#i am so excited for this






Disney plus won’t let me take screenshots anymore but this scene is very important to chapter 3 of my summer series. His rosy cheeks, double collared shirt… it all serves a purpose


anna’s thoughts after finishing today’s ep of ethersea:

GOOSEBUMPS at the ending. HOLY SHIT. i already love the theme so much, i’ve been so excited to hear it in the show and WOW what a way to introduce it. i have not felt this much hype since i first heard the amnesty theme come in after a sick one liner. really love how the theme seems to be based on clair de lune!! it’s so pretty

i don’t know what it is about griffin’s storytelling but wow does he really have a way of creating a story that has real emotional weight right off the bat. like wow, you took a theme that connects to serious real world issues and managed to make it fun and fantasy while still giving it the narrative importance it deserves?? like seriously the monologue at the end about drowning the people and ideas that ruined the world. holy shit. just. just holy shit dude i need a minute

(also the theme seems to capture that feeling of excitement with an edge of wistfulness?? maybe it’s just because i hear clair de lune which is already a super melancholy song but wow i love it)

also! i go absolutely feral for good worldbuilding. love the names for all the different sections of the city i swear i was nodding along like yes. yes. another banger. FOUNDER’S WAKE. FUCK YEAH DUDE

also. love the boyar hermeen. hope i spelled that right. cant wait for griffin to have the chance to play another aged woman in a position of power dripping with distinction and gravitas. love that ol’ joshy founded the artsy, somewhat sketchy part of town i absolutely cannot wait to go there in game.

overall this was such a success i love how much depth and flavor the world already has! i’m so excited to get into it! the story has so much potential and with the ideas griffin is introducing so far i just know it’s gonna slap. cannot wait.
