#i can finally be free from tumblr



Pillowfort.io’s Indiegogo Campaign Is Now Live! Ending June 25th!

Looking for alternatives to Tumblr? Help us make a better social media website for you.

We’re creating Pillowfort because we have been blogging for years, and have long dreamed of a platform that would bring together all the best features of the various platforms we’ve used, allowing each user to customize their own experience. The ability to curate your own blog, and participate in organized community discussions about your favorite subjects. The ability to control who can see or reblog your content, so that you can post whatever you want without worrying about who can see it. Most of all, we wanted to create a blogging platform that was every user’s own party– a place to surround yourself with your favorite things, share them with others, share your own creations, and have fun with people who share your interests.

Our goal is$600– you can view a breakdown of our cost estimates on the Indiegogo page. Everyone who donates at least $5 will be given access to the site’s first beta launch!* We really appreciate all the support that you’ve all given us up to this point, and we can’t wait to bring the site to you. We’ve already built out most of the functionality of the site itself (and all the footage in the video is of the site’s current build so you can see it in action!) and we just need the money to cover our hosting expenses. So check out the page, which has a lot more information, and let us know if you have any questions!

* If you can’t donate, we will be allowing free wait-list sign-ups after the fundraising campaign ends. Those who sign up for free beta access will be given access to the beta after the campaign contributors have been given access, on a first-come-first-served basis.
