#i almost spelled it as desease















Men’s Right Activists are fuckin’ jokes.

Name one thing they’re campaigning for that’s universally positive. Just one.

Recognition and punishment for female domestic abusers.

Positive for men in straight couples.

Positive for women in lesbian couples.

Positive for kids in any couples with kids.

You asked for one. Have one.

You literally just described feminism, holmes.

Gladly, I don’t need to compose a post and google for sources; good people keep track of what feminism actually is.

Men’s Rights Activists are a necessity because feminism is both against men and full of shit.

Probably this is what was meant to be on a broken source (the link list was composed quite long ago).

Real feminism is for everyone, whoadie.

Uh-huh, and men getting arrested for domestic violence committed against them by women is just #HeForShe in action.

And feminism is also for holding women accountable for their actions, regardless of who police choose to arrest.

>feminism is also for holding women accountable for their actions

Two words: Lena Dunham

I’ve seen plenty of people who are feminists and womanists call her out.

The privilege of her being a rich white woman cut down on the backlash.

There is intersectionality that goes along with everything.

Poor women commit crimes and get away with it


Rich women commit crimes and get away with it

Feminists: It’s due to rich privilege!

Poor men commit crimes and don’t get away with it


Rich men commit crimes and get away with it

Feminists: It’s due to male privilege!

Did you just get this scenario from @facts-i-just-made-up?

A lot of Men’s Rights Activists mistake feminism for misandry. 

Also@iamretrograde I have a question; how come you specifically stated positivity for women in lesbian relationships as a thing MRAs clearly support…but not positivity for men in gay relationships? Not just positivity for homosexual relationships? Like you specifically pointed out men with women and women with women…but what about men with men? Are MRAs not bout that life??? Or did you just miss one?

Hi Maryan! Thanks for the question.

1) Male domestic abusers are recognized, not a single person in the world argues that men are never perpetrators of violence in relationships, not even if those relationships are with another man; or at least I failed to find such claims;

2) Male homosexual relationships have the lowest risk of domestic abuse and violence in comparison with both lesbian and straight relationships; I’d point out to proofs but this result is almost universally reproduced in any survey or study I’ve seen (and many of those studies point out that lesbian relationships have the highest risk);

3)In Canada, for expample, there was awareness raising campaign with posters about male sexual violence in same-sex relationships. But not about female violence of any form or shape.

4) Short form: societies at large have no problem with demonizing men beforehand to prevent EHVUL from happening. Societies at large DO have a problem with recognizing evil committed by women even when it’s already done with evidence showing guilt beyond reasonable doubt (Sonja Starr made a wonderful study on that).

@buttcheekpalmkang​ posted a trick question that can be derailed into “But it’s already dealt with by RealFeminists™!” if I dared to mention gay men; so I chose to concentrate on something RealFeminists™ ignore almost completely - female perpetrators. Unsurprisingly, he derailed into the same answer without any substantial proof. So now I’m waiting for him to show us some RealFeminists™ who would once address the issue that female violence and abuse often stay unpunished because of feminist policies.

1) I think you’re right that male domestic abuse is more widely ignored than female domestic abuse, but that’s something feminism actively works to fix by decomposing the social structures of being “too manly” to be abused by a woman, or the woman being “too fragile” to hurt a man. Also, just to point out, male perpetrated domestic abuse is even more heavily stigmatized when the male aggressor is a Black male whose aggression affects any female, pero bueno. There’s a whole lot to work on. Nothing new in that statement.

2) Male homosexual relationships do indeed have the lowest rates of sexual or intimate partner abuse in a relationship as compared to all other identifiers, but not by much. Failing to include them in an MRA platform totally erases the suffering of a significant group of men whose rights are not being upheld in an appropriate manner. If the focus is men’s rights, then the focus should stay on helping to uplift males, not defamation of females. Like, how come no one says men are beautiful? Men are fantastic beautiful magnificent creatures that look and sound like summer warmth and hug like clouds. I wanna hear more of that along with the “women are just as bad as men” thing. Men are also just as adorable as women. Anyway, from the CDC;

3) You’re right; that Canadian campaign “Don’t be THAT Guy” specifically targeted men. After taking a quick look at the American’s CDC National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey report from 2010 tho, I get it.

Sex of Perpetrator in Lifetime Reports of Sexual Violence Most perpetrators of all forms of sexual violence against women were male. For female rape victims, 98.1% reported only male perpetrators. Additionally, 92.5% of female victims of sexual violence other than rape reported only male perpetrators. For male victims, the sex of the perpetrator varied by the type of sexual violence experienced. The majority of male rape victims (93.3%) reported only male perpetrators. For three of the other forms of sexual violence, a majority of male victims reported only female perpetrators: being made to penetrate (79.2%), sexual coercion (83.6%), and unwanted sexual contact (53.1%). For non-contact unwanted sexual experiences, approximately half of male victims (49.0%) reported only male perpetrators and more than one-third (37.7%) reported only female perpetrators.

There’s still a massive gap to fill with females, but it seems like they’re tackling the most frequent perpetrators across the board; males.

4) I hate to use data more than 10 years old but this was readily available and still holds true; women catch more prison time for the same offenses as men, even if they have more reasonable circumstances for committing the offense. Also bear in mind that women on average will attempt to leave a violent domicile a whopping 7 times before successfully parting ways with their aggressor. Sadly, statistics are hardly ever available for men because of social stigmas that turn men away from speaking out. However, the basic rule of thumb is ¼ women experience abuse, and 1/7 men do as well.

Gendered stereotypes are bad. Understood. What I gather from his comment is that MRA platforms are exactly feminist platforms, but with a weird toxic way of wording everything to make women look bad. Women who say they are feminists and do fucked up shit to guys are not feminists, but misandrists. Men who want to uplift other men but leave out whole sections of men and focus only on the negativity of women are not seeking rights for men, they are seeking defamation of women. Also not feminists, actually misogynists.

Equal love and acceptance of cuteness from both, while not taking shit from either, is feminism. Understanding that women can be strong and men can be weak, but also understanding that both men and women need support and open discussion and equal respect, that’s feminism.

Sorry for any sentence structure errors; I don’t think right in English.
