


This fic is part of a commission for the wonderful @merruschka,featuring her wonderful Pheobe De Sardet and Captain Vasco. This stunning artwork depicts Pheobe and Vasco (and was created by Merruschka!) Part 1 is Here.


He took his time. From San Matheus to Hikmet, Vasco’s silence was a weight on Pheobe. Her back prickled when they were walking, and as she turned his eyes would slide away. The urge to open the subject herself was strong, but not as strong as the confused hurt in his eyes. Something in the file had thrown Vasco in a way she could not account for, in a way he seemed unable to communicate. When they returned to New Sérene, the group scattered, as it tended to, and left her to wallow in the pristine solitude of her town house. From time to time she would stop mid-step, mid-page, mid-something and be rocked by the image of Vasco seeking comfort in the Coin Tavern, or barracks… or worse still in the arms of Aphra. That woman still glowered at Pheobe as if it was her fault that he had turned away from her,

“Perhaps if she spent any time on her looks…. No that’s not right,” Pheobe muttered and then sighed and shook her head, “no.” She said it aloud once more – it was unworthy of her. Aphra was a beautiful woman, a determined and clever woman who had surprising kindness and depth. It was no-one’s fault that she and Vasco had failed to work out, of course, but it was easy to see why he had been smitten with Aphra at first. Pheobe clenched her fists for a moment and pushed the jealousy away. With determination, she placed herself at the piano to seek solace in the music. The notes flowed from her fingers, at first she played a familiar, well-loved piece, but it started to change and twist, becoming sadder, deeper. More complex. The world narrowed to the sound and feel of the music and the quick, clever movement of her fingers. As the song came to a close, a gentle sound caught her attention; Vasco was standing at the door, body tensed as if he felt awkward in his own skin.

“Forgive me,” he said, “I did not-”

“No,” she said and stood, “no need to apologise, you know how I love to have an audience.” He smiled and inclined his head, “did you enjoy my performance?”

“I did, very much so,” he said, eyes sparkling as he gave her a boyish grin. Pheobe flushed and looked away, touched the place where her mark stood out, slightly raised on her skin. “I wanted to talk to you,” he said after a few tense moments, “about the information you found for me.”

“Yes, of course.” She drew him further into the room and sank into the plush seating, “do you want something to drink?”

“No… I… yes, please.” He gave an apologetic smile. Pheobe crossed to the sideboard, aware of the sway in her hips and the loose, light fabric of the dress that swirled around her legs. The decanter of wine clunked when she set it on the table. Vasco’s hand seemed to dwarf the glass; a scar on his knuckle came into sharp relief. How would it feel under her lips?

“Léandre D’Arcy,” he said suddenly, “that is my name. I was right. That is a noble name is it not?” Pheobe blinked, jerking a little, as her reverie was broken and the familiarity of that name sent electricity through her.

“Ah… yes,” she said, but her face must have said more. Vasco leaned forward and raised a fine brow,

“De Sardet?”

“I… I have met the D’Arcy’s… I did not know that they had given up a son to the Nauts.”

“Of course you wouldn’t,” he said, “these things were kept quiet for many reasons, particularly to prevent young Nauts from running away.” He leaned back in his chair and stared at her for a few moments, “what are they like?”

“Your family?” He nodded, “well, the Earl D’Arcy is a very serious, cautious man. I liked him, for all I knew him. He was clever and did not like to boast overmuch… his wife is, was, less circumspect.”

“Was? Is she dead?” A look of sadness flitted across his face,

“The Earls first wife died many years ago, his second is still alive as far as I know. There were rumours that he had a child with his first wife but… well since there was no child, they fizzled out. Now it makes sense,” Pheobe said and splayed her long-fingered hands on her lap, “I never met his first wife, but the new lady D’Arcy is very beautiful. And very vain and frivolous in the way that many noblewomen are. She never had any responsibility because her father had many sons and her husband had many brothers, so she was very young in her mind…” she bit her lip, “there is another thing, however.”


