#i also hate love triangles

theladydrgn: animeangelriku: AAAAGES AGO, @phoenix-soar tagged me to make my ranking of Fanfic Trope



AAAAGES AGO, @phoenix-soar tagged me to make my ranking of Fanfic Tropes! (Romance Edition!) Unfortunately, the website in their post was a broken link, so this was the closest one I could find!

I used this website right here!

As you can see, I am veeeeeeery vanilla when it comes to the fanfics I like to read and write, haha! I’ll do my best to read a bit of everything, but the ones at the very bottom are the tropes I do not cross under any circumstances. I ain’t here to be sad, I’m here to read about my OTP getting together/making out/having sex, all right?

I gotta say, though, almost ALL of these apply to Good Omens, which is the fandom with the fics I’ve been reading lately, so I had that in mind while making this ranking!

And now I tag @naromoreau,@moveslikebucky,@theladydrgn, and @lei-sam!! (In case you haven’t done this and want to, of course!)

Thank you for the tag Riku! I haven’t done this in a while!

I’m generally not here to be sad so D group is an outright nope from me, and C group I usually only read under specific circumstances, but most everything else is free game!


Sure why not I’ll just expose myself for everyone to see

Tagging: anyone who feels up for it!

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