#i appreciate samuel roukin acting



Simcoe on TURN: uses his bayonet to stab a man to death, cuts out his tongue and proceeds to write a letter in his blood

The real John Graves Simcoe, 13 March 1776: “It is past two o'clock in the morning. I am Capt'n of our Picquet. In one corner of the room, on one-half of my bed made (luxury indeed!) of clean straw, lies an officer asleep, with his feet towards the fire. He snores, but not in one drone, but in several modulations. My bayonet is stuck in the table, the socket of which serves as a candlestick to a night light. One half of my chair is now burning in the fire, and the other, when I shall have finished this letter, will be applied to the same use […]”