“You have a brother, a half brother, if the D’Arcy’s I know are the same as the ones in this file. Bastien, he is called.”

“A brother,” Vasco said with wonder, “what was he like?”

“Not half the man you are,” Pheobe replied and looked down at her hands, “he tried to court me, but I turned him away.” Her eyes darted up to look at him from under her lashes. There was a certain thrill when she saw that his face was hard, as if the idea displeased him. “He was… effete and irresponsible. He gambled too much and drank a lot, and was notorious for… leaving serving girls in trouble. Handsome enough, but not a pleasant or honourable man.”

“I see.”

“I am sorry, Vasco.” Pheobe grimaced,

“No, if it is the truth then you should say it.” He linked his clever, scarred fingers together and sighed, “I would still like to know more… would you take me to see Lady Morange? She will speak to you.”

“Of course, we could go now if you like?” She asked and his face blanched, “or after we have a few more glasses?” He nodded with a shy laugh,

“Yes, please… forgive me, I am not comfortable with nobility.”

“Ah, is that why you act as though you’re angry with me,” Pheobe teased, “I thought you were still angry that I called your ship a boat.” Vasco snorted and shook his head,

“No, I was… I was a fool Pheobe,” he said her name, perhaps for the first time, easily and gently, in that smooth, sweet voice of his, “I thought you were like all the others, and I am only now realising the magnitude of my foolishness. You are not at all like other nobles.”

“Well that’s not entirely true.”

“Ah, well perhaps you’re a little like them… you’re certainly proud enough.” His gaze was wicked, and she fancied he had almost winked at her, “and a little prone to vanity,” he teased, raising a hand in defence as she made an offended sputtering sound, “but you are kind and warm and fiercely loyal,” he added, “you care… and I…. knowing you makes me wish more than ever than I had the chance to know my… family.”

“Do you regret being given to the Nauts?” Pheobe asked and tucked a blonde curl behind her ear. Vasco swirled his wine, finished the glass and then leaned forward to place his elbows on his knees,

“Yes and no,” he said, “I do not… I have lived a good life, I enjoy being who I am, and yet I cannot say that I was not deprived of certain things. Motherly love, for example, and the chance to have a childhood – Naut children do not play, they learn and they work. I could have been enjoying a lavish childhood, but instead I was scrubbing decks and tarring hulls until my hands bled.”

“I am sorry for you, Vasco… but if it makes you feel any more positively, it’s not an uncomplicated life of ease to be born noble. Even the most vacuous, stupid specimens are… we’re breeding cattle,” she said suddenly, viciously, “if my uncle and mother had liked Bastien well enough, I would have had little choice but to marry him. Luckily for me, Constantin insisted I be given a position with him so I am free to enjoy life a little more… at least for now. at least for now. Here I have a better, more… here I can have a life that is not defined for me solely by others. That will no doubt change, one day.” When she looked up, those hazel grey eyes were fixed on her – Vasco had a look about him that was indecipherable, but there was an edge of something hard that she recognized, anger perhaps or disgust,


HAHAHAHAHAHAHA the scene with them in the caravan Perfection, I dunno what you have Pheobe, sitting between sacks of potatoes and a snoring captain to cuddle to is super romantic :’D

Poor Vasco, getting her arse shown onto him permanently lol Oh gosh I am cackling

I love how you depicted that arrogant, sassy attitude of hers, it fits her so much, that pouty and huffy princess

And awwwww that kiss was so gentle and sweet ;w; It made completely up for that caravan and the fact she was laying on leafs with a fire at her back :’D But I can imagine them just finally giving in, having this more of a goodnight kissing uwu

To wake with a ton on top of you made it hilarious again :’D Vasco you maybe slim but you know those muscles and your height still add to a bunch of weight, but you are laying the princess flat like a pancake I love the image. And shhzhagzhzhzhzhjahsjajqhhzjsjw WHY DID IT HAVE TO END lol zjhshzyzjsysjsgsjgzqkhsjazjajzgjzjwvskzja Thank youuuu for all the emotions aaahhhhhhhh
