#i appreciate it a lot tbh



Dont get me wrong, I am very much service oriented sub, I adore doing things for other people, it is honestly one of the big descriptions of me as a sub (despite my protests and brattiness at times) however, there are times like now where I want to be someones spoiled pet. I have so little energy or hope right now and I just want someone to recognize that. Someone who understands that no matter how depressed I am, I Can Not take off of work and instead of pushing me, just helps as much as they can. Making my coffee, packing my lunch, tying my shoes, all things I love to do for them, done for me. And when I finally come home after a long day, I’m greeted with a kiss and a collar buckling around my neck, permission to finally turn off my brain and just be there, in the moment, as theirs.

[[Cishet men, detrans blogs, misgony/race play blogs, and feeder/feedee (or other food related kinks) blogs do NOT interact]]
