was silent between you as his eyes scanned over the screen. 

“I’m sorry, (Y/N)”, Hyunggu said looking back at you apologetically. “I need to get going.”

Your face twisted in worry. “Is everything okay?”

“Yea, I just need to get to practice now.”

“Oh..” You said lightly. You quickly smiled. “It’s okay. I understand.”

Hyunggu let out a sigh, almost relieved. “Hey, I have free time during lunch. Want to meet? Catch up?”

“Of course.”

Your response was instant. You cleared your throat, your cheeks heating up slightly. Nice one, (Y/N). 

“Great”, he said until his phone pinged again.You let out a laugh. 

“Better get going.”

Hyunggu rolled his eyes at your teasing tone, but didn’t fight the smile. 

“Gotten responsible over the years, I see” he teased back. “See you later, (Y/N).” 

You watched him make his way inside. You smiled, pulling out your phone. Assuming his number hadn’t changed, you sent him a quick text, letting you know it was you. As you began to make your way home, your phone vibrated. The text sent your heart fluttering and a smile pulling at your lips again. 

See you tomorrow, dorko :p”

As promised, the next morning you were informed of your responsibilities. Though you would work with other groups, your #1 group is what really got you excited. 


From what you were told, there was one other stylist for the group. So you were told you’d be specifically working with five members while the other stylist would work with the other five. But technically, each of you will be working with four for this comeback, Hyojong and Yanan not being able to be included into this comeback, leaving you with Yuto, Hyunggu, and Wooseok. 

Despite how excited you were, you refused to tell Hyunggu. You wanted to surprise him. The days leading up to your first day were busy. When you weren’t using your time to talk and have small meetings with Hyunggu, you were focused on preparing for Pentagon’s new comeback stage. 

You two had grown close again, your friendship picking up instantly as if you had never lost communication. But the closer you grew again, the more your feelings for your best friend returned. 

And now, here you were. You was making your way past staff, carrying the things you had prepared for today. You were bubbling with excitement to surprise Hyunggu. 

It wasn’t long before you found the three you were responsible for, their loud laughter ringing throughout the room.You smiled, making your way over, trying not to bump into anyone with all your stuff. 

“A new stylist? Who?”

“That would be me”, you replied as you came up behind them. They jumped, turning in surprise. You noticed Hyunggu’s eyes widened almost instantly, his jaw slacking in shock. “I’m (Y/N). It’s nice to meet you.” 

“(Y/N)?” Wooseok asked, immediately turning to Hyunggu in question. “That(Y/N)?” 

He was trying to be discrete, whispering the question to Hyunggu, but you heard it. 

“Excuse me?” 

You looked at your best friend in confusion, silently asking what Wooseok was talking about. 

“Um, shouldn’t we get ready?” Hyunggu said quickly, taking the things from your arms. “Here, I’ll help. Let’s go.”

You watched as Hyunggu didn’t wait, walking away as quickly as possible. After a moment, you turned back to Wooseok and Yuto, who were quietly snickering to each other. You rose a brow, waiting for them to notice your gaze. When they did, they cleared their throats. 

“We should…we should get going”, Yuto said before he and Wooseok took off.  You stood there for a moment, stunned. “Come on, (Y/N)!” 

You shook your head at the boy’s teasing tone and followed. 

Wanting to have time to talk to Hyunggu about your curiosity, you helped him last. It was silent for a moment as you styled his freshly dyed hair. Your heart skipped at it’s softness. 

“Everything okay?” 

Your cheeks heated up. Caught staring. Again. You replied with a hum. 

“Hyunggu? Can I ask you something? Well, more like two somethings?” 

“You just did.” You rolled your eyes, hitting Hyunggu’s head softly. He let out a laugh. “Okay, Okay. Sorry, go ahead.”

You bit your lip, pausing for a moment. “You know you can tell me anything, right?”

Hyunggu nodded, looking at you in the mirror curiously. “Of course. Why?”

“What did Wooseok mean by ‘that(Y/N)’ earlier?” 

You glanced at your reflections. You saw anxiousness pass across Hyunggu’s expression for a moment. Your eyes widened as Hyunggu turned in the cair, his hands grabbing yours. 

Nobody was in the room besides you two. The other members were either in the next room over eating snacks or waiting for their call and staff was rushing about trying to get last minute things ready. 

He sighed, looking up at you with a shy smile. “It means, the (Y/N) I’ve had feelings for since junior high.”

“… feelings for since junior high.”

The words echoed in your head, sending your heart thudding in your chest. Hyunggu has liked you that long? He’s liked you back for this long? You felt tears well up in your eyes. Hyunggu’s eyes widened in panic and he stood quickly. 

His hand immedietly went to cup your cheeks, his thrumbs wiping the falling tears. 

“No, no, no! Why are you crying?” He gasped. “Please don’t cry! We can just remain friends! Forget I said anything!”

You let out a laugh through your light crying. “I’m not sad!”

Hyunggu’s brows furrowed in confusion, his thumbs stopping under your eyes. “Then why are you crying?”

“Because I’m happy”, you replied, sniffling softly. “I’ve waited years for you to tell me you like me back.”

Hyunggu’s reaction was almost immediate.His hands dropped from your face, only for his arms to wrap around you tightly, pulling you close to his body. 

“Oh that’s such a relief”, he breathed out. You threw your head back, laughing loudly. Your hand came up to cover your mouth, your cheeks pinkening in embarrassment. You didn’t stop the giggles though. 

“Well then”, you said through a giggle. “Would you like to go on a date after promotions?”

Hyunggu pulled away slightly, smiling brightly at you. “I’m supposed to ask you out, (Y/N).” 

You rolled your eyes, refusing to fight your smile. “Yes or no, blondie.”

“Oooo, sassy”, he gasped before leaning to kiss your cheek. “I’d love to go on a date with you.”

“Is that (Y/N)!?” 

You both jumped away from each other at the sudden yell. Standing in the doorway bouncing with excitement was Hwitaek. You and Hyunggu glanced at each other in surprise before looking back over towards Hwitaek. 

“Oh my god, it is!” Hwitaek gasped out. Your eyes widened as Hwitaek rushed over to grab your wrist excitedly, wasting no time to begin pulling you out of the room. “Let’s go introduce you to the others!” 

You let out a laugh, the leader’s excitement surprising you greatly. You laughed when Hyunggu called out dramatically. 

“Hey! She’s still my stylist! i need her help to finish getting ready!” 

You felt happiness swell inside you, the feeling of a new friendship with the other members and a new relationship with Hyunggu making you smile. 

-Athena ♡

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COSMO MV - Jinho



COSMO MV - Pentagon


COSMO MV - Hongseok

COSMO MV - Shinwon

COSMO MV - Yeo One

COSMO MV - Wooseok

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JINHO, HONGSEOK, and KINO’s Boosters are out NOW! Download the Mindset app to start listening or go to getmindset.com.


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