#i can also go in an alien angels - fear not - direction

HITHERE️IMFRIENDLY(@apollyna on twitter)The working idea so far is ‘creatures designed to be gHITHERE️IMFRIENDLY(@apollyna on twitter)The working idea so far is ‘creatures designed to be gHITHERE️IMFRIENDLY(@apollyna on twitter)The working idea so far is ‘creatures designed to be gHITHERE️IMFRIENDLY(@apollyna on twitter)The working idea so far is ‘creatures designed to be gHITHERE️IMFRIENDLY(@apollyna on twitter)The working idea so far is ‘creatures designed to be gHITHERE️IMFRIENDLY(@apollyna on twitter)The working idea so far is ‘creatures designed to be gHITHERE️IMFRIENDLY(@apollyna on twitter)The working idea so far is ‘creatures designed to be g



(@apollyna on twitter)

The working idea so far is ‘creatures designed to be guardians of some other species, find themselves with humans as wards instead, don’t quite understand what a human would percieve as Silly And Nonthreatening’

There’s a subplot about the world/dimension they’re from being a casualty of war - some of the surviving HITHEREs being untainted and some being victims of a type of eldritch rabies that causes them to abandon their nurture/protect programming in Quite Spectacular Ways

some advanced symptoms of the “eldritch rabies” include those bulging eye veins (“veins”) and nerve/wormlike tendrils poking thru the pupil/iris. Particularly advanced infections probably see these things shambling around with tendrils pouring from eyes mouth ears, et cetera

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