#i am in love with this comic

ktdkvalentines: Pinch hit for @shin-to-twinstars​ ! Steampunk AU where soulmates exist and you see iktdkvalentines: Pinch hit for @shin-to-twinstars​ ! Steampunk AU where soulmates exist and you see i


Pinch hit for @shin-to-twinstars​ ! Steampunk AU where soulmates exist and you see in black and white until you meet them.

(art by @limesicle​)

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Is it a tear I feel rolling down my cheek? Am I crying?

Hell yes I am, this is so so so so so soooooo amazing, thank you so much @limesicle , you made something so stunning! So gorgeous!!! That’s it, I’m in love

I don’t know what to say, I’m just so moved

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ok i am too tired to realize this dream right now but I keep thinking about the Host Club going to Ikea, an unexplored marvel of the commoner world!!!
